Friday, June 26, 2009

Federal Goverment

The establisher of standards that is what our forefathers believed any Federal Government should be. This is why they gave the Federal Government limited powers and the states so much power!! This weaving of ideas of how things should be has created a patchwork of laws suited to each state and given each state things to try and change. Now we have a crusader in Washington D.C. like a knight in shining armor being champion to all going to fix things. Not all things need to be corrected. As an Example we started in 1963 trying to use gun control to stop killings just this year we have had two one by a felon with a pistol in a church, the other at a national monument with a rifle. If this does not prove that gun control does not work it can’t be proved, because pointing out all the deaths in countries that guns were confiscated and then Genocide began will have no effect on the person preaching for gun control. Richard Millhouse Nixon declared war on drugs in 1974 and we are not one day closer to winning it than now that was 30+years ago which means that for 35 years we fought to stop illegal drugs in America with on end, that is longer than ww1 ww2 Korea Vietnam and our current wars. The federal Government is the establisher of standards such weights measures money demonstrations not the answer to all problems. Those of us old enough to remember when Airlines were regulated and Trucking was regulated by the Federal Government how high airline tickets were and how high shipping rates were, and on gun control how hard it was to get guns own guns and how little all the control had on actual gun crimes. In fact the conceal carry laws have had a larger effect on crime than all of the police laws and regulation ever put in place. Now the federal government in the form of Barak Obama is going to fix the medical system if the previously mentioned federal government fixes are an example commit suicide when you get sick. Instead of de regulating the insurance industry and giving a couple of rules for them to follow which would fix 99 percent of the problem he wants to have a government take over. What country that had a nationalization of any industry or any other thing ever had any good come of it. If our federal government would do as the founders thought a federal government should and say to the insurance industry anyone who wishes to participate in this can but these rules apply when a client gets sick you cant cancel them , you must pay what you agreed to , you can charge anything you can get the customer to pay but you must pall the customers bills in full. There will be hi dollar companies and the wall mart company selling at cheaper rates and to lots of people, it will take about 10 years for it to all settle out and when it does we in these United states will have as we always have The very very best in the world

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