Monday, August 17, 2009

our society and its rules

We in our society are so so politically correct we call it that we may be harming ourselves, hell I know we are. I see and hear woman on the sites that I find women on saying the man should come to the woman, who or what wrote that rule? If that was the way it was sit in stone the movie Sarah Plain and tall would have not been made, the term mail order bride would have not been coined, America would have never expanded beyond the Missiippii river. It should be what ever works is the rule. There is a beautiful movie called “Punkin “ it is about a preppy well educated girl that falls in love with a retarded boy ,there have been other movies depicting the struggles of people when this happens our society says NO and a judge must decide. Who gave the most messed up person and jade person on this planet the right to decide such. There is another movie called “North Country” the movie is about the law suit filed by a woman working at a mine for sexual harassment. In this movie the judge in the case lets the company’s female lawyer ask about the woman’s sexual history when the woman’s lawyer gets up to question a male and ask if he is a virgin the Judge overrules him or what ever judges say to keep him from answering the question the lawyer from asking the question. The lawyer ask the judge she can ask about my clients sexual history and I can’t ask him if he is a virgin to witch the judge replies NO. There many many examples of bad unintelligent judges and we have them ruling on matters of love. What if say a 15 year old woman was in love and wanted to be married to a say 30 year old or say a man of my age in his 50’s. I bet even if the parents signed off on it some smart alleck would take it to court so the male could be come a registered sex offender cause they did not think it was right. What if the man was running from this young woman as hard as he could and she while he was sleeping broke into his house and crawled into his bed, gauche life long sex offender and she was acting on love. I worked with a Hispanic man that his mother was 14 when she married his father who was 50 they stayed till the father passed. Who in the name of all that is human makes such stupid rules. If my daughter were under 17 and could not make decisions for herself legally but became with child with a older man and she loved him and he said I love her I would fight my wife so they could marry legally. I understand Hate less than anything I know. I had a cross dressing friend that came to spend a night with me and left some things like his High School diploma graduation robe. I called a number that he got a call from trying to give it back, his mother said throw it away and her male friend said not to call there anymore, How can you hate a human your own son at that if they have not done something hennas mean hatful murderous to you. Is being gay a cross dresser reason enough how could Red Skelton do it dress as a woman and not get this much hate or Tony Curtis there is a list of male stars dressing as women , but these two hate this young boy I bet if he becomes the nest famous star making millions this hatred will turn to honey. We have enough problems with out the in family bickering and hate. So what if you daughter falls in love with a older man if he loves her adores her and takes care of her, would you rather she love a man her age and he treats her like scum beating her calling her vile names and whoring her out getting her addicted to drugs. Some parents should not be parents but I am not God, but I wonder what he is thinking sometimes.

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