Sunday, November 29, 2009


Well yesterday I ran into another one a girl she said her name was Amy she said she gave me her phone number, wrong number wonder if her real name was Amy? She did tell me she was a christen and attended Beltway Baptist Church in Wyle Texas over by Abilene Texas. I thought one of the ten suggestions said something about not running a disinformation campaign (not telling the truth) but this is why I choose to not attend church. My father said run with the dogs and you will be blamed for what the dogs do whether you are guilty or not. I would like to know who this Baptist person was and which cross he was on maybe he was the one making fun of Jesus. See my Reading of the bible I thought it was Jesus Christ that died for our sins not this Baptist man but I have no degrees to argue with the Dr. that teaches at Beltway Baptist Church .I would like to know why if Jesus died for ort sins why are there not too many churches named after Christ. I also want to know if in the ten suggestions it says not to tell un truths or disinformation why do Christen woman give you the wrong number and cause you to bother other women? Why could they not follow the examples in the Bible of the many strong women that told the truth oh well I will read my Bible Pray and go my way someday I hope to meet a real christen woman single willing to date a man that is far far from perfect but willing to walk together till I die with her.

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