Friday, August 28, 2009

a new deck of cards

We hear about the “Tea Parties” “Town Hall Meetings” What if Americans in every county state township all across this nation in the next voting cycle held a “Vote Out” No one cast a vote either way until all canadates that are incumbents resigned. Gave up there seats. We have a total mess now and most of the shitters are politicos of both parties. So what if both parties got the biggest surprise of all no voters? We are a society that depends on voters. I have a veteran friend that post on his Emails “A vote not cast is a vote for the winner whether you like it or not.” How could we in this country declare a winner if say 10 votes were cast or none? Let’s shoot for no voter local state and national in the next voting cycle. Think for a moment we have taken a census this year we will have a fairly accurate count of the people in all voting distracts so if say there are 50,000 in a district and only 10,000 showed up and voted because some will vote regardless even if God and Jesus told them not to. How can the winner of either party declare him or her legitimate? If this trend were to take hold by the vast majority and say America has three hundred million people nation wide and only 10 million cast votes we would look in the eyes of the world worse than any dictatorship. We the people would be asking for all sitting congress men and senators to resign and let us have clean elections with two none incumbents we are asking for the retirement of all sitting congressperson and senatorial personnel. We will be cleaning the slate as much as possible. How embarrassing to win and be a incumbent clamming a mandate with ¼ of the total voting population. It would take a person with real thick skin to face reporters and the voters with a miniscule margin of total voters. Now if this took off and say only 5% or the total population voted there would have to be something done because the majority was saying a new deck of cards.

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