Monday, November 16, 2009


There is turmoil going on in my life now and when this happens I think a lot as I was this morning while hunting ,about Jesus saying forgive your fellow man 70x7=490 small number relative speaking. Whether you are Athiest,Christan,Buddist,Taouest , or wiccan you must ask the question WHY!!!??? Why would a person of such knowledge about mankind and their souls say such a small number.? Perhaps the knowledge of the soul is the exact reason he used such a small number. Souls are eternal our bodies are not, could it be that if you bust your should forgiving some person like a toxic mother, father brother, sister ,uncle Jesus knowing that there are thing that go beyond the ability of people to forgive and do well with said such a low number. How does a child forgive the molester that took their virginity before their 6th birthday. How does someone for give the person that kills the whole family over Christmas and he or she could not be there for that Christmas . I think he is clearly saying that there is no negative problem for staying away from a toxic parent or sibling that keeps making your life hell on earth. There was in this a world a man named Niemoler who served as a admiral in the 1st World War so when Adolf Hitler invited him to serve in the 2nd World War he told Hitler to Go to hell. Hitler sent him to his fine resort for special people called Auschwitz where he vacationed for the war I think this German Naval officer knew something Hitler’s question was 491 Enough… My life experience with these people is they rape you(yes this is a correct definition a outrageous violation Collegiate Dictionary 10 addition) say as in you left a place close to where you wanted to live because no jobs there you are in a place with good job nice house little savings low and behold you get a letter telling you that there are now jobs here and you may come home. Well like many you pack up and move only to find out you were lied to by loved ones, they in their eyes are innocent of the damage done to you your family and your marriage or your finances. From my experiences these things are like a rock thrown in a pond the waves go forth again and again and again you are raped over and over by this act. Someone makes something for you to your order but they tell you just tell them what you want and they will make it for you and it will do what you desire. When you get there to pick the item up you are told that something you wanted on the item would not fit or work, you need this but wait till next week and we can get it your way or take it now as is (RAPE) you just got raped by a pushy know it all you will get what I think k is best for you. Now 7x70 only there is a limit to what man can my book every hour that you must get by with the car say that was supposed to be 4 wheel drive custom but the transfer case would not fit so you have two wheel drive or walk a week. You were tired of taking buses taxies and walking so you took it as was with a reduction in price. The car builder got his way and you got what he thinks you need (RAPED) every second you are stuck slide off of the road where you need 4 wheel drive is his doing if you kill someone because you needed and wanted 4 wheel drive for whatever reason he should be charged with vehicular man slauder. This is why I think Jesus said

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