Friday, December 11, 2009


Sir this country is blessed with a disease of craziness. Abilene Texas a town of about 120,000 has so far this year about 500 maybe 600 DwI's arrest, the law dogs are acting like the figures were reversed. We are letting the smallest minority make the rules for the majority. Try being a passenger in Texas drinking a beer and a cop stops you both of you will go to Jail because of the open container law.Why you ask cause the majority of Abilene 600 chose to drive under the influence of a substance.Do not sir tell me this is a minority because there is a public relations Sargent spokesman for the Abilene Police department and this is a majority to him it is too too too high.

rights of man

I joined a group here dealing with Homosexual gripes and I am not Homosexual.Well in reading the Constitution of the United states it says "That all men are created equal,that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights,that among these are Life,Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness-that to secure these rights,Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.So looking at this there are no black rights,Hispanic rights,gay rights,straight rights,just rights.This part of our Constitution is the basis for Gay marriage and all marriage (the pursuit or happiness, Liberty freedom to do these should be argument enough for two men or two women to marry. Being that this Constitution is the supreme law of the land then no state has the right to negate the rights or any man by any means.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

voting the wrong way

This was sent to me as a email but it is worth every american that loves freedom seeing
JUDGE KITHIL: "I have reviewed selected sections of the bill and find it unbelievable that our Congress, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, could come up with a bill loaded with so many wrong-headed elements. We do need to reform the health insurance system in America in order to make coverage affordable and available to everyone. But, how many of us believe our federal government can manage a new program any better than the bankrupt Medicare program or the underfunded Social Security program? Both Republicans and Democrats are equally responsible for the financial mess of those two

I am opposed to HB 3200 for a number of reasons. To start with, it is estimated that a federal bureaucracy of more than 150,000 new employees will be required to administer HB3200. That is an unacceptable expansion of a government that is already too intrusive in our lives. If we are going to hire 150,000 new employees, let's put them to work protecting our borders, fighting the massive drug problem and putting more law enforcement/firefighters out there."

NOW, here comes the good stuff: "Other problems I have with this bill include:

Page 50/section 152: The bill will provide insurance to all non-U.S. residents, even if they are here illegally.

Page 58 and 59: The government will have real-time access to an individual's bank account and will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers from those accounts.

Page 65/section 164: The plan will be subsidized (by the government) for all union members, union retirees and for community organizations (such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now - ACORN).

Page 203/line 14-15: The tax imposed under this section will not be treated as a tax. (How could anybody in their right mind come up with that?)

Page 241 and 253: Doctors will all be paid the same regardless of specialty, and the government will set all doctors' fees.

Page 272. section 1145: Cancer hospital will ration care according to the patient's age.

Page 317 and 321: The government will impose a prohibition on hospital expansion; however, communities may petition for an exception.

Page 425, line 4-12: The government mandates advance-care planning consultations. Those on Social Security will be required to attend an "end-of-life planning" seminar every five years.

Page 429, line 13-25: The government will specify which doctors can write an end-of-life order."

HAD ENOUGH???? Judge Kithil then goes on: " Finally, it is specifically stated this bill will not apply to members of Congress. Members of Congress are already exempt from the Social Security system and have a well-funded private plan that covers their retirement needs. If they were on our Social Security plan, I believe they would find a very quick "fix" to make the plan financially sound for the future."

Honorable David Kithil

Marble Falls , Texas

Sunday, November 29, 2009

america is fucked

We in these United States are Fucked and I say this because of two articles I read on Yahoo one tells how this health care of Obama’s will destroy Medicare tax companies that provide Cadillac of insurance to their employees and force all others to buy insurance from companies with no guarantees. So Obama the great Democrat like F.D.R. is not the savior of all but a minion of the corporate giants. Then the other article talked about how we let Bien Laden walk out of Torah Bora un harmed when we could have had him under the Bush administration. One a Republican and one Democrat both acting like some pedophile fucking a little child the child being the United States of America. If we in our country do not get a new deck of cards we will no longer exist as a nation with our freedoms as we know them or our abilities to have our dreams. We will have money that is worthless and laws that do not make sense which we already do. We need a constutional amend amendment that makes any law passed by congress and signed into law by the president to include all politicians senators congressmen and the presidents living now.Or a massive non vote we have three hundred million people in this country if all of us refused to vote till all the politicians now in office resign and only people who have never served as anything in Washington D.C. then outlaw all lobbyist we might have a chance of keeping this country for another 100 years.


Well yesterday I ran into another one a girl she said her name was Amy she said she gave me her phone number, wrong number wonder if her real name was Amy? She did tell me she was a christen and attended Beltway Baptist Church in Wyle Texas over by Abilene Texas. I thought one of the ten suggestions said something about not running a disinformation campaign (not telling the truth) but this is why I choose to not attend church. My father said run with the dogs and you will be blamed for what the dogs do whether you are guilty or not. I would like to know who this Baptist person was and which cross he was on maybe he was the one making fun of Jesus. See my Reading of the bible I thought it was Jesus Christ that died for our sins not this Baptist man but I have no degrees to argue with the Dr. that teaches at Beltway Baptist Church .I would like to know why if Jesus died for ort sins why are there not too many churches named after Christ. I also want to know if in the ten suggestions it says not to tell un truths or disinformation why do Christen woman give you the wrong number and cause you to bother other women? Why could they not follow the examples in the Bible of the many strong women that told the truth oh well I will read my Bible Pray and go my way someday I hope to meet a real christen woman single willing to date a man that is far far from perfect but willing to walk together till I die with her.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


We in America should totally boycott the purchasing for Christmas goods of any kind for one or two seasons. This season being the best one to do it in because of the economic hard times now happening now. When I was a child we celebrated many holidays now we have 4th of July and Christmas so the retailers can make money .Jesus ran the people out of the temple for being money changers selling sacrificial animals. Wonder what he might do to all of the retailers about Christmas break it down Christ Mass, funny somebody took the other s away and spelled it Christmas. There are more self killings at Christmass than any other time of the year. We changed the spelling say it is in his name and spend ourselves broke every year what is wrong with this picture.?

Monday, November 16, 2009


There is turmoil going on in my life now and when this happens I think a lot as I was this morning while hunting ,about Jesus saying forgive your fellow man 70x7=490 small number relative speaking. Whether you are Athiest,Christan,Buddist,Taouest , or wiccan you must ask the question WHY!!!??? Why would a person of such knowledge about mankind and their souls say such a small number.? Perhaps the knowledge of the soul is the exact reason he used such a small number. Souls are eternal our bodies are not, could it be that if you bust your should forgiving some person like a toxic mother, father brother, sister ,uncle Jesus knowing that there are thing that go beyond the ability of people to forgive and do well with said such a low number. How does a child forgive the molester that took their virginity before their 6th birthday. How does someone for give the person that kills the whole family over Christmas and he or she could not be there for that Christmas . I think he is clearly saying that there is no negative problem for staying away from a toxic parent or sibling that keeps making your life hell on earth. There was in this a world a man named Niemoler who served as a admiral in the 1st World War so when Adolf Hitler invited him to serve in the 2nd World War he told Hitler to Go to hell. Hitler sent him to his fine resort for special people called Auschwitz where he vacationed for the war I think this German Naval officer knew something Hitler’s question was 491 Enough… My life experience with these people is they rape you(yes this is a correct definition a outrageous violation Collegiate Dictionary 10 addition) say as in you left a place close to where you wanted to live because no jobs there you are in a place with good job nice house little savings low and behold you get a letter telling you that there are now jobs here and you may come home. Well like many you pack up and move only to find out you were lied to by loved ones, they in their eyes are innocent of the damage done to you your family and your marriage or your finances. From my experiences these things are like a rock thrown in a pond the waves go forth again and again and again you are raped over and over by this act. Someone makes something for you to your order but they tell you just tell them what you want and they will make it for you and it will do what you desire. When you get there to pick the item up you are told that something you wanted on the item would not fit or work, you need this but wait till next week and we can get it your way or take it now as is (RAPE) you just got raped by a pushy know it all you will get what I think k is best for you. Now 7x70 only there is a limit to what man can my book every hour that you must get by with the car say that was supposed to be 4 wheel drive custom but the transfer case would not fit so you have two wheel drive or walk a week. You were tired of taking buses taxies and walking so you took it as was with a reduction in price. The car builder got his way and you got what he thinks you need (RAPED) every second you are stuck slide off of the road where you need 4 wheel drive is his doing if you kill someone because you needed and wanted 4 wheel drive for whatever reason he should be charged with vehicular man slauder. This is why I think Jesus said

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Earlier this day I visited a lady that I have dated on and off for about 2 years. She has cancer again and has been hurting for several days. I watched my mother in law die of cancer before her my grandfather and my father. I know that there are people that will not help themselves, this woman’s pain she is having is her body saying go back to the doctor.
I spoke to her younger sister about this and gave her my phone numbers if she should need anything or want a break and time away from this woman she agreed with me that this is the ladies last stand and she should go to the hospital. Been there and done that with my father he would just brag about how healthy he was till the morning he wiped and got a handful of blood, three weeks later he is dead. For those of you wondering yes I let it be known that I would go out with or date this younger sister. The dying lady is in her 50” I think the sister is well into adult hood 30’s or 4o’s. So we have three adults wall able to speak for themselves but this brother accost me in the house saying we will take her to the doctor if she needs it don’t be talking about that or Keri the granddaughter of the woman with cancer Keri is going bad. This man made it quite clear that he did not like my actions and words to his little sister.
I have hauled a big big television into this woman’s house and several pieces of furniture for her over the year. Here I am telling this pushy man I am her friend and he is making it quite clear he will fight for what he thinks should be. The woman with cancer has but to ask me and I will, the little sister has but say I am not into this I do not do this is not what I feel is good and I would do as ask this man did not need to do his bombastic bull part. One sentence since he did not know me at all what if I was the type of man that when he got into his car he just got his gun and shot this person to death and drove off there would be two funerals. People of his type cause all the problems in the world. Now his dying sister will not see me again and if his younger sister wanted to date was in love or just wished to take a walk in the country on my land, I will say NO because of his loose cannons ass. Should this lady live and want to marry me and I her NO because I wish to not run the risk of having to be killed or to kill to solve his problem which would be our problem. What if I was her husband family violence what if his baby sister and I were having a affair . What if I were the woman’s husband and she said to her baby sister take my husband to you because I will not be here long trouble trouble he and folks like him will not keep their business there’s and let everyone else keep their business to themselves unless they need

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

One old Heathen

My day today sucked, a overused term to be sure but it did. My 54 years here on this planet have been less than good. Seems when I was going to church and reading my Bible daily there was a phrase “Wow unto you Pharisees, Sadducees, and one other group I tell you it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorra on the day of Judgment than you.” My mother was Church of Christ and I was carried to church since my first droppings, I let a man named Tom a preacher come on my place and hunt free. How these two tie together is my mother shouted at me and called me stupid when I was memorizing my multiplication tables, Tom tore up a deer stand when he left cause we got cross ways. The way I see it my mother and Tom and the other two mentioned groups represent “God” “Jesus” it was said on “Boston Legal” by a character that Mark Twain said you go to heaven for the climate and hell for the company. Well seeing as how most of the “Christains,Preachers ,Elders,Deacons and such” that I have had contact with have done me wrong or hurt me and they are suppose to let Jesus and God shin through. Those tow are mean hatful son of a bitches and I do not want anything to do with them send me straight to hell is what I would thank from there representatives. Fortunately I have read the Bible but till today and the hell I am having it did not dawn on me what Jesus meant when he was saying what he said to the elders deacons preachers of his time, see in those towns he mentioned there was only whores,sluts ,child molestors,homosexuals, and other depraved minded people, to put that in modern language he is saying you preachers and others that misrepresent me will find yourselves worse off than those type of folks. Thank god for Jesus and I am going cause of his sacrifice to the good climate. One old heathen.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

U.S. post office U.S. health care

I have a friend that lives in Jackson Mississippi they paid extra for a letter to be delivered to me on a nest day basis. The United states post Office failed in delivering a simple letter to a address in the promised time that was paid extra for. Now to the Geniuses who think the United states government can run health care should we not wait till they get the mail right? hell we have a epidemic that is killing people on the home turf and they do not have enough vaccine for all of us what if this was like the black plague of 16th century Europe we would have body details digging graves and burying the bodies or piling them up and burning them to save what is left of us. Now spelling be dammed run on sentences be dammed to the fool concerned about proper English, you remind me of a Ace Reid Cowpokes wanted Joke cartoon two men are drinking from muddy water and one is saying something about germs the other man is watching a turtle swim toward both of them and says I am not worried about something I can't see but the things I can see. Well it seems to me we need to concern ourselves with the dumasses that vote the way they do and elect the same old fools over and over again. The only hope we in Amerika as one spells it is for all Politicians, Lawyers, Judges,law enforcement,and all law books on a space ship aimed at the sun and then get a new deck of cards. All new people elected and have a moratorium on all laws for one year and rewrite them with our present Constitution as the framework.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Takes money to make money

12:57 PM 10/27/2009
My father use to say it takes money to make money. My father had but a 6 Th grade education I did not know of his low performance in

school.My father was a cowboy foreman of a ranch I went to college as close as he came to college was driving by one, He could count

cattle going through a gate and was adding them together as he explained it to me and was never more than one or two different from

the other people counting them. I could not get within 10. I am now 54 and on disability. I am trying to build a building to store some

things. His statement is true and it hits me daily as I struggle without things I need.There is no job that i can think of that you will not

need some money to do it. If you are going to chop cotton you will unless furnished buy a hoe. I can hear someone saying you and your

father are full of there are many many self made men that started with nothing. I think the only story that comes close to this idea is the

founder of Shannon West Texas Hospital in San Angelo. My Shannon according to J.Frank Dobie ask the sheep ranchers in the area if he

could get the turfs of wool from the bushes on there land they laughed I am sure and said yes sure help your self. With the proceeds of this

selling of the wool he bought a ranch which had oil under it died wealthy established this hospital and said no one regardless of

ability to pay should be turned away. Think if the ranchers would have said NO. This self made man that made money without money

would not exist. But even at that he must have had some money to feed himself ad cloth himself.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


10:57 AM 10/25/2009
Aronald Swartsnagger
signed into law in California the law making it unlawful for citizens of that state to purchase hand gun ammunition from firms that sell

it through the mail like many do. Our local gun-shops do the same and if logic follows they may very well be prohibited from doing the business as always

buying handgun ammunition from there sources because they are in essence mail order houses.This is a living example as to why our forefathers made it

unconstitutional for a not native to be president of the united states.We might consider making it a law that no person of non United States Birth can be

elected to any office.This man is jokingly called govenator and some says he wishes to be presidentator.Should this happen we may become rightless .We know

that you could buy anything by catalog until 1968 gun control act was passed after Kennedy was shot.We also know that there has been no gun related crime

since this law passed so we have undeniable proof that Gun Control works.I dare say every law ever made a law has been broken and all of the ten suggestions

as most take them.We are living under the Manchurian Candidate now.If other states follow as the real domino effect.

Friday, October 23, 2009


1:46 PM 10/23/2009
This United States Of America may very well see what only Germany has witnessed. Between world one and world two i believe the German

"Mark"=dollar in English was so worthless that it took one million to buy a loaf of bread. Germans were burning the mark to get rid of

them hoping to make the remaining marks worth something.We are already seeing gasoline prices climb here as result of George Bushes

and Barack Obama spending on the big boys. The money that was given out in the stimulus packages if given to a Obama target group

everyone who makes under two hundred thousand a year and over 18 years of age would have helped more than giving it to a very few

buddies of there's. Mr Obama is going to raise money from these bankers he loaned money to pull there fat out of the fire, see how small

the circle is like a farmer going into a ten thousand acre filed pulling to the very middle and making one small round driving out and

saying it is planted. These Wise people in Washington D.C are the people that set up the regulations that destroyed the black families on

welfare and whites too. Thee thinking was if there was a man in the house he should support the family so if we find a male in the

house no welfare,food stamps,and whatever help they got. The result if children being fatherless and our gangs now. If you are

unfortunate enough to receive government help you cant have savings account or bank account with anything in it. You will and are

aloud to have a account so the government can deposit your money but if you save say one thousand dollars your government help is in

jeopardy . If you talk to or listen to economist talk you find out that savings in savings accounts is one of the building blocks of society as

this money is loaned to business and this makes business grow. If every American were allowed to have 10,000 dollar medical savings per

person in the household we would not be in this hole we are sliding into the worthlessness of our Dollar which causes inflation that means

for those of you who are saying what is inflation very high prices and very little money. Oil is a world market and the world is telling U.S.

that our money is worthless cause we are owned by the Chinese Japanese and anyone else that Obama and Bush barred from. We will

now dance to there tune and we all may loose our land houses jobs freedoms our people may be killed in mass our daughters made sex

slaves for these people so we can pay our debt to them. Maybe this is why the Mayan calender ends at 2012.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

3:05 PM 10/22/2009
I have been told and sent a Email about our president going to nullify our Constitution an a U.N. meeting. Should this occur it will be like the sun rising in

the west and setting in the east.!That statement brings me to the crux of my little talk.Rumor has it that this place is a cosmic accident and we are the same

that we crawled out of primordial soup to evolve into what we are.Well this United states of America did the same we crawled out of the primordial soup of

somebody telling us what to do,King George told the colonist that they would house and feed his troops pay his taxes and tow the mark he laid down.Some men

nameless met at a bridge in Lexington and Concord they fired the shot heard round the world and paid the first installment on our freedoms.The primordial soup of

ternary is as old as man and has a list of people that is long and as evil as it is illustrious.Every man on this planet that has ever lived has wanted just a

simple thing most of us anyway to live the best we are capable of see our children have better than we and be left the hell alone.Now some want great wealth

power and control even of others.History is replete with both types those fighting and dieing for the precious word FREEDOM and those seeking to control as

much of this world as they can.Barack Husein Obama is like Adolf Hitler in that he is eloquent in speech and able to rouse people to do his bidding. Like

Hitler,Stalin.Mussolini,Genghis Khan, Hannibal,and others they moved people and tried to control the world and all the people that they could.Now if this

President Obama does sign a treaty with anyone that nullifies the united states Constitution He will be no better than Adolf Hitler he will have taken FREEDOM

from about three hundred million people and lined himself up with these other not so nice souls.If the American people allow this they will be no better

than the German people under Adolf Hitler who murdered millions.Should there be no citizens of this country willing to take arms and resist this then we all

can kiss our freedoms bye bye.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

gods hatred

Well i have decided I wish for God's hatred! I was hit up side the head at 54 that if what God has dished out to me

is what he calls love then it is his hatred I seek.Seems like to me if he hates you the things he gives you are

money money money like Donald Trump,Bill Gates, Or like this Retired master Chief Jim Massey who gets 6,000 form

the v.a. and social security disability income. He also works he is a liar and a man that will tell you he put

something on your computer that he did not.But he lives in a nice house drives a nice car. My mother that has fucked

me over so bad lives in a nice house drives a nice car and blames me for having Bipolar disorder and add which may

have come from her smoking when she carried me. My brother who works for the post office drives nice pickup 4 wheel

drive double cab and lots of money. See if what I have been given is love I want hatred from God. I have never

held a job always looking .Failed at the marines, did not graduate from college but am classified as a senior. I

have been married 5 times 4 children which only two of I have any contact with. My son who joined the marines I

have not heard from in a month it seems so he could be dead.If giving someone two of the worst disorders of the mind

and two of the worst parents for that person is gods love I want his total hatred from now on. Because if he is

logical his hatred might mean I would be so very wealthy that I would be able to buy out Donald Trump and Bill

Gates with my coin purse.I might become so smart I could invent something so useful to mankind that I might solve

all the problems in the world with his hatred.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Barak Obama

The good news keeps getting better, that is for the Anti-Christ (Barak Obama) we now have I believe if memory serves me correctly two presidents both from what I can see and compare to others who have held the office are Anti American as Joseph Stalin, Jimmy carter and Barak Hussein Obama but a quick check says Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Williston also won the Nobel peace prize. Wilson for his establishment of the league of nations. Roosevelt for his efforts at the 1906 Russo-Japanese war of 1906 mediation this war. Jimmy Carter for his for trying to find peaceful solutions to the conflicts of the world. When you read of the very recent award to the Antichrist Barak Obama it is for a speech he maid on nuclear disarmament. This man will go get in his private helicopter flown by a man that went through Hell of Boot camp and give a sloppy salute to another man that a went through the hell of boot camp to earn the right to wear there uniforms and fly the private chopper that he rides in going to another place to again lie and deceive more people. I read a fantasy one time that told of such a man that would have great hoopla with him and would please both Jew and Muslim bring the whole world together but not to a good end, this fantasy was Revelations. The man I speak of shit canned a preacher that had baptized his children and had a 20+ year relationship with him, for one bad sermon. This man was elected President of the United States of America, after he dropped a friend and a church, the Fantasy of Revelations speaks of him as the chief of liars. Like a snake slithering along the ground he changes course to avoid hot spots. He speaks with a silver tong He is flippant brash young and the American people bought him like fake gold. The fact that the American voter cant see that one of the marks of a good leader like Winston Churchill, George Smith Patton, Smedley Butler, they stay the course they do not ditch friends even if the friends make mistakes. They once that they have a course determined they follow it all the way to Victory or defeat. Who can brush the writings of Winston Churchill and not understand that he was willing should it take it for every man woman and child in Britain to perish rather than fall under the pall of Hitler. Patton more than once said let every man be lost or the battle won. A great General of the past sailed his men to a foreign country beached his ships and burned them saying we either win or die we can’t now go home. The Antichrist will appear all things to all people and he is doing a very good job he fooled the majority of Americans.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

americas death

I was talking to a Abilene police officer the other day he said when asked if he would go door to door collecting all the guns in Abilene Texas this man said yes he would he might not agree with it but he would do as told. I said do you know how many bullets you would have in you this is Texas and most folks will not give up there guns. I wonder how many citizens will give up there weapons and how many will kill cops or U.S. shoulders ,Marines when and if this happens. The United Nations has a push to disarm citizens in all the world wide gun control so with the goal of stopping all of the violence. But history shows that those without arms are over ran and used by those with arms. It happened in modern times in Serbia, and in Africa now. See this is a Historical trend going back to the dark ages and beyond people pushing there wills on other people. It has happened inside nations called a civil war and nation against nation, it happened tribe against tribe. How in the Hell does the United Nations thing if all guns were taken up piled up and burned that this would stop this?? We have all the ingredients in the United states of America to have another civil war now. We have Americans all stirred up with all of the proposals by the democrats in medical reform. If the bill is signed into law that forces the citizens to purchase insurance without a lid on insurance cost it may well be the fuse that starts the war. There are citizens pressed to the wall money wise and adding another bill is like the proverbial straw that broke the camels back. We have been submerged in senseless debt by both parties to line the pockets of rich corporations, these moneys if given to every one over 18 that makes less than two hundred thousand since this is Baraka’s number would have done more to stimulate the economy than what has been done. If this money that was thrown down the black hole of corporations had been given to these broke people, including on social security disability income people and social security people then these folks would have bought houses and cars and could have afforded health insurance paid off all there debts and then had moneys to save in savings accounts. Now some laws would have been changed like those prohibiting people on disability income form having a savings, But since savings account monies are loaned to small business and small business is the back bone of America both would be strengthened. Hell if this lawyer in the white house would read Dave Ramsey’s books on “Total Money Make Over” and his others and put these principles in our government and how our government deals with it’s people so we all can have some economic stability. It is a proven fact that small business that employs less than 20 employees each are the back bone of America and if you eradicated these like weeds America would die too?

Monday, October 5, 2009

intelegent human being

Well here it is another rant as some would say well it makes no difference but I will write it any way. I have a loaded 357 magnum pistol on my couch and am serious considering blowing my head off. You see the God of this planet is Money it is 6” long has a mans face on it and is green. The more of them you have toe more god loves you. The Anti-Christ sitting now in the Whitehouse is doing exactly what he is suppose to get us in so sink the U.S. so far in debt that we will never see the end of it. He and his Bosses know that this God of our world is the reason for the healthcare debate in the first place the insurance companies like the lawyers cant make enough of him so they need and demand more. What better way to get it than to make a law you must give it or else. After all in a truly free society two things that will sink like the Titanic are lawyers and insurance companies. Who likes lawyers and who wants to pay for insurance which is screwing its clientele out of moneys better saved. The insurance companies had to have a government mandate for liability insurance a product that they sell and now they are going to do it with health insurance. Why not mandate a medical non taxed savings account and fine you if you do not have one. Well let me explain it to you the insurance companies that the Anti Christ bailed out will sink. Ant the U.S. will be made once again strong because the savings people will loan that money to small business and America will prosper. The more money saved by individuals the better off our country is but the system we have is one of debt. Credit card debt, car loan debt , house loan debt, tax tax debt, All fines and license are taxes. Freedom is no more and has not been for a while .even on the Texas Drivers license handbook there is a number to call to report smoking cars Why? Simple if all persons driving smoking cars are made to fix or trash them for a newer one they are in more debt to banks and insurance companies you did not think they gave a shit about the environment did you!!! If you believe this environmental bull shit global warming shit you are in need of a brain transplant. It is all about our God (MONEY) . Now the second thing is CONTROLL Look we have our so called free government saying if you work in certain fields you must get certain shots. Now you thought you lived in the land of the free. Try walking around without IDENTIFICATION on you and let a police officer catch you! We in our country are now like a elevator with all cables broken where ever the basement or the next war among ourselves is where we are heading the people who want to be left alone to live as they see fit and the people who will try to force others to meet there demands, whether environmental demands, insurance demands, tax demands, license demands, or other life controls. So Money and Control are the keywords of our times. The beginnings of the next great human up evil. Look around the Jihadist want to control, the Taliban want to control,
The Antichrist ( Barak Hussein Obama), The Republicans want to control, The democrats want to control, The various religions want to control, The police want to control, The environmentalist want to control, The animal rights people want to control, And Jesus Christ said “do to others what you wish done to you”= You want to control and have all the gods of this planet (MONEY). Now to my statement about blowing my head off why would a intelligent person want to live like this. WE (all of U.S.) are right now at this minute like chicken little the sky is falling and we have Government to stop it bull. We will be better with Iran sending relief to us.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


PAIN: Some people are great at inflicting it with the emotional wounds it brings . These people will never realize that the emotional wounds are as horrific as having ones legs and arms blown off and just as life threatening. See emotional wounds affect the performance of one as much as psychical wounds. Put someone down and if it is early in there life they may never crawl out of that hole and come to flower as intellectually as they could. This in turn effects how well they will do in school and how much money they make, what kind of house how much land what type of car what kind of if any vacation in there whole lives. I was born to such a mother and father told how I was a failure and there prophecy came true . I use to read in Dr. Marshall Turmbull’s office a piece of writing that said if a child grows up with acceptance he will be accepting and so forth, I know my Mother read it and Psyocybernetics god only knows how many other self help books about the mind. Did this change her way of dealing with me or any other person on the planet NO! I think as I live that some of us are born like the man in the mining accident in Iowa which blew a steel rod through his head he survived but totally changed. Before the accident he was a decent up right father husband and never cursed, after he cheated cursed drank stole like Jekle and Hyde. Well 54 years later and the ravages of my mothers words like a flame thrower or atomic burns still mark me. She is a christen and has hurt me and others without the least understanding of the consuiences for them the victims. This may be why of Jesus sacrifices
so people like her can walk in heaven I just whish I knew what Jesus was doing for me.

Friday, August 28, 2009

a new deck of cards

We hear about the “Tea Parties” “Town Hall Meetings” What if Americans in every county state township all across this nation in the next voting cycle held a “Vote Out” No one cast a vote either way until all canadates that are incumbents resigned. Gave up there seats. We have a total mess now and most of the shitters are politicos of both parties. So what if both parties got the biggest surprise of all no voters? We are a society that depends on voters. I have a veteran friend that post on his Emails “A vote not cast is a vote for the winner whether you like it or not.” How could we in this country declare a winner if say 10 votes were cast or none? Let’s shoot for no voter local state and national in the next voting cycle. Think for a moment we have taken a census this year we will have a fairly accurate count of the people in all voting distracts so if say there are 50,000 in a district and only 10,000 showed up and voted because some will vote regardless even if God and Jesus told them not to. How can the winner of either party declare him or her legitimate? If this trend were to take hold by the vast majority and say America has three hundred million people nation wide and only 10 million cast votes we would look in the eyes of the world worse than any dictatorship. We the people would be asking for all sitting congress men and senators to resign and let us have clean elections with two none incumbents we are asking for the retirement of all sitting congressperson and senatorial personnel. We will be cleaning the slate as much as possible. How embarrassing to win and be a incumbent clamming a mandate with ¼ of the total voting population. It would take a person with real thick skin to face reporters and the voters with a miniscule margin of total voters. Now if this took off and say only 5% or the total population voted there would have to be something done because the majority was saying a new deck of cards.


Service, this morning on Craig’s List there was in the Rants and Raves section a article about Senator Ted Kennedys military service. I did not vote for the sitting president because he did not serve. I consider myself a Texan then a American I served a little in the United States Marines nothing to write home to mother about I assure you. I checked to the computer for the service records of the Republicans I am still throwing up as I write this. How can one group of people The Republican Party be so very Hipricrital I almost do not want to vote again? If memory serves Ron Paul, George Bush the last president, John McCain is all. The list could start with Cheney, Newt Gengritge, and on it goes of people like Trent Lott that did not serve. I hate totally despise Al Sharpton but he served. The man on Craigs list was listing all of Ted Kennedy’s faults and rightfully so but he served a private with special privilege he did not see battle in Korea. I did not vote for the man in the White House because I felt like someone that signs the order that will sent my son the United States Marine to his death in the line of duty should understand what it is all about. There is a History Professor in Abilene Texas that said some of our best presidents never served I asked who Abraham Lincoln he said, I beg your pardon Lincoln served in a Indian uprising I cant remember the name of it this professor handed me a business card and told me to look it up. Abraham was a Capitan in the Black Hawk war he buried the dead!! I do not if I will ever cast a vote for a Republican or a Democrat again. I do know this day I have learned that which I always knew both of these parties are scum and liars hipricrates. Now how do you expect for people like this to do anything but exactly what they have done screw the nation of all of its money and natural resources then die happy in a stupor of self-importance.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


There is a song by Arilo Guthrie the words in are the “This land is your land this land is my land from the new your island to this is all I remember of this song. Well this land has called for sacrifice, the blood, the sweat, tears, and the bones of its citizens. There is one sacrifice that I see not being made in this country that is being screamed for that is to give up your congress man and senator. Rome and everyone should see the Penthouse movie Cagulia in all its pornographic horror, this man Kius Cagulia would have not have been except for life time senators. We in America have both lifetime senators and congressman. There is one being buried at this time an lauded for his life, I think God got him with Brain cancer for the Killing of Mary Jo in the river. My looking at the Bible leads me to believe we all pay here on this earth for our wrongs (sins) I am not saying god does not forgive and let you in heaven but he exacts the price here, King David comes to mind God told him that the child of his and Bathsheba would die for David’s Adultery of his. The sword would never leave his house for the sins of lying murder and coveting. We Have a man in the highest office of this land making as big of a fool of himself as Caius Caligula except he is not his sisters lover.. We need every indivulal American to consider voting out the incumbent official and rotating a new man in then in two terms vote this man out because like in Caligula’s time they are drunk with power and spending like drunken sailors. Maybe if we all of us made them have a orgy like in Caligula with the senators and congressman’s wives as the woman being screwed and of age daughters they would think there precious power and privileged to not be all that much. Plus the orgy could be made into a porno narrated by Ron Jeremy sold for the reduction of the debt. But it is up to Joe the plumber and all of us to sacrifice out senator or congressman and swap parties every two terms till these shitheads in Washington get the message “we the people are your bosses not the other way around”.


It has come to my attention that the man sitting in the white house is a traitor and should be tried for treason. I come to this because if Franklin Delano Roosevelt had have given the Selig Heil to Hitler would the American people have stood Idly by. Or for better comparison had he Bowed to Emperor Heritio who sent plains to Perl harbor God help him He would have Hung. Now We have a president who Bowed to the King of the country of which 20 people citizens from that country flew three hijacked plains in to buildings in our country killing 3000 people. Suppose for a minute since this president’s homeland security office considers veterans to be possible terriost that a group of them got airplanes and flew them Kamikaze style into buildings in Saudi Arabia, do not you think that Saudi Arabia would demand a apology. It is interesting that Russia sent a stainless steel tear drop monument to us for 9-11-01 Saudi Arabia has not apologized. To be fair when this treason trial is held George Bush the younger should be there with Cheney and the Vice president of this administration because this Vice said not a word about the bowing. Then if found Guilty a old fashioned Gallous with 4 hangman nooses and 4 trap doors on it and anyone that has watched a American John Wayne western knows what happens when the trap door is pulled. After this a question should be asked “Who was Benedict Arnold and any senator or congressman that cant answer this should be removed as un-American and sent to the same gallows, Maybe we will get rid of enough of these lying murdering people in the congress and senate like the pussy of the Senate Ted Kennedy to perhaps get some Americans elected so we have people like Fred Thompson in there. Remember if a congressman or senator sends our men to war he is if this war is frivols UN needed a murder. Now go read the book War is a Racket by Brigadier General Smedley D Butler and this book should be required reading in every school in America in every grade from 6th to college senior along with “Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbll. The constution the whole damm thing should be read in the same grades

Monday, August 17, 2009

insurance debate

We have a big brew ha ha over Obama and his health care. I did not vote for the man and do not like him. He has pointed out how dumb and greedy we in America are. You can define greed any way you want but the first example of it was when Kane killed Able because Able had something Kane wanted God’s approval. Simple greed is keeping this from being solved and simple greed will solve it too. Get 50 governors all the congress senate and the man in the suit in the white house in one room along with the presidents of all the insurance companies and any one wanting to start a insurance company then see if any Wrigley family are alive. Ask the Wrigley people how much they are worth ask the average price of there product over the last 100 years ask them what it hit the market at what it sales for now. At this point Have the president introduce a company of marines and say see the solution or see these marines fire at you. Surly one person in the room will say after most of them have college educations will say a whole lot of people about 300 million the population of America buying a inexpensive health insurance that the curve is dropped low enough that most can afford will make me rich rich rich , damm we need federal law or all the states to allow me to operate in all 50. Do not shoot that man he is the one we seek shoot every sob in the room that has a objection we need to get rid of them. If Sam Walton can become the rich man he was for selling for less why cant’ insurance do the same and cover everyone.

our society and its rules

We in our society are so so politically correct we call it that we may be harming ourselves, hell I know we are. I see and hear woman on the sites that I find women on saying the man should come to the woman, who or what wrote that rule? If that was the way it was sit in stone the movie Sarah Plain and tall would have not been made, the term mail order bride would have not been coined, America would have never expanded beyond the Missiippii river. It should be what ever works is the rule. There is a beautiful movie called “Punkin “ it is about a preppy well educated girl that falls in love with a retarded boy ,there have been other movies depicting the struggles of people when this happens our society says NO and a judge must decide. Who gave the most messed up person and jade person on this planet the right to decide such. There is another movie called “North Country” the movie is about the law suit filed by a woman working at a mine for sexual harassment. In this movie the judge in the case lets the company’s female lawyer ask about the woman’s sexual history when the woman’s lawyer gets up to question a male and ask if he is a virgin the Judge overrules him or what ever judges say to keep him from answering the question the lawyer from asking the question. The lawyer ask the judge she can ask about my clients sexual history and I can’t ask him if he is a virgin to witch the judge replies NO. There many many examples of bad unintelligent judges and we have them ruling on matters of love. What if say a 15 year old woman was in love and wanted to be married to a say 30 year old or say a man of my age in his 50’s. I bet even if the parents signed off on it some smart alleck would take it to court so the male could be come a registered sex offender cause they did not think it was right. What if the man was running from this young woman as hard as he could and she while he was sleeping broke into his house and crawled into his bed, gauche life long sex offender and she was acting on love. I worked with a Hispanic man that his mother was 14 when she married his father who was 50 they stayed till the father passed. Who in the name of all that is human makes such stupid rules. If my daughter were under 17 and could not make decisions for herself legally but became with child with a older man and she loved him and he said I love her I would fight my wife so they could marry legally. I understand Hate less than anything I know. I had a cross dressing friend that came to spend a night with me and left some things like his High School diploma graduation robe. I called a number that he got a call from trying to give it back, his mother said throw it away and her male friend said not to call there anymore, How can you hate a human your own son at that if they have not done something hennas mean hatful murderous to you. Is being gay a cross dresser reason enough how could Red Skelton do it dress as a woman and not get this much hate or Tony Curtis there is a list of male stars dressing as women , but these two hate this young boy I bet if he becomes the nest famous star making millions this hatred will turn to honey. We have enough problems with out the in family bickering and hate. So what if you daughter falls in love with a older man if he loves her adores her and takes care of her, would you rather she love a man her age and he treats her like scum beating her calling her vile names and whoring her out getting her addicted to drugs. Some parents should not be parents but I am not God, but I wonder what he is thinking sometimes.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Law dogs

I was watching 48 hours mystery tonight it was about a murder committed 20 years ago now. It took place in Ft.Collins Co, and a police man named Jim Broderick honed on a 15 year old boy by the name of Tim Mastersons . Tim was guilty because he walked across the field that the body was found in and he did not call authorities. The person who did report it thought it was a mannequin which is what Tim thought The police of Ft.Collins Co double teamed good cop bad cop still he matained his innocence. This officer Broderick followed Tim through the years and finally arrested him in California after he served honorably in the navy. Tim spent 9 years in prison a 8’x10’ cell while Mr. policeman went on playing God. Finally Tim got a lawyer to look at his case and when it was reviewed he was released because so much evidence was suppressed by Mr. Policeman who was exonerated of any wrong doing. LAW DOGS most law enforcement not on television crime investigation shows, untrained unscrupled exactly like Hitler’s Gestapo. The bloody shame of it all is not the injustice to one man but letting a killer go to do it again with no punishment of the Law Dog, which should spend day for day at least the same amount of time locked up in general population. The most shot by firing squad of fellow officers and filmed for news brawn cast nation wide as a lesson to other Law Dogs to remember that they serve not rule. Yes Virginia they are in your town, county, state and in the legal system too.

Monday, July 20, 2009

good old days

I was yesterday reminded of the “Good old Days” July the 19th at 0300 my electricity was knocked out by a thunderstorm. I was without electricity and all the bad things it brings for 13 hours. I am 54 so I remember when central cooling was just taking hold in Texas . I remember the women fanning themselves in church cause it was hot the churches had no central cooling. The schools had no central cooling the stores had no central cooling it was fans swamp coolers and such. The automobiles or as Chevrolet would now be properly called Obamamobills had no air-condition except two windows and 60 miles per hour. We all sweated except in the winter when if we were lucky it got cold but mind you I have witnessed it at 80 on Christmas day in Texas. I listened to the radio which I do anyway on Sunday. I listened to John Gresham’s gun talk . I drank lots of water but with no electricity you have no cooling in your refrigerators so the tea and water got warm quickly. I ate my last ½ gallon of ice cream or what is left of it as it was melting. I remember when we got air-conditioning in the ranch pickup my father would only let us run it on the way home not on the 125 mile trip north to that ranch which we would be ridding horses all day prowling the pastures. We were tougher then by far as we were closer the unvarnished nature so we faced the brunt of the heat and cold without all of the latest inventions in clothing foot wear and refrigerated air conditioning or in heating. My pop up deer blind I take a propane heater to it so I do not have to fight the cold . I have the propylene underwear and sox latest coats and face mask but I hunt comfortable in my stand with my Mr Heater propane heater. We have insect repellents that work off of batteries and guarantee to keep the mosquitoes off of us, we have ice chest we use to call them that are electric and generators that can be packed into the most remote areas to provide the comforts of home away from home. I think if ridding in a north wind with all the cloths I could ride with freezing my keister off , or in the hot sun sweating my body salty and stinky. Yes we are softer less able to keep up with the changing weather but I think we maybe better off cause instead of using our brawn we use our brains. Wool keeps you just so warm and so dry but the modern synthetic fabrics do so much better job, as we have sent roughnecks and oil field hands into more extreme environments’ we have developed better survival gear for all. You know it may be the things of the past like searching for oil may be the trail that leads to the future cause if these people were not drilling in these environments we would not have this clothing for our soldiers and our fireman and others that need extreme environment clothing.7/20/2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Abillene Texas seat of God

I was yesterday at the place where I rent movies. I sat on the counter two porn movies below a wholesome movie called Taking Lives. The man behind the counter said sir would you not put movies on the counter people do not want to see what movies you have. I said I am sorry and picked my three movies the guy there checking out his movies said they did not bother me, it was pointed out by the cashier that they did not want to offend by the titles The Golden Age of Porn and All Armatures 4 hours now mind you this is in Abilene Texas the very seat of God. This town set in west Texas has three colleges in it associated with three different religious movements, and a perfect retiring chief of Police Melvin Martin. Mr. Martin still has no Idea who Killed Jennifer Servo but 30 years he was a cop with a perfect career according to his words. The police man picked to replace him Stan Standridge says he will not have to change anything because Mr. Martin left a wonderful legacy. It is interesting that before I went to purchase my two porn movies and the wholesome Taking Lives, I got my hair cut the conversation turned to the good folks in Abilene Texas fine police department. There was a woman from Texas that was living in New York City New your in the Bronx and there she said were a string of 3 murders in Abilene Texas and she remarked how it was worse in Abilene than the Bronx. This perfect little city was going to have a fireworks display this 4th but the city fire Marshall in his wisdom and fear called it off due to too much wind mind you this is I believe the first one called off and will I believe be the last one cause the sponsor is not going to put his 60,000 dollars out there again so some little fire Marshall can say too much wind. On the radio shows that deal with this little seat of God (Abilene Texas) people were outraged and one caller was a tower worker who had a wind gauge that was stupid cause it did not agree with the fire Marshall it said no wind! In summation we have no whores cause the police will not allow them. We have no 8 liners or game rooms cause the police will not allow them. Now if you want to kill someone drag them to Abilene Texas and the Keystone cops that just this year changed there patrol cars to black and white will stumble over the case for 5 to 20 years. Perfect Abilene Texas Gods little seat,(maybe the seat we speak of is his outhouse)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Resume of death

I once had a cross dressing homosexual friend that was put in jail. He met a man in Jail that was going to prison they were in love was the claim. He had me take photos of him standing and pointing at the mail box where he sent his baby the letters that were mailed to them. On and on and on and on went this want to be woman about her love pinning ,professing, dramatizing ,and all day long it went about “my true life long Love” this continued for a time as all things like this and died as quickly as it began when she found another. I thought this person is a little touched about a ¾ bubble off of plumb. Now in this time a person dies one Michal Jackson and low and behold millions feed by the news media become like my want to be female homosexual friend. The big bunch of people stepping in front of the camera for there 50,000,000 millisecond of fame saying something about this mortal strange dead man that for all practical porpoises’ committed suicide all scrambling to say something about this man.
After all from what we know it was a drug overdose like Heath Ledger, Elvis Presley, and nameless others. Exactly like this off center cross dressing homosexual the mass of people wishing to be a part of this mans “Memorial” “Farewell” and be heard on his life. Perhaps a old friend of mine said it best John Donne said:” Men are to have their turns, to take their time, and then to give way by death to successors; and so it is incivile,inofficiosum, not to be content to die, it opposes the frame and form of government. It comes equally to us all,and makes us equal when it comes.The ashes of an oak in the Chimmney,are no Epitaph of that oak. To tell me how high or how large that it was; It tells me not what flocks it sheltered while it stood, nor what men it hurt when it fell.The dust of great persons’graves is speechless to,it says nothing.
Why are we giving this pop star more louder longer treatment than any President,King, and any other person that ever lived.? Does this not make those of you playing this game as off bubble as the cross dressing homosexual friend of mine???

Monday, July 6, 2009

america the bad and getting worse

Was watching the Television and there was a program that showed the video of a man being drug from his van in Vermont. He was in a diabetic stupor unconscious it said but the police felt threatened. He slipped into unconsciousness and slipped in the wrong lane going north in the southbound lane when they got him stopped he was out they beat his window out . Pulled him through the window without taking the time to unlock the door and take him out that way he was after unconscious all this time. It shows one officer twisting his arm which broke the elbow he was photographed with a bloody head and a very badly bruised arm. The program interviewed the Attorney General of Vermont who said “Hind site is 20/20 you must put yourselves in those officers shoes at the time “ This program Inside Weekend said this Attorney General said his officers did nothing wrong.!!! This piece of video and the pictures plus the remark by a Attorney General should leave no doubt in anyone’s mind that Law Enforcement from the lowest cop to the Legal Eagles (lawyers all of them) and this includes senators congressmen all the way to the President are not for right good treatment of people and are no different than the mafia. They bullied people too. Since it is a fact that the President is a Lawyer most of our elected officials are Lawyers or Insurance men which have law training and they represented by Vermont’s Attorney General who made this statement about a passed out motorist and the thugs with badges and guns on them who were videoed by there own cameras brutalizing this man then this lawyer says they did nothing wrong !!!!! I for one call for some changes like mandatory Life sentences for all Lawyers, Cops, elected officials when caught and convicted. Removal of lifetime appointed anything all Judges must run for reelection every 4 years. When brought up on charges immediate removal from office till the dissipation of those charges. We in the states that make up these United States the people have no choice how do u put commercials that show a bully approaching a boy to abuse him and a person watching turns him into puppies. The children go home and see Cops brutalizing a poor passed out motorist cause he has a medical emergency. How do you say don’t fight when he sees this your child will say they do it! Then you say it is ok they have Badges and Guns and Handcuffs, they are sanctioned by Lawyers they get there power from Congress and Senate and the President of the United states Who are mostly Lawyers too. So see little Johnny or little Susie if you have this it is ok to beat the hell out of your fellow man! These children say I want to grow up and be cops, lawyers and elected officials.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Blogger: Dashboard

Blogger: Dashboard

life muddled

Once again I was left to ponder the great mysteries of this world . Like why does God let piss poor parents have children, I am a father and will go to hell as soon as GOD chooses for my parenthood. My mother who finished High School and my father who did not finish grade school then this loving God gives me to these two who should have been as baron as the moon. As unable to have children as a mule is to have offspring. I was born with Bipolar and A.D.H.D. so they knew nothing about taking care of me, training me, encouraging me, helping me. There are two children in my family the Golden child my brother and the piece of shit that they are ashamed of me. Now Marshall my golden child brother made good grades in High school and I barely squeaked by but did graduated. When later in life I wished to attend college my loving mother said “How in the hell are you going to college you barely graduated high school” I had similar moments of encouragement from her like this all my life. Marshall failed first semester of college Mother and Dad paid for second one he failed worse if that is possible since he made f in every class but Physical Education he only made an A in that cause he was on the rodeo team at Cisco Jourinor college. Now he got on at the post office and stayed for 20 years. Me like all mentally disabled folks I followed Lao See and flowed with the river from job to job. Five failed marriages four children none of which I did right by cause I was not there, I do not give a damm about all the stupid Judges in America but all the child support in this earth will not replace a father, and some of these mothers that get the children are not too swift as parents either. My parents said when my first marriage went down that a friend of there’s that sat on the bench in Texas said even if she was a hooker doing it in the same room with the baby that mother will get the baby save your money. Baby one gone at 3 weeks and kept by the Church of Christ people that were her family. Where does it in the Bible say take the children and keep them from the father when you disagree, I am sure some Preacher or professor at Abilene Christian University knows the verse and can point it out. Baby two had my loving mothers help she gave the wife the money to fly back to Hillsboro Oregon never saw this one as it was in the mother but again Church of Christ kept the baby from me. Must have been cause I was once divorced before nothing but pure sin. Wife no 3 took Jake and Emily she was raised Baptist though her father a deacon in the church. I ask my daughter Emily about this to confirm it and 24 months after she went home to North Carolina she walked into her fathers room and found him dead. I would like to think Maybe god got as tired as I of hearing those children cry when he took the phone from them to keep them from speaking to me cause I was behind on child support. I wonder if god has that much justice in him?? It would be nice to think that a life muddled like mine can have some good in it.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Federal Goverment

The establisher of standards that is what our forefathers believed any Federal Government should be. This is why they gave the Federal Government limited powers and the states so much power!! This weaving of ideas of how things should be has created a patchwork of laws suited to each state and given each state things to try and change. Now we have a crusader in Washington D.C. like a knight in shining armor being champion to all going to fix things. Not all things need to be corrected. As an Example we started in 1963 trying to use gun control to stop killings just this year we have had two one by a felon with a pistol in a church, the other at a national monument with a rifle. If this does not prove that gun control does not work it can’t be proved, because pointing out all the deaths in countries that guns were confiscated and then Genocide began will have no effect on the person preaching for gun control. Richard Millhouse Nixon declared war on drugs in 1974 and we are not one day closer to winning it than now that was 30+years ago which means that for 35 years we fought to stop illegal drugs in America with on end, that is longer than ww1 ww2 Korea Vietnam and our current wars. The federal Government is the establisher of standards such weights measures money demonstrations not the answer to all problems. Those of us old enough to remember when Airlines were regulated and Trucking was regulated by the Federal Government how high airline tickets were and how high shipping rates were, and on gun control how hard it was to get guns own guns and how little all the control had on actual gun crimes. In fact the conceal carry laws have had a larger effect on crime than all of the police laws and regulation ever put in place. Now the federal government in the form of Barak Obama is going to fix the medical system if the previously mentioned federal government fixes are an example commit suicide when you get sick. Instead of de regulating the insurance industry and giving a couple of rules for them to follow which would fix 99 percent of the problem he wants to have a government take over. What country that had a nationalization of any industry or any other thing ever had any good come of it. If our federal government would do as the founders thought a federal government should and say to the insurance industry anyone who wishes to participate in this can but these rules apply when a client gets sick you cant cancel them , you must pay what you agreed to , you can charge anything you can get the customer to pay but you must pall the customers bills in full. There will be hi dollar companies and the wall mart company selling at cheaper rates and to lots of people, it will take about 10 years for it to all settle out and when it does we in these United states will have as we always have The very very best in the world


The creator was wise in not allowing us to choose our families or if we did get that choice before being borne forgot the choice we made. Some of us have suffered hell from our parents, some of us rose above these hells to do great things , Ludwick Von Beethoven was deaf and never heard a note he played. I wonder why some of us rise above adversity and others are crushed by it. I cant say too much about what I have read because we are not a reading society now, so the story of the man who first ran the 4 minute mile and his burned legs will mean nothing, there was a lady that sang a song called “Coal Miner’s Daughter” telling of her hardships as a child. But God only knows how many other children who did not pull of that and died in abject poverty in a state of drunkenness. We learned from the Soviet Communist Experiment that when people are in a state of hopeless that alcoholism runs rampant ( naming the pain) and drug addiction and sexual additions trying I guess to num the pain . There was a odd study coming out of Viet Nam and it discovered that when shelling started the herbivores headed for the opium and other patches that grew drug plants with the ability to num there pain, interesting a 4 legged two legged maybe even other types like ants going to get high while the shells were falling. War kills more than people. That having been said if we could have with full knowledge chosen our families from birth would there be a bunch of Jacksons like Michal who would have chosen his tragic life. The list of families that caused there children pain and hurt messed with there heads then bore the price is probably endless. In my view the main thing families in this country are failing is in teaching principles ( I define principles as that worth dying for fighting for even if it pays nothing) Mel Gibson made the movie Braveheart about William Wallis who died for the principle of FREEDOM this word and what it means which is indefinable in my view has cost billions of lives. There are buildings full of mindless morons that meet on Sunday Morning and evening and again on Wednesday night they build wonderful buildings colleges and sing praises to a man that they w would throw out of those buildings because of his dress and smell, They would beat the shit from him if he spoke his wisdom in those buildings because he spoke of principles and died for a principle, that being that no matter how bad vile rotten or evil you can be if you believe on that name and are baptized you may walk golden streets with those you did wrong to and they will be glad you are there. On second thought I am glad I could not chose my big brother,savior,lord, and I think friend. He talked about forgiveness and then did it at the point of death a teacher till the end.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

christ worshipers

It is funny that there these people called Christens Christ worshipers God lovers . They say What Would Jesus Do ? then they do something that only satin would do. For you consideration: today My Church Of Christ attending mother who goes to Wyle Texas Church of Christ which is a bedroom town of Abilene Texas send my son to retrieve a Ruger 357 magnum pistol that my father left me when he died, WWJD, of course she being a good church worshiping Christian we can surmise this is exactly what Jesus would do. Send somebody’s son to bring to them the only thing that there father left them. She is always begging me to go to church WHY????? Would somebody please explain why I or any one that has a brain the size of a small acorn would want to spend one second of precious life in the presence of such people. She talks positive and these actions are so positive and enduring how could I not laud and love her want to be around her???? Christ worshipers how can he and god stomach them?????

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Rule of law

We hear from our politicians “Rule of law’ . They say we are a country of Laws The rule of Law due process ect ect. When I listen to her tell of her “Bad Divorce” from her ex military then United States Postal Employee and how the post office protected him in the form of Roger s. I want to Vomit on all of the politicians that spout Rule of Law heads till they droned. This poor woman tells of going to pay her rent and her soon to be ex husband backs into her loan car cause her car was in the shop with a U.S. Government Motor Pool automobile his U.S. Mail truck The people at the apartment complex witnessed this so she had witness. She calls the Abilene Texas police they come and she wishes to file charges on her soon to be ex, well Mr. Roger S of the post office shows up talks to the Abilene Police and they leave. She is unable to file charges he keeps his Job. This man according to her Opened her mail and she reported to Roger S nothing was done so she reported it to Mr. Ft.Worth who is above Roger S, again nothing was done. As I see it we have several diseases in this country that are above the “rule of law or anything” they are Law Enforcment, Unions especially Postal Union , politicians , and Lawyers. How can a person of any intelligence speak of any kind of rule when if you are part of this crowds you just walk all over anyone with no problems or fear of any kind of retribution from anyone any where. I saw a movie called “Lakeside Canyon” about a black L.A. cop that broke the law at will and pushed anyone he chose around did things his way killed and was until the end of the movie not brought down at the cost of the harass neighbor life then after he pulled his gun and shot the next door neighbor then the sheriff s on scene shoots and kills him. The sad thing about this is people think that this is all out of Hollywood never happens in real life. The man with a badge is most likely to be the man to screw up your life and god help you if you are his or her spouse and have the gall to divorce them. They are untouchable and you will find out how termite eaten our house of Laws is how they do not work .

Monday, June 15, 2009

life love relationships.

Life love relationships

less than a minute ago edit
I gained another year 54 now and counting down to the end faster . I guess i will die alone and unwanted. It is little conslation that the Ladies of Tagged and all other dating sites will too die alone and unwanted with the opiate of the cyber game of dating keeping the pain and lonesomeness at bay. I wonder how many of us in this generation and the next more sedated by cyber games we invented will say with there last breath "I wish I had not played and instead had a warm human hand to hold now and eyes to see my tears."I saw the latest instalment of Terminator those will not be the machines that hurt us but these on our desk and our laps, replacing all the good ,bad,cuddling and conflict in a relationship.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

It must be me, part of the curse of being borne with Bipolar and Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyper Activity and how I came to this conclusion is after 5 failed marriages not completing college and failing at becoming a United States Marine, there can only be me to blame. So I guess the Power or powers that be gave to me this then when the tally is added up and all the bad put on the scales of justice they can justly send me to the lake of fire for Crimes committed. I watched a part of a popular television show last night “Cops” the theme is “Bad boy bad boy watch going to do when they come for you” As usual on this piece of “Dudley Do Right “ Police worshiping show the cop lied no one said “Officer you just lied to these people society on up we have allowed several levels of double even triple standard to grow and flourish. (criminals, suspects, people alleged to have done ) should this ever happen. People like Dr. Marc Horner a Jewish Psychotherapist in the area would point out that these people are “Law breakers” suggesting that the treatment of these people should be different. What is like shocking to me is he is from a group of “ those people” one of the groups chosen for special treatment not always good treatment by various groups. He of all people should rally for equal treatment as human beings for “Law Breakers”. Most police cars have cameras in them and audio now it should be mandatory for all automobiles non cops as well so that they to record traffic stops and dealings with Cops. Then when a officer says “Did I say anything about YOU going to jail and he hand cuffs the suspect they walk to a patrol car get in it and then when it is all said and done he says they all three are going to jail because of walking down the street, when said suspects say he lied to me then the officers tapes if still there be reviewed and if it is recorded all suspects be released and the officer pay for cab fair for there returned to whoever then he is given two weeks no pay. You say you cant do that!!!! Then lets stop putting Kindergarteners in time out for lying ,let’s stop punishing children for lying and remove it from the 10 suggestions. (commandments)
Lets Impeach Barak Hussein Obama for opposing “Water boarding” saying we must play by the rules as long as we are allowing the various police organizations to break at there convince the “Rules , Constitutional rules that they must follow. These police officers represent “The Court” and are suppose to be under its rules, as I understand if I lie from the witness stand I can be charged with perjury and get 20 years. Now the police officer can lie to me on national television and he gets accolades for it . How can our president demand a following of the rules when from the foundation of our

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

man arrested in a womans swim suit

Well this does not include the money this man must fork over for a bail bondsman to get him out of jail a couple of hundred dollars which is nothing just pocket change. Then he must hire a lawyer to clear his name about $700 to $1500 just meter maid change and he may have done no more than said hi to some women. He will loose for the time in jail the right to have a watch,handkerchiefs in his pockets keys billfold and may not be able to even see out if he is in a cell made of concrete blocks. I assure the cops that put the cuffs on him made sure that they bit into his wrist and were as uncomfortable as could be.So the bail bondsman makes money,the county makes money the lawyer makes money.This man is charged with something that cost him his wrights to own a gun, hunt,may even keep him from being around children if it is a sex crime. If you look it up on a computer in Texas get charged with indent exposure and you are a registered sex offender your life is over. You can be arrested for this for peeing on the side of the road or a complaint by a fellow citizen especially if they will make a written statement.Now you cant be in the park where children play,the Zoo,public swimming area because you are a registered Sex Offender and your great crime was peeing on the side of the road.Mathew McConehew was charged with such cause someone saw him walk past the window of his Austin Texas home naked and called the police,. I was raised to not look in peoples windows as this was wrong,now being a peeping tom is good being naked is a Sex Offender crime if somebody sees you and reports it to the police.




Monday, June 8, 2009

the game

Games it seems our society if full of games. I have been on several of the social sites online like My space, Tagged, Plentyoffish, and others. Whether you pay or not you are playing a game. The game may be as in on Adult friend finder the sexual carrot on other sites like EHarmony the lifelong love total happiness site. From what I have experienced most of these people would rather have friendly meetings and talk maybe once and a while sex but they are not looking for forever or even happiness any more than I am going to walk the jungle of Africa with a broom stick looking for a man eating lion. They may be looking for the mirage of total happiness
every thing must be perfect and then I will marry or live together. But finding every thing perfect is seldom done or happens most of the perfect things or almost perfect things took much work and much time. People must make much call it what you want sacrifices, give and take, forgiveness, accommodations then and only then will things reach a harmony. It is easer to write love messages to Mr. or Miss long distance and in this age in a few seconds over the net. Send cute pictures called tags poems that you did not write and flattering remarks. Hell you might even meet once but the odds of say living together till one of you imperfectly dies and the other cries not happening . The Game keeps the mind occupied the heart satisfied and the Occasional sex keeps the need for more personnel knowledge and experience from happening. Why ruin the game with a partner regardless of sex that snores so u cant sleep, farts, smells bad, drinks too much for you, is BORING why would you want to learn how to put up with the imperfections .When with a computer screen web cam and key board you can masturbate to illusion without the other incontinences you can speak morning noon and night it is almost like having him or her there until those rare occasions they are in fact there, then you are reminded why you keep the game going.

Tagged - Meet Me | Matches

Tagged - Meet Me | Matches

Friday, June 5, 2009

Out Dated as the Stage Coach

Out dated Here we are in the 21 century and there is still 16,17,18,19, and 20th century problems hanging on with us today just like way back then. Take for example KTXS 12 in Abilene KTAB 32 in Abilene and KRBC channel 9 all tout there various weather reporting styles. I was asking a friend in Brownwood if they got there 7 minute advantage from Damon Lane on 12 she said like lots of people here in Brownwood I have Satellite and when we have bad weather I loose Television Reception . I have a friend that lives in Lawn Texas about 20 miles south of Abilene Texas she too has the same problem. I remember when I had satellite and yes television goes the way of the stagecoach in bad weather . I called channel 12 the other day got someone on the phone ,which by the way you will not get during your favorite program and the wood be movie star Damon Lane breaks in to track storms to give people a 7 minute advantage and interrupt peoples television programs. He even acknowledged this on the Brownwood fiasco the other night but went on to say We must warn people. Interesting we are in the information age news papers going out could television news cast be next? Not because they do not give good news reports but because of people like Damon Lane and his bosses that insist he do this. I ask the man on the phone with me if he knew of NOAHH weather radio, computers, radio stations, he agreed that these existed. I said you guys are as out dated as the Stage Coach he laughed I told him about my friends in the country and my lack of cable TV. He found it hard to understand that we 6 miles north of Abilene Texas do not have the cable television option, high speed internet, clear wire, and this man thought his television was giving 7 minute advantage. One station in Abilene will call your cell phone to tell you of inclement weather. When this conversation ended I considered moving to say Dallas, Houston, Lubbock, or any where but Abilene (Friendly Frontier) so that when the Hollywood movie set becomes real and this Backward Lost town hits the Dino hole with a back hoe or the dragon hole and Dyess Air force base is destroyed is destroyed by the monsters released I will laugh and realize it was the city’s backward lost in time Attitude that brought the monsters to be. Someone once said Attitude is everything and when this backhoe incident happens and all these no longer existent creachers come out to devoir the devout religious blind stupid fools that run this “Friendly Frontier whoever said that will shout “I told you so see how important Attitude really is” wrong backward Attitude and the major news channels report of fire breathing Dragons and the James Gang roaming the streets. The Friendly Frontier has six colleges and is still brain dead.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

second chance

I am now in my mid 50’s when I was less than 40 I was trying to keep a marriage together and stay monogamous after five marriages four children I shit canned that Idea. I believe there is a God and he sent Jesus so I could walk in Heaven with all those I have wronged and those that have wronged me. I must have missed it the wild sexual escapades I have heard tell of, now I am willing and open but too _______________ whatever excuse for me to not being allowed to play . If god did make a mistake it was in giving us youth to make all of our mistakes then not being able to start over with a clean record and the age to do it all again . So you make all the mistakes and then when you say IF I could do it over instantly you are 18,19,20 well you get the idea and with the knowledge to correct the mistakes. Look out Tiger Woods and every other great there is at least one out there that did not get his mind and body in the right performance order to be what he or she could have, they figure it out and say IF. I think that now that I know what I now know I might have keep one of the marriages together. I might have succeeded at the Marines, finished college but then I had disadvantages I was Bipolar and Attention Deficit Disorder and back then no pills or help. My parents were the kind as many were don’t’ hang the family laundry for all to see, they were more concerned about what other people thought and Mother still is at 76. Folks like me with my disadvantages have a higher rate of killing themselves, drug addiction, divorce, are more prone to smoke all of this comes from the studies psychiatry have done has not changed one damm thing about our society and how it deals with people like me. Well now you can come get me for this suggestion: If I was the President Obama I would have all prisoners in all prisons under 40 brought to a central room and my speech would be broadcast to them. I would say I am going to sign amnesty for all of you don’t care what you did you will be free records sealed in a file unless you come to trial again in front of a jury then what ever your sentence was it will be doubled and if on death row you will be shot instantly when brought to trial for murder again. We are going to create a special program for you to learn a trade or go to college or enlist in the military a clean start to correct your mistakes please make us glad and proud I did this. I think if the so called Christians fell in behind this and assisted these people there would be less than a .01% failure rate.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


There are people in America called Nudist. I remember as a child seeing my father looking at a nudist magazine in a saddle makers shop. These magazines showed children and adults naked and cooking out. The children were little now I wonder if a photo were taken of a nude family with children under 18 how many cops would be there to arrest them for child molestation. If I say wanted to turn my land into a nudist camp how many Law enforcement people from my county and the surrounding towns would be hauling me off for some felonies I have never heard of. This land of the free is becoming daily less so. We have people passing laws on laws on laws and from the statics no one is paying attention to the laws. Listen to the news and if you do not draw that the gun control laws do not keep criminals from them nor the laws against drinking booze not stopping drunk driving not to mention drugs, if being smart one must ask is there another way a better way.

Law dogs

Last night in Abilene Texas on the news it revealed how drunk driving arrest were climbing. Interesting that every thing that law enforcement is pushing climbs, there was a short haired cop saying how this affected the community and that they would continue to take a hard line on it , well since this hard line is not working do you reckon that the cops are smart enough to try something else? In my limited experience with the “Law Dog” they are very bullish and forceful they seem to have a one way approach. The movie “Sands of Iwo Jima” John Wayne playing a drill instructor said “ I have tried every approach to you that I know” this gives the idea that even a Jarhead tries other ways if one doesn’t work. If you have ever been stopped by a police officer you found yourself dealing with a piece of work best exampled by “ Justice T Williston” portrayed by Jackie Gleason or maybe the prison guard or warden in “Cool Hand Luke”. For all the laws that they quote they all must have photographic memories and be able to memorize all the law statues ever written but I think it has to do with “Probable Cause” which means they have a legal reason for stopping you so you will not win if it happens to go to court. In Abilene they had a Police man retire and the changed the name of safety city to Melvin Martin center for child learning everyone was lauding this man. I wonder do our public officials purposely break there arms patting each other on the backs. According to Melvin Martin everything went perfect in his career, drunk driving increased, Jenifer Servo was killed and never solved on his watch. Interesting you could invite him to lunch and be the person or person who killed this young reporter and he would not know.

Law dogs

Last night in Abilene Texas on the news it revealed how drunk driving arrest were climbing. Interesting that every thing that law enforcement is pushing climbs, there was a short haired cop saying how this affected the community and that they would continue to take a hard line on it , well since this hard line is not working do you reckon that the cops are smart enough to try something else? In my limited experience with the “Law Dog” they are very bullish and forceful they seem to have a one way approach. The movie “Sands of Iwo Jima” John Wayne playing a drill instructor said “ I have tried every approach to you that I know” this gives the idea that even a Jarhead tries other ways if one doesn’t work. If you have ever been stopped by a police officer you found yourself dealing with a piece of work best exampled by “ Justice T Williston” portrayed by Jackie Gleason or maybe the prison guard or warden in “Cool Hand Luke”. For all the laws that they quote they all must have photographic memories and be able to memorize all the law statues ever written but I think it has to do with “Probable Cause” which means they have a legal reason for stopping you so you will not win if it happens to go to court. In Abilene they had a Police man retire and the changed the name of safety city to Melvin Martin center for child learning everyone was lauding this man. I wonder do our public officials purposely break there arms patting each other on the backs. According to Melvin Martin everything went perfect in his career, drunk driving increased, Jenifer Servo was killed and never solved on his watch. Interesting you could invite him to lunch and be the person or person who killed this young reporter and he would not know.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

truth in america

Freedom, Rights, Good, Honesty, Trustworthiness and America words in my 1960’s era schooling both state and Sunday school. I was in the Boy scouts and they talk about telling the truth not lying. If you lie on the witness stand and are caught you are charged with perjury you can lie and void a contract. There is no law that says a police officer must tell the truth, there is no set of rules that they must play by. It has come to my attention that they in fact do lie they will use any means at there disposal to make an arrest. I guess to a simpleton like me this is akin to Jesus saying “Don’t Commit Adultery” then saying by the way I have fucked every married woman in Jerusalem. How can we expect Abu Grab to not occur when we allow the law up holders the police to LIE? A cop can now get you into the car and let you take there close off get ready for sex and even go through with the act then cuff you this Happened in Abilene Texas. We watch cops and have the song “Bad Boy Bad Boy What are you going to do when they come for you” we witness people being abused on this program every Saturday night by police officers. Now the president says “Water Boarding” is touchier, I think being handcuffed till the blood is cut off from your hands by a cop and then being picked up by your wrist so it puts pressure on your shoulders like the V.C. did to John McCain is touchier but alas if it wears a badge a gun and carries cuffs and mace a baton drives a patrol car it is not. If it drives a patrol car in can pull you over for crossing a line once then search your car if it ask and you agree but the lying sob will not tell you can refuse. They can come to your door and say come out here and lets talk then arrest you the lying dog will not tell you that they don’t have permission to enter your house without a warrant but if they can trick you into coming out they can arrest you. In light of the cops performance I personally think it is great that we the people accept our political lying by the president senators and others we should give them a pay raise for every lie they tell since we allow it so much. How can we expect to be an example when the examples are liars? This is a basic thread of the blanket of our society and if it is thrown away as it is now why prosecute anyone for anything because in its most basic all crime is a lie. The child molester tells the child the lie that it is fun, ok, our secret, the bank robber says it is the banks money not a persons money, the guy lying on a résumé is saying everyone does it. The college student or high school student says to the girl I love you it is good for lovers to have sex, or everyone cheats!!!

law in the 21 century

Law in the 21st Century
It is interesting that as I was surfing the net looking for some legal advice from various legal websites, I discover that Texas has banned two of them for practicing Law without a License. This is akin to saying Greys Anatomy which is a book is practicing medicine without a license. Now think about this ignorance is not excuse for breaking the law try and say “I did not know as they slap handcuffs on you” They will reply that is not an excuse. Now if you try to look the law up on the net at least in the Great state of Texas the web site you use is practicing law without a license, what are the cops arresting you and writing tickets doing. Should they not have a license to practice” Law”. Or maybe shut the Law schools and burn the Law books for practicing “Law”. If you think about it the internet is a library of information so is any law library or public library and both contain law books. Perhaps we should ban Lawyers after all they seem to be at the scene of most of the trouble in Texas. I bet the Governor is one and every legislator too, then we have the tin blue line of police and there organizations. Have you wondered how they (drug dealers) get all of these grandparents to haul drugs for them, after all if you travel the highways you will see an old couple and a small child stopped and a cop or cops ransacking the car must be drugs or contraband toys? Our state and country was founded by people how many of those people that have had there lives violently removed from them have been Lawyers at say the Alamo San Jacinto any where else

Thursday, April 2, 2009

This posting will be of a adult nature

I enjoy the naked human body and seeing pictures of people enjoying sex. I think the most loving thing a woman can do is swallow or have the cum of a man on her face. Why then do the men who share this experence with the women want to call them names like slut,whore,cum whore,cum dump,and bitch,why not enjoy the pleasure that they are sharing with you and be complemantary.If you are blessed with a woman that will do a gang bang and not be jealous,then be thankfull to God for the gift.Quite a lot of people jump the fence and destroy a family and a long marriage,so what is wrong with being able to share your lover with others and stay together? If you are a Bible reader and you believe it,God even told a profit fo go marry a whore and told him he would have to go get her out of other men's beds so he could see how much God loved Isrial.When asked Jesus said that adultry was the only reason for a divorce he did not add and you must divorce if adultry is comitted!! We know that some women and men have a very large sexual appite and can go for hours and through multiple lovers,so why not allow each other the freedom within your relationship to explore your desires and enjoy each other and the many trails that it takes you and the adventures you share.If you visited the world and every country in it society would laud the acomplishment why can't society laud the marriage that stayed together however it stayed glued together.

Gatgeds Thingamabobs and whatnots

We have too many gadgets in our society,we worship money and the things it buys.It has now reached the level of the Federal Government we have no choice we are switching from the television broadcast of the past to the future, with it comes the need for a totally new television set. I have a friend that has had open heart surgery I a was staying with him for a few days to help out. He has a new large screen television and sudden link, DVD, blue ray DVD, and all the trimmings. With all of this comes about 4 or 5 different remote controls so I was unable to figure out how to get his television to work completely.He has 200+ channels and nothing to watch in my judgment most is pay per view,re re re re re reruns,and infomercials.I am like what is the use of it all,one remote to turn the television on, one for sudden link,one for each DVD and a all in one that even he can't use and no directions at all.My father had sudden link and the "Damn Remote" one wrong button and only dad who used it for hours on end could right things. Think about it we have World War One era things still working, World War Two things and older,but a airplane made now is in the junk heap in 10 or 15 years because the gadgets on it are out of date. Everything now that is technology is out of date in a year or less. I do not even think anyone really understands how to use all of our gadgets,my friend builds computers and admitted that the all in one remote he did not understand or had not taken the time to learn how to use.So If it takes a techinacal school to teach us how to use each new thing we buy Why???? We will waste our lives on unimportant things as opposed to important things like teaching our children to throw a ball,fish ,read, and spend time with family and friends.