Wednesday, August 26, 2009


There is a song by Arilo Guthrie the words in are the “This land is your land this land is my land from the new your island to this is all I remember of this song. Well this land has called for sacrifice, the blood, the sweat, tears, and the bones of its citizens. There is one sacrifice that I see not being made in this country that is being screamed for that is to give up your congress man and senator. Rome and everyone should see the Penthouse movie Cagulia in all its pornographic horror, this man Kius Cagulia would have not have been except for life time senators. We in America have both lifetime senators and congressman. There is one being buried at this time an lauded for his life, I think God got him with Brain cancer for the Killing of Mary Jo in the river. My looking at the Bible leads me to believe we all pay here on this earth for our wrongs (sins) I am not saying god does not forgive and let you in heaven but he exacts the price here, King David comes to mind God told him that the child of his and Bathsheba would die for David’s Adultery of his. The sword would never leave his house for the sins of lying murder and coveting. We Have a man in the highest office of this land making as big of a fool of himself as Caius Caligula except he is not his sisters lover.. We need every indivulal American to consider voting out the incumbent official and rotating a new man in then in two terms vote this man out because like in Caligula’s time they are drunk with power and spending like drunken sailors. Maybe if we all of us made them have a orgy like in Caligula with the senators and congressman’s wives as the woman being screwed and of age daughters they would think there precious power and privileged to not be all that much. Plus the orgy could be made into a porno narrated by Ron Jeremy sold for the reduction of the debt. But it is up to Joe the plumber and all of us to sacrifice out senator or congressman and swap parties every two terms till these shitheads in Washington get the message “we the people are your bosses not the other way around”.

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