Friday, June 26, 2009


The creator was wise in not allowing us to choose our families or if we did get that choice before being borne forgot the choice we made. Some of us have suffered hell from our parents, some of us rose above these hells to do great things , Ludwick Von Beethoven was deaf and never heard a note he played. I wonder why some of us rise above adversity and others are crushed by it. I cant say too much about what I have read because we are not a reading society now, so the story of the man who first ran the 4 minute mile and his burned legs will mean nothing, there was a lady that sang a song called “Coal Miner’s Daughter” telling of her hardships as a child. But God only knows how many other children who did not pull of that and died in abject poverty in a state of drunkenness. We learned from the Soviet Communist Experiment that when people are in a state of hopeless that alcoholism runs rampant ( naming the pain) and drug addiction and sexual additions trying I guess to num the pain . There was a odd study coming out of Viet Nam and it discovered that when shelling started the herbivores headed for the opium and other patches that grew drug plants with the ability to num there pain, interesting a 4 legged two legged maybe even other types like ants going to get high while the shells were falling. War kills more than people. That having been said if we could have with full knowledge chosen our families from birth would there be a bunch of Jacksons like Michal who would have chosen his tragic life. The list of families that caused there children pain and hurt messed with there heads then bore the price is probably endless. In my view the main thing families in this country are failing is in teaching principles ( I define principles as that worth dying for fighting for even if it pays nothing) Mel Gibson made the movie Braveheart about William Wallis who died for the principle of FREEDOM this word and what it means which is indefinable in my view has cost billions of lives. There are buildings full of mindless morons that meet on Sunday Morning and evening and again on Wednesday night they build wonderful buildings colleges and sing praises to a man that they w would throw out of those buildings because of his dress and smell, They would beat the shit from him if he spoke his wisdom in those buildings because he spoke of principles and died for a principle, that being that no matter how bad vile rotten or evil you can be if you believe on that name and are baptized you may walk golden streets with those you did wrong to and they will be glad you are there. On second thought I am glad I could not chose my big brother,savior,lord, and I think friend. He talked about forgiveness and then did it at the point of death a teacher till the end.

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