Monday, October 5, 2009

intelegent human being

Well here it is another rant as some would say well it makes no difference but I will write it any way. I have a loaded 357 magnum pistol on my couch and am serious considering blowing my head off. You see the God of this planet is Money it is 6” long has a mans face on it and is green. The more of them you have toe more god loves you. The Anti-Christ sitting now in the Whitehouse is doing exactly what he is suppose to get us in so sink the U.S. so far in debt that we will never see the end of it. He and his Bosses know that this God of our world is the reason for the healthcare debate in the first place the insurance companies like the lawyers cant make enough of him so they need and demand more. What better way to get it than to make a law you must give it or else. After all in a truly free society two things that will sink like the Titanic are lawyers and insurance companies. Who likes lawyers and who wants to pay for insurance which is screwing its clientele out of moneys better saved. The insurance companies had to have a government mandate for liability insurance a product that they sell and now they are going to do it with health insurance. Why not mandate a medical non taxed savings account and fine you if you do not have one. Well let me explain it to you the insurance companies that the Anti Christ bailed out will sink. Ant the U.S. will be made once again strong because the savings people will loan that money to small business and America will prosper. The more money saved by individuals the better off our country is but the system we have is one of debt. Credit card debt, car loan debt , house loan debt, tax tax debt, All fines and license are taxes. Freedom is no more and has not been for a while .even on the Texas Drivers license handbook there is a number to call to report smoking cars Why? Simple if all persons driving smoking cars are made to fix or trash them for a newer one they are in more debt to banks and insurance companies you did not think they gave a shit about the environment did you!!! If you believe this environmental bull shit global warming shit you are in need of a brain transplant. It is all about our God (MONEY) . Now the second thing is CONTROLL Look we have our so called free government saying if you work in certain fields you must get certain shots. Now you thought you lived in the land of the free. Try walking around without IDENTIFICATION on you and let a police officer catch you! We in our country are now like a elevator with all cables broken where ever the basement or the next war among ourselves is where we are heading the people who want to be left alone to live as they see fit and the people who will try to force others to meet there demands, whether environmental demands, insurance demands, tax demands, license demands, or other life controls. So Money and Control are the keywords of our times. The beginnings of the next great human up evil. Look around the Jihadist want to control, the Taliban want to control,
The Antichrist ( Barak Hussein Obama), The Republicans want to control, The democrats want to control, The various religions want to control, The police want to control, The environmentalist want to control, The animal rights people want to control, And Jesus Christ said “do to others what you wish done to you”= You want to control and have all the gods of this planet (MONEY). Now to my statement about blowing my head off why would a intelligent person want to live like this. WE (all of U.S.) are right now at this minute like chicken little the sky is falling and we have Government to stop it bull. We will be better with Iran sending relief to us.

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