Tuesday, May 26, 2009

truth in america

Freedom, Rights, Good, Honesty, Trustworthiness and America words in my 1960’s era schooling both state and Sunday school. I was in the Boy scouts and they talk about telling the truth not lying. If you lie on the witness stand and are caught you are charged with perjury you can lie and void a contract. There is no law that says a police officer must tell the truth, there is no set of rules that they must play by. It has come to my attention that they in fact do lie they will use any means at there disposal to make an arrest. I guess to a simpleton like me this is akin to Jesus saying “Don’t Commit Adultery” then saying by the way I have fucked every married woman in Jerusalem. How can we expect Abu Grab to not occur when we allow the law up holders the police to LIE? A cop can now get you into the car and let you take there close off get ready for sex and even go through with the act then cuff you this Happened in Abilene Texas. We watch cops and have the song “Bad Boy Bad Boy What are you going to do when they come for you” we witness people being abused on this program every Saturday night by police officers. Now the president says “Water Boarding” is touchier, I think being handcuffed till the blood is cut off from your hands by a cop and then being picked up by your wrist so it puts pressure on your shoulders like the V.C. did to John McCain is touchier but alas if it wears a badge a gun and carries cuffs and mace a baton drives a patrol car it is not. If it drives a patrol car in can pull you over for crossing a line once then search your car if it ask and you agree but the lying sob will not tell you can refuse. They can come to your door and say come out here and lets talk then arrest you the lying dog will not tell you that they don’t have permission to enter your house without a warrant but if they can trick you into coming out they can arrest you. In light of the cops performance I personally think it is great that we the people accept our political lying by the president senators and others we should give them a pay raise for every lie they tell since we allow it so much. How can we expect to be an example when the examples are liars? This is a basic thread of the blanket of our society and if it is thrown away as it is now why prosecute anyone for anything because in its most basic all crime is a lie. The child molester tells the child the lie that it is fun, ok, our secret, the bank robber says it is the banks money not a persons money, the guy lying on a résumé is saying everyone does it. The college student or high school student says to the girl I love you it is good for lovers to have sex, or everyone cheats!!!

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