Sunday, November 15, 2009


Earlier this day I visited a lady that I have dated on and off for about 2 years. She has cancer again and has been hurting for several days. I watched my mother in law die of cancer before her my grandfather and my father. I know that there are people that will not help themselves, this woman’s pain she is having is her body saying go back to the doctor.
I spoke to her younger sister about this and gave her my phone numbers if she should need anything or want a break and time away from this woman she agreed with me that this is the ladies last stand and she should go to the hospital. Been there and done that with my father he would just brag about how healthy he was till the morning he wiped and got a handful of blood, three weeks later he is dead. For those of you wondering yes I let it be known that I would go out with or date this younger sister. The dying lady is in her 50” I think the sister is well into adult hood 30’s or 4o’s. So we have three adults wall able to speak for themselves but this brother accost me in the house saying we will take her to the doctor if she needs it don’t be talking about that or Keri the granddaughter of the woman with cancer Keri is going bad. This man made it quite clear that he did not like my actions and words to his little sister.
I have hauled a big big television into this woman’s house and several pieces of furniture for her over the year. Here I am telling this pushy man I am her friend and he is making it quite clear he will fight for what he thinks should be. The woman with cancer has but to ask me and I will, the little sister has but say I am not into this I do not do this is not what I feel is good and I would do as ask this man did not need to do his bombastic bull part. One sentence since he did not know me at all what if I was the type of man that when he got into his car he just got his gun and shot this person to death and drove off there would be two funerals. People of his type cause all the problems in the world. Now his dying sister will not see me again and if his younger sister wanted to date was in love or just wished to take a walk in the country on my land, I will say NO because of his loose cannons ass. Should this lady live and want to marry me and I her NO because I wish to not run the risk of having to be killed or to kill to solve his problem which would be our problem. What if I was her husband family violence what if his baby sister and I were having a affair . What if I were the woman’s husband and she said to her baby sister take my husband to you because I will not be here long trouble trouble he and folks like him will not keep their business there’s and let everyone else keep their business to themselves unless they need

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