Wednesday, August 26, 2009


It has come to my attention that the man sitting in the white house is a traitor and should be tried for treason. I come to this because if Franklin Delano Roosevelt had have given the Selig Heil to Hitler would the American people have stood Idly by. Or for better comparison had he Bowed to Emperor Heritio who sent plains to Perl harbor God help him He would have Hung. Now We have a president who Bowed to the King of the country of which 20 people citizens from that country flew three hijacked plains in to buildings in our country killing 3000 people. Suppose for a minute since this president’s homeland security office considers veterans to be possible terriost that a group of them got airplanes and flew them Kamikaze style into buildings in Saudi Arabia, do not you think that Saudi Arabia would demand a apology. It is interesting that Russia sent a stainless steel tear drop monument to us for 9-11-01 Saudi Arabia has not apologized. To be fair when this treason trial is held George Bush the younger should be there with Cheney and the Vice president of this administration because this Vice said not a word about the bowing. Then if found Guilty a old fashioned Gallous with 4 hangman nooses and 4 trap doors on it and anyone that has watched a American John Wayne western knows what happens when the trap door is pulled. After this a question should be asked “Who was Benedict Arnold and any senator or congressman that cant answer this should be removed as un-American and sent to the same gallows, Maybe we will get rid of enough of these lying murdering people in the congress and senate like the pussy of the Senate Ted Kennedy to perhaps get some Americans elected so we have people like Fred Thompson in there. Remember if a congressman or senator sends our men to war he is if this war is frivols UN needed a murder. Now go read the book War is a Racket by Brigadier General Smedley D Butler and this book should be required reading in every school in America in every grade from 6th to college senior along with “Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbll. The constution the whole damm thing should be read in the same grades

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