Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Rule of law

We hear from our politicians “Rule of law’ . They say we are a country of Laws The rule of Law due process ect ect. When I listen to her tell of her “Bad Divorce” from her ex military then United States Postal Employee and how the post office protected him in the form of Roger s. I want to Vomit on all of the politicians that spout Rule of Law heads till they droned. This poor woman tells of going to pay her rent and her soon to be ex husband backs into her loan car cause her car was in the shop with a U.S. Government Motor Pool automobile his U.S. Mail truck The people at the apartment complex witnessed this so she had witness. She calls the Abilene Texas police they come and she wishes to file charges on her soon to be ex, well Mr. Roger S of the post office shows up talks to the Abilene Police and they leave. She is unable to file charges he keeps his Job. This man according to her Opened her mail and she reported to Roger S nothing was done so she reported it to Mr. Ft.Worth who is above Roger S, again nothing was done. As I see it we have several diseases in this country that are above the “rule of law or anything” they are Law Enforcment, Unions especially Postal Union , politicians , and Lawyers. How can a person of any intelligence speak of any kind of rule when if you are part of this crowds you just walk all over anyone with no problems or fear of any kind of retribution from anyone any where. I saw a movie called “Lakeside Canyon” about a black L.A. cop that broke the law at will and pushed anyone he chose around did things his way killed and was until the end of the movie not brought down at the cost of the harass neighbor life then after he pulled his gun and shot the next door neighbor then the sheriff s on scene shoots and kills him. The sad thing about this is people think that this is all out of Hollywood never happens in real life. The man with a badge is most likely to be the man to screw up your life and god help you if you are his or her spouse and have the gall to divorce them. They are untouchable and you will find out how termite eaten our house of Laws is how they do not work .

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