Wednesday, October 7, 2009

americas death

I was talking to a Abilene police officer the other day he said when asked if he would go door to door collecting all the guns in Abilene Texas this man said yes he would he might not agree with it but he would do as told. I said do you know how many bullets you would have in you this is Texas and most folks will not give up there guns. I wonder how many citizens will give up there weapons and how many will kill cops or U.S. shoulders ,Marines when and if this happens. The United Nations has a push to disarm citizens in all the world wide gun control so with the goal of stopping all of the violence. But history shows that those without arms are over ran and used by those with arms. It happened in modern times in Serbia, and in Africa now. See this is a Historical trend going back to the dark ages and beyond people pushing there wills on other people. It has happened inside nations called a civil war and nation against nation, it happened tribe against tribe. How in the Hell does the United Nations thing if all guns were taken up piled up and burned that this would stop this?? We have all the ingredients in the United states of America to have another civil war now. We have Americans all stirred up with all of the proposals by the democrats in medical reform. If the bill is signed into law that forces the citizens to purchase insurance without a lid on insurance cost it may well be the fuse that starts the war. There are citizens pressed to the wall money wise and adding another bill is like the proverbial straw that broke the camels back. We have been submerged in senseless debt by both parties to line the pockets of rich corporations, these moneys if given to every one over 18 that makes less than two hundred thousand since this is Baraka’s number would have done more to stimulate the economy than what has been done. If this money that was thrown down the black hole of corporations had been given to these broke people, including on social security disability income people and social security people then these folks would have bought houses and cars and could have afforded health insurance paid off all there debts and then had moneys to save in savings accounts. Now some laws would have been changed like those prohibiting people on disability income form having a savings, But since savings account monies are loaned to small business and small business is the back bone of America both would be strengthened. Hell if this lawyer in the white house would read Dave Ramsey’s books on “Total Money Make Over” and his others and put these principles in our government and how our government deals with it’s people so we all can have some economic stability. It is a proven fact that small business that employs less than 20 employees each are the back bone of America and if you eradicated these like weeds America would die too?

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