Sunday, May 31, 2009

second chance

I am now in my mid 50’s when I was less than 40 I was trying to keep a marriage together and stay monogamous after five marriages four children I shit canned that Idea. I believe there is a God and he sent Jesus so I could walk in Heaven with all those I have wronged and those that have wronged me. I must have missed it the wild sexual escapades I have heard tell of, now I am willing and open but too _______________ whatever excuse for me to not being allowed to play . If god did make a mistake it was in giving us youth to make all of our mistakes then not being able to start over with a clean record and the age to do it all again . So you make all the mistakes and then when you say IF I could do it over instantly you are 18,19,20 well you get the idea and with the knowledge to correct the mistakes. Look out Tiger Woods and every other great there is at least one out there that did not get his mind and body in the right performance order to be what he or she could have, they figure it out and say IF. I think that now that I know what I now know I might have keep one of the marriages together. I might have succeeded at the Marines, finished college but then I had disadvantages I was Bipolar and Attention Deficit Disorder and back then no pills or help. My parents were the kind as many were don’t’ hang the family laundry for all to see, they were more concerned about what other people thought and Mother still is at 76. Folks like me with my disadvantages have a higher rate of killing themselves, drug addiction, divorce, are more prone to smoke all of this comes from the studies psychiatry have done has not changed one damm thing about our society and how it deals with people like me. Well now you can come get me for this suggestion: If I was the President Obama I would have all prisoners in all prisons under 40 brought to a central room and my speech would be broadcast to them. I would say I am going to sign amnesty for all of you don’t care what you did you will be free records sealed in a file unless you come to trial again in front of a jury then what ever your sentence was it will be doubled and if on death row you will be shot instantly when brought to trial for murder again. We are going to create a special program for you to learn a trade or go to college or enlist in the military a clean start to correct your mistakes please make us glad and proud I did this. I think if the so called Christians fell in behind this and assisted these people there would be less than a .01% failure rate.

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