Thursday, April 2, 2009

This posting will be of a adult nature

I enjoy the naked human body and seeing pictures of people enjoying sex. I think the most loving thing a woman can do is swallow or have the cum of a man on her face. Why then do the men who share this experence with the women want to call them names like slut,whore,cum whore,cum dump,and bitch,why not enjoy the pleasure that they are sharing with you and be complemantary.If you are blessed with a woman that will do a gang bang and not be jealous,then be thankfull to God for the gift.Quite a lot of people jump the fence and destroy a family and a long marriage,so what is wrong with being able to share your lover with others and stay together? If you are a Bible reader and you believe it,God even told a profit fo go marry a whore and told him he would have to go get her out of other men's beds so he could see how much God loved Isrial.When asked Jesus said that adultry was the only reason for a divorce he did not add and you must divorce if adultry is comitted!! We know that some women and men have a very large sexual appite and can go for hours and through multiple lovers,so why not allow each other the freedom within your relationship to explore your desires and enjoy each other and the many trails that it takes you and the adventures you share.If you visited the world and every country in it society would laud the acomplishment why can't society laud the marriage that stayed together however it stayed glued together.

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