Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Takes money to make money

12:57 PM 10/27/2009
My father use to say it takes money to make money. My father had but a 6 Th grade education I did not know of his low performance in

school.My father was a cowboy foreman of a ranch I went to college as close as he came to college was driving by one, He could count

cattle going through a gate and was adding them together as he explained it to me and was never more than one or two different from

the other people counting them. I could not get within 10. I am now 54 and on disability. I am trying to build a building to store some

things. His statement is true and it hits me daily as I struggle without things I need.There is no job that i can think of that you will not

need some money to do it. If you are going to chop cotton you will unless furnished buy a hoe. I can hear someone saying you and your

father are full of there are many many self made men that started with nothing. I think the only story that comes close to this idea is the

founder of Shannon West Texas Hospital in San Angelo. My Shannon according to J.Frank Dobie ask the sheep ranchers in the area if he

could get the turfs of wool from the bushes on there land they laughed I am sure and said yes sure help your self. With the proceeds of this

selling of the wool he bought a ranch which had oil under it died wealthy established this hospital and said no one regardless of

ability to pay should be turned away. Think if the ranchers would have said NO. This self made man that made money without money

would not exist. But even at that he must have had some money to feed himself ad cloth himself.

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