Sunday, June 14, 2009

It must be me, part of the curse of being borne with Bipolar and Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyper Activity and how I came to this conclusion is after 5 failed marriages not completing college and failing at becoming a United States Marine, there can only be me to blame. So I guess the Power or powers that be gave to me this then when the tally is added up and all the bad put on the scales of justice they can justly send me to the lake of fire for Crimes committed. I watched a part of a popular television show last night “Cops” the theme is “Bad boy bad boy watch going to do when they come for you” As usual on this piece of “Dudley Do Right “ Police worshiping show the cop lied no one said “Officer you just lied to these people society on up we have allowed several levels of double even triple standard to grow and flourish. (criminals, suspects, people alleged to have done ) should this ever happen. People like Dr. Marc Horner a Jewish Psychotherapist in the area would point out that these people are “Law breakers” suggesting that the treatment of these people should be different. What is like shocking to me is he is from a group of “ those people” one of the groups chosen for special treatment not always good treatment by various groups. He of all people should rally for equal treatment as human beings for “Law Breakers”. Most police cars have cameras in them and audio now it should be mandatory for all automobiles non cops as well so that they to record traffic stops and dealings with Cops. Then when a officer says “Did I say anything about YOU going to jail and he hand cuffs the suspect they walk to a patrol car get in it and then when it is all said and done he says they all three are going to jail because of walking down the street, when said suspects say he lied to me then the officers tapes if still there be reviewed and if it is recorded all suspects be released and the officer pay for cab fair for there returned to whoever then he is given two weeks no pay. You say you cant do that!!!! Then lets stop putting Kindergarteners in time out for lying ,let’s stop punishing children for lying and remove it from the 10 suggestions. (commandments)
Lets Impeach Barak Hussein Obama for opposing “Water boarding” saying we must play by the rules as long as we are allowing the various police organizations to break at there convince the “Rules , Constitutional rules that they must follow. These police officers represent “The Court” and are suppose to be under its rules, as I understand if I lie from the witness stand I can be charged with perjury and get 20 years. Now the police officer can lie to me on national television and he gets accolades for it . How can our president demand a following of the rules when from the foundation of our

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