Tuesday, November 10, 2009

One old Heathen

My day today sucked, a overused term to be sure but it did. My 54 years here on this planet have been less than good. Seems when I was going to church and reading my Bible daily there was a phrase “Wow unto you Pharisees, Sadducees, and one other group I tell you it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorra on the day of Judgment than you.” My mother was Church of Christ and I was carried to church since my first droppings, I let a man named Tom a preacher come on my place and hunt free. How these two tie together is my mother shouted at me and called me stupid when I was memorizing my multiplication tables, Tom tore up a deer stand when he left cause we got cross ways. The way I see it my mother and Tom and the other two mentioned groups represent “God” “Jesus” it was said on “Boston Legal” by a character that Mark Twain said you go to heaven for the climate and hell for the company. Well seeing as how most of the “Christains,Preachers ,Elders,Deacons and such” that I have had contact with have done me wrong or hurt me and they are suppose to let Jesus and God shin through. Those tow are mean hatful son of a bitches and I do not want anything to do with them send me straight to hell is what I would thank from there representatives. Fortunately I have read the Bible but till today and the hell I am having it did not dawn on me what Jesus meant when he was saying what he said to the elders deacons preachers of his time, see in those towns he mentioned there was only whores,sluts ,child molestors,homosexuals, and other depraved minded people, to put that in modern language he is saying you preachers and others that misrepresent me will find yourselves worse off than those type of folks. Thank god for Jesus and I am going cause of his sacrifice to the good climate. One old heathen.

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