Friday, October 23, 2009


1:46 PM 10/23/2009
This United States Of America may very well see what only Germany has witnessed. Between world one and world two i believe the German

"Mark"=dollar in English was so worthless that it took one million to buy a loaf of bread. Germans were burning the mark to get rid of

them hoping to make the remaining marks worth something.We are already seeing gasoline prices climb here as result of George Bushes

and Barack Obama spending on the big boys. The money that was given out in the stimulus packages if given to a Obama target group

everyone who makes under two hundred thousand a year and over 18 years of age would have helped more than giving it to a very few

buddies of there's. Mr Obama is going to raise money from these bankers he loaned money to pull there fat out of the fire, see how small

the circle is like a farmer going into a ten thousand acre filed pulling to the very middle and making one small round driving out and

saying it is planted. These Wise people in Washington D.C are the people that set up the regulations that destroyed the black families on

welfare and whites too. Thee thinking was if there was a man in the house he should support the family so if we find a male in the

house no welfare,food stamps,and whatever help they got. The result if children being fatherless and our gangs now. If you are

unfortunate enough to receive government help you cant have savings account or bank account with anything in it. You will and are

aloud to have a account so the government can deposit your money but if you save say one thousand dollars your government help is in

jeopardy . If you talk to or listen to economist talk you find out that savings in savings accounts is one of the building blocks of society as

this money is loaned to business and this makes business grow. If every American were allowed to have 10,000 dollar medical savings per

person in the household we would not be in this hole we are sliding into the worthlessness of our Dollar which causes inflation that means

for those of you who are saying what is inflation very high prices and very little money. Oil is a world market and the world is telling U.S.

that our money is worthless cause we are owned by the Chinese Japanese and anyone else that Obama and Bush barred from. We will

now dance to there tune and we all may loose our land houses jobs freedoms our people may be killed in mass our daughters made sex

slaves for these people so we can pay our debt to them. Maybe this is why the Mayan calender ends at 2012.

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