Sunday, October 25, 2009


10:57 AM 10/25/2009
Aronald Swartsnagger
signed into law in California the law making it unlawful for citizens of that state to purchase hand gun ammunition from firms that sell

it through the mail like many do. Our local gun-shops do the same and if logic follows they may very well be prohibited from doing the business as always

buying handgun ammunition from there sources because they are in essence mail order houses.This is a living example as to why our forefathers made it

unconstitutional for a not native to be president of the united states.We might consider making it a law that no person of non United States Birth can be

elected to any office.This man is jokingly called govenator and some says he wishes to be presidentator.Should this happen we may become rightless .We know

that you could buy anything by catalog until 1968 gun control act was passed after Kennedy was shot.We also know that there has been no gun related crime

since this law passed so we have undeniable proof that Gun Control works.I dare say every law ever made a law has been broken and all of the ten suggestions

as most take them.We are living under the Manchurian Candidate now.If other states follow as the real domino effect.

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