Thursday, October 22, 2009

3:05 PM 10/22/2009
I have been told and sent a Email about our president going to nullify our Constitution an a U.N. meeting. Should this occur it will be like the sun rising in

the west and setting in the east.!That statement brings me to the crux of my little talk.Rumor has it that this place is a cosmic accident and we are the same

that we crawled out of primordial soup to evolve into what we are.Well this United states of America did the same we crawled out of the primordial soup of

somebody telling us what to do,King George told the colonist that they would house and feed his troops pay his taxes and tow the mark he laid down.Some men

nameless met at a bridge in Lexington and Concord they fired the shot heard round the world and paid the first installment on our freedoms.The primordial soup of

ternary is as old as man and has a list of people that is long and as evil as it is illustrious.Every man on this planet that has ever lived has wanted just a

simple thing most of us anyway to live the best we are capable of see our children have better than we and be left the hell alone.Now some want great wealth

power and control even of others.History is replete with both types those fighting and dieing for the precious word FREEDOM and those seeking to control as

much of this world as they can.Barack Husein Obama is like Adolf Hitler in that he is eloquent in speech and able to rouse people to do his bidding. Like

Hitler,Stalin.Mussolini,Genghis Khan, Hannibal,and others they moved people and tried to control the world and all the people that they could.Now if this

President Obama does sign a treaty with anyone that nullifies the united states Constitution He will be no better than Adolf Hitler he will have taken FREEDOM

from about three hundred million people and lined himself up with these other not so nice souls.If the American people allow this they will be no better

than the German people under Adolf Hitler who murdered millions.Should there be no citizens of this country willing to take arms and resist this then we all

can kiss our freedoms bye bye.

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