Friday, August 28, 2009


Service, this morning on Craig’s List there was in the Rants and Raves section a article about Senator Ted Kennedys military service. I did not vote for the sitting president because he did not serve. I consider myself a Texan then a American I served a little in the United States Marines nothing to write home to mother about I assure you. I checked to the computer for the service records of the Republicans I am still throwing up as I write this. How can one group of people The Republican Party be so very Hipricrital I almost do not want to vote again? If memory serves Ron Paul, George Bush the last president, John McCain is all. The list could start with Cheney, Newt Gengritge, and on it goes of people like Trent Lott that did not serve. I hate totally despise Al Sharpton but he served. The man on Craigs list was listing all of Ted Kennedy’s faults and rightfully so but he served a private with special privilege he did not see battle in Korea. I did not vote for the man in the White House because I felt like someone that signs the order that will sent my son the United States Marine to his death in the line of duty should understand what it is all about. There is a History Professor in Abilene Texas that said some of our best presidents never served I asked who Abraham Lincoln he said, I beg your pardon Lincoln served in a Indian uprising I cant remember the name of it this professor handed me a business card and told me to look it up. Abraham was a Capitan in the Black Hawk war he buried the dead!! I do not if I will ever cast a vote for a Republican or a Democrat again. I do know this day I have learned that which I always knew both of these parties are scum and liars hipricrates. Now how do you expect for people like this to do anything but exactly what they have done screw the nation of all of its money and natural resources then die happy in a stupor of self-importance.

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