Monday, July 6, 2009

america the bad and getting worse

Was watching the Television and there was a program that showed the video of a man being drug from his van in Vermont. He was in a diabetic stupor unconscious it said but the police felt threatened. He slipped into unconsciousness and slipped in the wrong lane going north in the southbound lane when they got him stopped he was out they beat his window out . Pulled him through the window without taking the time to unlock the door and take him out that way he was after unconscious all this time. It shows one officer twisting his arm which broke the elbow he was photographed with a bloody head and a very badly bruised arm. The program interviewed the Attorney General of Vermont who said “Hind site is 20/20 you must put yourselves in those officers shoes at the time “ This program Inside Weekend said this Attorney General said his officers did nothing wrong.!!! This piece of video and the pictures plus the remark by a Attorney General should leave no doubt in anyone’s mind that Law Enforcement from the lowest cop to the Legal Eagles (lawyers all of them) and this includes senators congressmen all the way to the President are not for right good treatment of people and are no different than the mafia. They bullied people too. Since it is a fact that the President is a Lawyer most of our elected officials are Lawyers or Insurance men which have law training and they represented by Vermont’s Attorney General who made this statement about a passed out motorist and the thugs with badges and guns on them who were videoed by there own cameras brutalizing this man then this lawyer says they did nothing wrong !!!!! I for one call for some changes like mandatory Life sentences for all Lawyers, Cops, elected officials when caught and convicted. Removal of lifetime appointed anything all Judges must run for reelection every 4 years. When brought up on charges immediate removal from office till the dissipation of those charges. We in the states that make up these United States the people have no choice how do u put commercials that show a bully approaching a boy to abuse him and a person watching turns him into puppies. The children go home and see Cops brutalizing a poor passed out motorist cause he has a medical emergency. How do you say don’t fight when he sees this your child will say they do it! Then you say it is ok they have Badges and Guns and Handcuffs, they are sanctioned by Lawyers they get there power from Congress and Senate and the President of the United states Who are mostly Lawyers too. So see little Johnny or little Susie if you have this it is ok to beat the hell out of your fellow man! These children say I want to grow up and be cops, lawyers and elected officials.

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