Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christ Mass

We have just finished celebrating the sun gods day Christmas! We call it Jesus birthday but the letter J did not come to be till 500 years ago and Yesua=Jesus was born long before that. Now in my Family I am 55 and have never gotten a gift I wanted. Yesua=Jesus got all of those that will be saved eternal life in a young body not a gift that is un wanted by anyone, so why would we give gifts that are un wanted on his suppose birthday. This having his birthday on the day of Sol Invidious the invincible sun and topping it off by giving unwanted gifts seems to me a double slap in his face.
So how does my mother for instance expect to be in heaven profaning Yesua’s birthday and not following his example in getting a gift that the receiver wants!! If Christmas is Yesua’s birthday and gifts are exchanged should his example be followed get the person you are buying for a gift they want Yesua did.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christ Mass

In 6 more days we will again worship Sol Invidious the unconquerable son.Constantine the first Great Emperor (christen emperor) who established Sunday as the day of worship for all Christendom and did away with the Sabbath (Saturday) being the Holey day of rest established by God.
Emperors portrayed Sol Invictus on their official coinage, with a wide range of legends, only a few of which incorporated the epithet invictus, such as the legend SOLI INVICTO COMITI, claiming the Unconquered Sun as a companion to the Emperor, used with particular frequency by Constantine.[28] Statuettes of Sol Invictus, carried by the standard-bearers, appear in three places in reliefs on the Arch of Constantine. Constantine's official coinage continues to bear images of Sol until 325/6. A solidus of Constantine as well as a gold medallion from his reign depict the Emperor's bust in profile twinned ("jugate") with Sol Invictus, with the legend INVICTUS CONSTANTINUS[29]
Constantine decreed (March 7, 321) dies Solis—day of the sun, "Sunday"—as the Roman day of rest [CJ3.12.2]:
On the venerable day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed. In the country however persons engaged in agriculture may freely and lawfully continue their pursuits because it often happens that another day is not suitable for grain-sowing or vine planting; lest by neglecting the proper moment for such operations the bounty of heaven should be lost.[30]
Constantine's triumphal arch was carefully positioned to align with the colossal statue of Sol by the Colosseum, so that Sol formed the dominant backdrop when seen from the direction of the main approach towards the arch.[31]
This from the internet on Constantine’s Bastardsation of Christ and Pagan. So when you good Christians worship Christ Mast or Christmas know that you are profaning God and his Sun. When you attend church on Sunday and work on Saturday you are breaking the 4th commandment of the 10 suggestions.

Monday, December 13, 2010


We have a budget shortfall in Texas at least this is what the press is telling us. During the election a smiling faced Rick Perry said he sat aside 18 billion for a rainy day. Where is his 18 billion if we have billions in shortfall? Did Rick Perry lie or are the Texas Congress, and Senate lying? I do not choose to vote because If Rick Perry won this election a record 6th term on lies like these, and then the people who do vote are morons and can be swayed by a slick tongued liar.
I have a friend that puts on all emails “A vote not cast is a vote cast for the winner whether you like it or not.” I will not argue this fact. However this may be casting an intelligent vote against a mob of morons that believe a liar like Governor Perry is about as smart as trying to swim up the Missiippii river. The voting machines probably can be tampered with, dead men have voted in Illinois yet America preaches democracy to the entire world and fair and honest elections!! Do we really have these things ourselves? Can a bunch of say retarded citizens that have the requirements to vote otherwise be coached ahead of time registered and then taken to the polls to skewer the results probably if dead can vote.

(347 unread) Yahoo! Mail, saddlebronk7

(347 unread) Yahoo! Mail, saddlebronk7

Monday, November 29, 2010

jesse lee green (poetwriter54) on Twitter

jesse lee green (poetwriter54) on Twitter


I have been on this planet for 55 years. I do not remember having much help. I have been a failure in most things I tried. My parents were more interested in pointing out how I was wrong and with little encourment, I guess I died on the way somewhere. I was married to a woman who refused to help me with house repairs and remolding I ask my son to hand me my power saw and it turned on if god had not been watching over him he could be without fingers.
I live alone now so I must figure out how to do what I need to do myself by myself. I think god must hate me for why would he give me two brain disorders and two parents that were not encouraging at all. I heard about a father that put a dollar on the pitching mound to teach his son to follow through he became one of the greatest pitchers in baseball history. There is a story of a father that put up a swinging tire in his yard for his son to throw the foot ball into and then swung the tire for his son. The son became a great quarterback. When as a young man I bought a 30/06 my father said he would take me elk hunting in Colorado he has been dead 5 years never an elk hunt. Why so many fathers are excuse makers and not man makers if they spent 1/99th of the time making excuses for why they can’t or will not help their son with what he wants to do with his life GOD only knows how high above all nations America would be. Some fathers like mine want to relive their lives and correct the mistakes, or say children are to be seen and not heard. This not heard includes what the child whishes to do. Look at Tiger Woods and the accomplishments he has made and what his father did to help.


I have been on this planet for 55 years. I do not remember having much help. I have been a failure in most things I tried. My parents were more interested in pointing out how I was wrong and with little encourment, I guess I died on the way somewhere. I was married to a woman who refused to help me with house repairs and remolding I ask my son to hand me my power saw and it turned on if god had not been watching over him he could be without fingers.
I live alone now so I must figure out how to do what I need to do myself by myself. I think god must hate me for why would he give me two brain disorders and two parents that were not encouraging at all. I heard about a father that put a dollar on the pitching mound to teach his son to follow through he became one of the greatest pitchers in baseball history. There is a story of a father that put up a swinging tire in his yard for his son to throw the foot ball into and then swung the tire for his son. The son became a great quarterback. When as a young man I bought a 30/06 my father said he would take me elk hunting in Colorado he has been dead 5 years never an elk hunt. Why so many fathers are excuse makers and not man makers if they spent 1/99th of the time making excuses for why they can’t or will not help their son with what he wants to do with his life GOD only knows how high above all nations America would be. Some fathers like mine want to relive their lives and correct the mistakes, or say children are to be seen and not heard. This not heard includes what the child whishes to do. Look at Tiger Woods and the accomplishments he has made and what his father did to help.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

clerk the jerk

My blogs are raw and unsencered like my life is. I was blessed or cursed by God with bi polar and Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyper activity. The big secret is tons of you are blessed by this but not diagnosed.
I found one of these people today I went into a store in Abilene Texas to look at the price of gun powder and primers. The clerk in the store verbally attacked me by loudly correcting every mistake I made. If I said 30/20 powder he would say no such thing and go off in a tirade. Now he did share with me that the store is up for sale again and his son is buying it. This is the 3 sale of said store and the second time I have been it when its stock was very very low.
Clerk the Jerk proceeded to tell me how Academy Sports and Outdoors ran their business. What other stores carried. He even told me that his neck surgery was not a fusion that they do not fuse necks any more. I doubt my business will hurt him and his son any but how many customers does he attack in this manner. If this man represents the shooting sports in this way there will be tons of people not interested in their children shooting. I myself will not be back in his store I will drive to Dallas first.

Monday, November 1, 2010

16947 county rd 341 - Google Maps

Tomorrow November 2 2010 when the rest of these United States are voting for the first time in my 55 years on this planet and being of the age to vote I will not cast a vote. There are two reasons for this 1. Somewhere in a pledge I believe it says Justice for all. 2. I saw the movie today J. Edgar Hoovers secret papers.
Let me begin with the first “Justice for all”. About a year ago a Jones County Deputy Sheriff was banging on my door at 0130. This Deputy one Mr. Foresee I believe said come out here and talk to me about a complaint. I was promptly arrested and toated to jail but not before he exhausted all tries at lying to the lady in my bed to get her out of the house. My attorney got a letter from the Jones county Judge saying all charges were dropped because no complaint was filed. There is no Justice for anyone if law enforcement offences’ can lie legally with no retbution such as time off without –pay for a bad arrest. If you will just watch the shows like 48hours mystery,20/20 when they do there murder miseries you will be left wondering if the badge carriers graduated kindergarten or maybe they escaped the retarded house somewhere, because by and large all of these shows show how the law enforcement screwed it up so bad that the killer will never be found.
Now for the Nation’s most infamous homosexual J Edgar Hoover who according to this movie for 30 years and 30,000+ people kept records on and controlled the president’s senators F.B.I. agents and god knows who else and no one stood up to defy him. In fact Melvin Purvis an ex F.B.I. agent blew his head off because of Hoover. If one man like this behind the scenes can control so many, then the whole pledge and nation are no better than Hitler’s Germany. We say one nation under god or whoever is the next (Hoover) indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Horse crap for J Edgar Hoover’s life he ran things and if you tried to do different he blackmailed you.

voting tomrrow

Tomorrow November 2 2010 when the rest of these United States are voting for the first time in my 55 years on this planet and being of the age to vote I will not cast a vote. There are two reasons for this 1. Somewhere in a pledge I believe it says Justice for all. 2. I saw the movie today J. Edgar Hoovers secret papers.
Let me begin with the first “Justice for all”. About a year ago a Jones County Deputy Sheriff was banging on my door at 0130. This Deputy one Mr. Foresee I believe said come out here and talk to me about a complaint. I was promptly arrested and toated to jail but not before he exhausted all tries at lying to the lady in my bed to get her out of the house. My attorney got a letter from the Jones county Judge saying all charges were dropped because no complaint was filed. There is no Justice for anyone if law enforcement offences’ can lie legally with no retbution such as time off without –pay for a bad arrest. If you will just watch the shows like 48hours mystery,20/20 when they do there murder miseries you will be left wondering if the badge carriers graduated kindergarten or maybe they escaped the retarded house somewhere, because by and large all of these shows show how the law enforcement screwed it up so bad that the killer will never be found.
Now for the Nation’s most infamous homosexual J Edgar Hoover who according to this movie for 30 years and 30,000+ people kept records on and controlled the president’s senators F.B.I. agents and god knows who else and no one stood up to defy him. In fact Melvin Purvis an ex F.B.I. agent blew his head off because of Hoover. If one man like this behind the scenes can control so many, then the whole pledge and nation are no better than Hitler’s Germany. We say one nation under god or whoever is the next (Hoover) indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Horse crap for J Edgar Hoover’s life he ran things and if you tried to do different he blackmailed you.

voting tomrrow

Tomorrow November 2 2010 when the rest of these United States are voting for the first time in my 55 years on this planet and being of the age to vote I will not cast a vote. There are two reasons for this 1. Somewhere in a pledge I believe it says Justice for all. 2. I saw the movie today J. Edgar Hoovers secret papers.
Let me begin with the first “Justice for all”. About a year ago a Jones County Deputy Sheriff was banging on my door at 0130. This Deputy one Mr. Foresee I believe said come out here and talk to me about a complaint. I was promptly arrested and toated to jail but not before he exhausted all tries at lying to the lady in my bed to get her out of the house. My attorney got a letter from the Jones county Judge saying all charges were dropped because no complaint was filed. There is no Justice for anyone if law enforcement offences’ can lie legally with no retbution such as time off without –pay for a bad arrest. If you will just watch the shows like 48hours mystery,20/20 when they do there murder miseries you will be left wondering if the badge carriers graduated kindergarten or maybe they escaped the retarded house somewhere, because by and large all of these shows show how the law enforcement screwed it up so bad that the killer will never be found.
Now for the Nation’s most infamous homosexual J Edgar Hoover who according to this movie for 30 years and 30,000+ people kept records on and controlled the president’s senators F.B.I. agents and god knows who else and no one stood up to defy him. In fact Melvin Purvis an ex F.B.I. agent blew his head off because of Hoover. If one man like this behind the scenes can control so many, then the whole pledge and nation are no better than Hitler’s Germany. We say one nation under god or whoever is the next (Hoover) indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Horse crap for J Edgar Hoover’s life he ran things and if you tried to do different he blackmailed you.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

my short life


I am Jesse Lee Green I have a Diagnosis of Bipolar and Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyper Activity. I am 55 years old now. The longest stretch of employment for me was 3 years at a company in North Carolina. Looking back at my life I see my brain
has glitches or whatever you wish to call it: example while working as a cook at a college there was a piece of something in the beans in a steam cooker filled with hot water, what posses me to stick my hand and arm and retrieve that foreign object I do not know but I did without burning my arm.
Example what possessed me to try and drive a low boy trailer over a raised Cattle guard I do not know but I tried. Bull headed, hard headed, stupid, Ignorant, dumb ass, and many many more names I have attached to me. I have a friend that is retired Navy and he says it boils down to three things: 1.Improper training 2. Improper supervision 3.misuse of equipment this is the definition of failure in the U.S. Navy. He laughs at me because he says he is Bipolar, color blind, and use to stdder but he overcame these things, I guess he thinks if he did all humans should. Interesting side note he recently got a preaching listens from California. Can you see Jesus saying these three bits of wisdom and then saying he overcame all must overcome!!!
I was watching a program on the human mind as relates to serial killers and actual cat scans and autopsy as to proving their physical differences in the brain itself. Perhaps this is why it says in the story of Legion in the Bible that they found him healed clothed and in his right mind!!! If as I have known for some time from trying to explain things I have thought and done that the psychical brain is different in each of us and has different areas of activities then no man or woman can judge anther's behavior.
I know that those in my life have never never given me a break and I do know there may be millions of people like me in unemployment lines now.

Monday, June 21, 2010

fathers day

My son came by yesterday for father’s day; he fed me and fattened me. We looked at my blogs and they read totally like a disoriented male that knew nothing about English, or Spanish, or any other earthly language had written them. I have Arthritis and other things wrong with me.
He did pick up on one blog and what I was trying to say. I was trying to say that scientist have studied the correlation between sex crimes and pornography they have determined that the availability of pornography has reduced rape in our society. My blog was saying that if this is so why not let there be a virtual world that the sick pedophiles can go to and get there fix so they will leave live living human children alone. We have this very month a child missing and now presumed dead by something probably a known pedophile. Why will I society not operate on these thugs and put a Gps like we do on animals so they can’t remove it but we can track them 24/7. I kind of feel like the children will be injected with the Gps before the criminal. How many must we lose before we do something intelligent like the virtual world for them we can do much with this virtual world to do away and reduce the risk.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

ministers lying

There is a church in Abilene Texas called St Luke's Orthodox church there Advertisement says "Orthodox" means both right worship and right faith,at Abilene Christan University in Chapel one day a man said Acappella meant the way the first century church saying it. When on this day I looked up in Merriam Webster"Collegiate Dictionary (tenth edition).The definition for Acappella is without musical accompaniment. Orthodox is 1.a.conforming to established doctrine esp. in religion B.conventional2.cap:of relating to,or constituting several conservative religious or political groups:as a:EASTERN ORTHODOX b:of relating to ORTHODOX Judaism-orthodoxy.Neither of these definitions from this widely used dictionary comes close to the definitions that the ministers of Gods word gave.Now are these ministers like the man who committed sewcid when the 509th had its reunion in his home town in Califorinia because he had told everyone he was the pilot of the Enola Gay annd it would be revealed that Colonel Tibbits was infact the pilot.
Shopuld the ministers that use such definitions be at least willing to say which dictionary they are using.Is not one of those ten suggestions(I do not use commandments because they are treated like suggestions,my dictionary from my brain)"DO NOT LIE"? So iss it not a lie when you check something our and it fails to measure up with the widly known definition,would it not cause a war or much trouble if i decided a 1" (INCH OF MY LAND WAS A ACRE)mighty expensive realistate at any price.Is this not why definitions not set up? Does not the King James verson of the Bible and all others not have a dictionary explaning the mesurments in the bible,so if ministers are going to creat their own dictionarys should they not get together and publish the one for Bibicial terms? Makes it hard to attend a Church any church when one of the ten suggestions are not being followed,why not just toss the other 9 out and have a durnken orgy with a collection plate being passed as most churches do not have the lords supper any way every Sunday and on the sunday of the lords supper no drunken orgy.In other words be faithful to whate Jesus said and did.

Friday, June 11, 2010


There were two people married they did, family they start two children boys they be.
One with Bipolar One with Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity poor child he had both,
Marshall the free and clear no disorders maybe Narcissism had the little brother. The dud with Bipolar and Attention Disorder, whispered by god himself perfect in every way a vessel pure and good,
Fill whispered God with love and encouragement much encouragement,J.W. and Johan heard not these whispers.
Negative nattering nabobs of negativity with most sentences related to Lee the dud began with Don’t, Stop, Bad, You can’t do that, That is silly don’t be so silly, These were his positive sentences and words Shouted at him by these parents. Still in the years that followed this Great God that created all whispered in the wind on the breeze and through the trees, Positive be, encourage Lee gold and gifts there are in this soul please don’t destroy crush and hurt my precious creation.
The whispers weren’t heard the negatives mounted into a giant mountain mount Everest of negative. The other laid on couch watched Television made straight A’s. Roped Rode bulls was the apple of Daddies and mothers eye. Best roping horses his father could by best calves and pen built by dud for his practicing to be world champion calf roper to be. Flunked from College two semesters, never got closer than television and the couch to world champion calf roper.
Perhaps it is because we people don’t listen or encourage, negative, nattier about such small stuff, That this Great God sent a new child Autistic so its parents unlike those of the fifties and sixties would hear the whispers: Perfect in every way fill with encouragement praise and lots of love!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Somewhere I read that Iran is planning a new group of executions in celebration of the Iranian Revolution. Now if Iran gets a missile and a nuke somebody somewhere will get hot quick. These people only understand one thing strength power fear. We have shown that under Bush Obma is running like a coward.. It will come back to the united states somebody will die over here because of the Muslims. If we do not tell them and then act on it and completely annihilate any mosck town country that they train in and use for striking. Tell them where ever you are we will kill you man woman child till you choose peace or total annihilation your choice. Bring us these Bad Muslims for trial and then cage them up in a steel room with a Koran and three meals consisting of pork water. Do not make them Marters make there lives till death miserable and show it 24/7 on the Muslim Televisions .

life in the united states.

I had a conversation with a friend yesterday. We were talking about how we use to work cattle trading out ranch for ranch, now if you cant hire it done you do it yourself.We use to have Barn buildings,if a neighbor was struck with illness the neighbors came to gather and his work was done (cotton planted) whatever for him so he would not loose out on a crop.Or if that time of year the crop harvested. have authritous and hit the wrong buttons on these computers.Miss one letter in the word and if the damn spell check can get it right is a hit or miss. So i take a lot of ribbing from the people on these blog sites that are perfect for my misspellings,punctuation,and anything they can make me feel stupid with. This friend has a wife that is a 30 year teacher she in fact taught me. He said she was leaving the profession because of the smart mouth children,they get it from there parents I guess the perfect parents.This is the Glue that built this great nation and it is gone. Neighbors coming together to help another would be sued.Children say Fuck you more than anything and dare you to do any thing about it,hell Clint Eastwood made a movie about it.If you piss these little bastards off they come by your house with guns and shoot you up.By the way I hope you perfect people notice the two types of writing size of letters that these old hands hit the wrong button on Laugh You sorry bastards Maybe your child will die in a drive by.

voting in the united states

This the problem with the American people they are unwilling to give up the status qua. This is one of the reasons I will not waste my time or gasoline trying to vote. At the presidential level we vote for our member of the electoral college. Anyone ever met him talked to him saw a reporter interview him? Like a Jury they are not bound by the bullshit that a judge tells them,he is not bound by the majority. He can show up and vote for Mr.Magoo if he chooses, even thought those he represented voted for Olive oil.I found out when you write ever congressperson and senate person in your state about a problem also the national senators and congressmen you become a Giant ping pong ball,no person in authority wishes to address or study or do anything but refer you to someone else up or down the line. The thing will change when NO votes are cast in any election for a period,it will halt the machine as they say.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

united states today

Today in these United States we are in a time of change. This change began with the election of Bark Hussein Obama. I am 55 years old and this is the first traitor in the Whitehouse. This man did not put the wreath on the tomb of the unknown and I am 55 I cant remember when that did not happen in my aware life. The Job of p0resident comes with certain responsibilities and honors as all jobs do, one of these is honoring on memorial day the thumb of the unknown. This man bows to other leaders(treason) does not take his wife to Muslim countries no other president did this WHY!!! He has cleverly engineered the disastrous in the gulf of Mexico to asure we all drive smart cars. The smart car after looking at one will stop the population bomb in America cause there is no room for seat belting a child into it so either the seat belt law goes or we all under the age of 60 are sterilized.So any population growth will be from Mexico or the Muslim countries. China India and whever they can get here from.
This man should be tried for treason if found guilty shot in front of a firing squad or hung. This will not happen because enough people in this country thought he the savior. I will never vote in this country again because of the crooked law in Jones county Texas and the election of this traitor.One other reason when I wrote every congressperson and senator in Texas about the crooked constitutional destroying sheriff and deputy plus the county judge in Jones County Texas I was played like a ping pong ball and no one wants to address this issue . Explain if you will and can what good voting does r if some orginization like the Illuminati dosent controll it all ant they decided this trator best served there pourpouses.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

another rant

Time for another rant. I was communicating with a 29 year old couple in Pennsylvania and they ask me if on 60 acres there would be land enough to set up a play area. Well I had to look up Acre now in the dictionaries I use to remember you looked in the back under measurements and there was listed all measurements from ounces to sections of land. I could not in this Merriam’s Collegiate 10 addition do that I had to look for Acre the definition, 43,560 square feet or metric 4047square meters. If a 29 year old couple in any where U.S.A. does not even have an elementary grasp of simple measurements, my opinion we are in trouble. They now say it takes a village to raise a child and we see security cameras’ capturing images of children beating other children totally unconscious. My father had only a 6th grade education but he knew how big an acre was and could count cattle going through a gate. My brother and I were raised by two of the not best parents in the world but we have not been in fights nor have long criminal records. We were raised in a house with multiple loaded guns and did nothing like Columbine. My father and mother did not drop us off at the mall and say bye for the day. We had horses to break, fences to build, fields to plow I was 9 driving a john deer tractor in a section field=640 acres or 1 square mile. There are laws now children can’t work, parents can’t punish children and Hillary Clinton says “It Takes a village” to raise a child. Since my 30th birthday we have had Columbine, 9/11, world trade center bombing, a girl filmed beating another girl probably to death on the news. I think we need to return to the Old Testament and take this child to the city limits and stone her to death. The Old Testament says if a child does certain things they face death or being cut off from there people. They did not have what we in the United States have now. I have a friend that teaches school in Texas and she says all they teach is Tass test. When I was in school we learned the 8 parts of speech, how to write read do some math world geography history.

Friday, April 16, 2010

solving the worlds problems.

I have discovered all the problems of the entire world today. I was doing some searching on line and it dawned on me when everything I was seeking was in the U.K. that the total problems of this world reside in the United Kingdom, Nigeria, and Ghana. If you want a trans gender they are in the United Kingdom. Want a Quad amputee they are all in the United Kingdom. Want a Dominatrices or slave they too are in the United Kingdom. Whatever I wanted it was in the United Kingdom. Now if you are on any web site that has to do with dating anything you want to date women men horses dogs snakes there will be many many many of your whatever you seek from United Kingdom, Nigeria or Ghana they may even show that they life two doors down butt there mum is sick so they are in United kingdom, Nigeria, and Ghana. So this being the case if the United States will blow nuke these places in a total surprise attack quickly the problems of the world will disappear in a atomic vapor. Do it now before these vermin leave United Kingdom, Nigeria, or Ghana?

Monday, March 29, 2010

trator in chief

Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw as much paint on it as you can!
NEVER, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP! -Winston Churchill

ARE YOU KIDDING ME……..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please pay attention to the part in red.




The president of this great country openly states his beliefs such as those expressed below:

The following is a narrative taken from Sunday Morning's 07 Sept. 2008 11:48:04 EST,

Televised "Meet the Press".The author is employed by none other than the Washington Post!!

THE THEN Senator Obama was asked about his stance on the American Flag.

General Bill Ginn' USAF (ret.) asked Obama to explain WHY he doesn't follow protocol when

the National Anthem is played.

The General also stated to Obama that according to the United States Code, Title 36,

Chapter 10, Sec. 171...

During rendition of the national anthem, when the flag is displayed, all present (except those in uniform) are expected to stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Or, at the very least,

"Stand and Face It".

Senator Obama replied:

"As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking sides". "There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression ."

"The anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all that sort of thing."


Obama said: "The National Anthem should be 'swapped' for something less parochial and less bellicose.

I like the song 'I'd Like To Teach the World To Sing'. If that were our anthem, then, I might salute it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our National Anthem as well as 'redesign' our Flag to better offer our enemies hope and love. It's my intention , if elected, to disarm America to the level of acceptance to our Middle East Brethren. If we, as a Nation of waring people, conduct ourselves as the nations of Islamwhere peace prevails - - - perhaps a state or period of mutual accord could exist between our governments ."

When I become President, I will seek a pact oragreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity, and a freedom from disquieting oppressive thoughts. We as a Nation have placed upon the nations of Islam an unfair injustice which is WHY my Wife disrespects the Flag and she and I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past".

"Of course now, I have found myself about to become the President of the United States and I have put my hatred aside . I will use my power to bring CHANGE to this Nation, and offer the people a new path . My wife and I look forward to becoming our Country's First black Family. Indeed, CHANGE is about to overwhelm the United States of America "

WHAAAAAAAT the Hell is that!!!

Yes, you read it right.

I, for one, am speechless!!!

Dale Lindsborg,

Washington Post

Saturday, March 27, 2010

un wanted

Alone and unwanted, unneeded, unnecessary, unrelized dreams is all that is left of me. Like an old man in a home for old unwanted un needed un loved is the reminder of the life of me. My chances I had My chances I blew. The magic wand of youth petered away is stupid pursuit of things I thought grand and good. Now in the prison of alone and un wanted un needed for the final song I pray the death song of me.Synpthy give me not .My actions and reactions my choices no excuses I am told I did it all guilty as all hell. For surely those successful still tale the tale of IF I had but made other choices reacted in other ways held when I should have held rushed when I should have rushed the end of this story different would be.Sucessful and wealthy would I be, My fault I know it be, because my mother, my daughter, my son, y friend say all the same. Say they those in the ditch those without those lazy slothful stupid son of bitches deserve their fate, the fate they themselves made for it was poor planning poor choices, ill use of there money. These wise people say there is no Ice Berg that sinks the Titanic was stupidly on the part of those in control why the great end up in the bottom of the ocean we call life. Says My mother and not alone I heard from High school principle the story of the man the people found homeless in the gutter they took him cleaned educated him gave him clothing and a house too then found a job kept tabs on this man in but a few months he was where they found him again nasty filthy and in the ditch, Mother is Church of Christ, The principle was too Church of Christ his son Hershel talked me from being baptized at 13. See the mistake I made see the proof of why I should be as I am pariah of god of man of woman.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


3/25/2010 Busybodies.
I was looking on the internet for people having sex in public. I found on YouTube a video vigilante who took his camera and followed people in Oklahoma City Oklahoma picking up prostates and filming them and calling the police to have them arrested. I know people of the ilk of John Walsh will applaud this behavior. I wonder why we don’t just legalize prostitution and allow people to do it where they wish in certain parts of the cities away from children and leave the people involved alone. If I am going to be carted off to jail on account of a busy body there will be charges other than being a john as they call them. I live in the country so I can do what I wish and not be bothered by people. Busy bodies’s like this man would get a ladder and film you and your wife nude in your private swimming pool in your back yard, why because he thinks everyone should live to his standards of he will shove his standards on you. He is probably a church going person that pays no attention to Jesus example everyone is so interested in preaching the word that they forget that Jesus has a example he showed and it was basically this I tell you what will happen when, I do not force you to do as I say or as I do but you know from my words what is coming. MR video vigilante has no business in my humble opinion forcing things on people that he will not stop if he gets everyone in Oklahoma City arrested. The one film I watched was a Lowes truck driver picked his lady up and took her to a restraint parking lot got in the back of his truck and shut the door so no one could see and if Mr. Vigilante had not been following and thinking of Mr. Vigilante’s business he would not know. The next one I watched a old man picked a lady up and he followed him to a hotel and gave him 30 seconds to leave or he would call the cops,so legalize the act of prostitution so my Vigilante has something productive to do like take care of his children. If he were playing ball with his children in his back yard he will not have time to chase wood be criminals down and his children would have a father for longer because someone will hurt him as always happens. He will run into someone that thinks he should be left alone and will punch this man in the nose.

Friday, March 19, 2010

jury nullification

Jury Nullification
Why you should know what it is
By Russ Emal (with a little assistance from the Internet)
Is it true or false that when you sit on a jury, you may vote on the verdict according to your own conscience. "True", you say, but then why do most judges tell you that you may consider "only the facts" and that you are not to let your conscience, opinion of the law, or the motives of the defendant affect your decision?
In a trial by jury, the judge's job is to referee the trial and provide neutral legal advice to the jury, beginning with a full and truthful explanation of a juror's rights and responsibilities.

But judges rarely "fully inform" jurors of their rights, especially their power to judge the law itself and to vote on the verdict according to conscience. Instead, they end up assisting the prosecution by dismissing any prospective juror who will admit to knowing about this right, starting with anyone who also admits having qualms with any specific law.

In fact, if you have doubts about the fairness of a law, you have the right and obligation to find someone innocent even though they have actually broken the law! John Adams, our second president, had this to say about the juror: "It is not only his right but his find the verdict according to his own best understanding, judgment, and conscience, though in direct opposition to the direction of the court."

It was normal procedure in the early days of our country to inform juries of their right to judge the law and the defendant. And if the judge didn't tell them, the defense attorney very often would. The nation's Founders understood that trials by juries of ordinary citizens, fully informed of their powers as jurors, would confine the government to its proper role as the servant, not the master, of the people.

It was our Constitution that gave us the foundation that enables us to remain a democracy. The Constitution provides five separate tribunals with veto power Ñ representatives, senate, executive, judges and jury. Before a law gains the power to punish that law must first pass the test of each constitutionally guaranteed authority.

"Jury nullification of law", as it is sometimes called, is a traditional American right defended by the Founding Fathers. Those patriots intended that the jury serve as one of the tests a law must pass through before it assumes enough popular authority to be enforced. Our constitutional designers saw to it that each enactment of law must pass the scrutiny of these tribunals before it gains the authority to punish those who choose to violate any written law. Thomas Jefferson said, "I consider trial by jury as the only anchor yet imagined by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution."

Four decades before Jefferson spoke these words, a jury had established freedom of the press in the colonies by finding John Peter Zenger not guilty of seditious libel. He had been arrested and charged for printing critical Ñ but true Ñ news stories about the Governor of New York Colony. "Truth is no defense", the court told the jury! But the jury decided to reject bad law, and acquitted.

Why? Because defense attorney Andrew Hamilton informed the jury of its rights: he related the story of William Penn's trial Ñ of the courageous London jury which refused to find him guilty of preaching Quaker religious doctrine (at that time an illegal religion). His jurors stood by their verdict even though held without food, water, or toilet facilities for four days. The jurors were fined and imprisoned for refusing to convict William Penn Ñ until England's highest court acknowledged their right to reject both law and fact and to find a verdict according to conscience. It was exercise of that right in Penn's trial which eventually led to recognition of free speech, freedom of religion, and of peaceable assembly as individual rights.

American colonial juries regularly thwarted bad law sent over from mother England. Britain then retaliated by restricting both trial by jury and other rights which juries had won or protected. Result? The Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution!

Afterwards, to forever protect all the individual rights they'd fought for from future attacks by government, the Founders of these United States in three places included trial by jury Ñ meaning tough, fully informed juries Ñ in our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

"Bad law" Ñ special-interest legislation which tramples our rights Ñ is no longer sent here from Britain. But our own legislatures keep us well supplied...That is why today, more than ever, we need juries to protect us!

Even though it was once the written law, would you vote to convict an escaped slave from the south, return him to his "Master" and to then be punished, maybe by inflecting torture and disfigurement to that escaped slave? Your answer is hopefully "NO!" But, at one time that was the law. How about burning a witch? Once too that was the law, a bad law and one that should not to be acted upon by our juries. If these laws were again passed today, how should you vote if on that trial's jury?

"If a juror accepts as the law that which the judge states then that juror has accepted the exercise of absolute authority of a government employee and has surrendered a power and right that once was the citizen's safeguard of liberty." (1788) (2 Elliots Debates, 94, Bancroft, History of the Constitution, 267)

Despite the courts' refusal to inform jurors of their historical veto power, jury nullification in liquor law trials was a major contributing factor in ending alcohol prohibition. (Today in Kentucky jurors often refuse to convict under the marijuana prohibition laws.)

Fewer incidence of jury veto actions occurred as time increased after the courts began concealing jurors' rights from American citizens and falsely instructing them that they may consider only the facts as admitted by the court. Researchers in 1966 found that jury nullification occurred only 8.8 percent of the time between 1954 and 1958, and suggested that "one reason why the jury exercises its very real power [to nullify] so sparingly is because it is officially told it has none." (California's charge to the jury in criminal cases is typical: "It becomes my duty as judge to instruct you concerning the law applicable to this case, and it is your duty as jurors to follow the law as I shall state it to you ... You are to be governed solely by the evidence introduced in this trial and the law as stated to you by me.") Today no officer of the court is allowed to tell the jury of their veto power.

To better explain to prospective jurors their rights, an explanation that is not forthcoming from our courts judges, an organization called the Fully Informed Jury Association has been established. "FIJA" is a national jury-education organization which both educates juries and promotes laws to require that judges resume telling trial jurors "the whole truth" about their rights, or at least to allow lawyers to tell them. FIJA believes "liberty and justice for all" won't return to America until the citizens are again fully informed of their power as jurors, and routinely put it to good use.

About 18 months ago, armed with a number of pamphlets explaining the importance to each of us in having the courts fully inform juries of their rights, I stood in the Mendocino County Courthouse. I had been talking about this issue, with courthouse visitors when I was "invited" into Judge James Luther's courtroom by two of his bailiffs. Judge Luther, showed me how in general our courts have eroded. I was told to stop talking to my fellow citizens about their constitutional rights. Their right to understand a jury's role in the court procedure. I was told to stop or be arrested for jury tampering.

We can only speculate on why there is a general distrust by judges. A distrust of our citizen jurys to decide on the fairness of laws that are often enacted by self-serving legislators? Disrespect for the idea of government "of, by, and for the people"? Unwillingness to part with their power? Ignorance of all the rights and powers that trial jurors necessarily acquire upon assuming the responsibility of judging a case? Actual concern that trial jurors might "misuse" their power if told about it? How can people get fair trials if the jurors are told they can't use their consciences?

If jurors were supposed to judge "only the facts", their job could be done by computer. It is precisely because people have feelings, opinions, wisdom, experience, and conscience that we depend upon jurors, not upon machines, to judge court cases.

Why is so little known about what is now called "jury nullification"? In the late 1800's, a number of powerful special-interest groups (not unlike many we have with us today) inspired a series of judicial decisions which tried to limit jury rights. While no court has yet dared to deny that juries can "nullify" or "veto" a law, or can bring in a "general verdict", they have held that jurors need not be told about these rights!

However, jury veto power is still recognized. In 1972 the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals held that the trial jury has an "...unreviewable and irreversible acquit in disregard of the instruction on the law given by the trial judge. The pages of history shine upon instances of the jury's exercise of its prerogative to disregard instructions of the judge; for example, acquittals under the fugitive slave law (473F 2dl 113)

Today thousands of harmless citizens are in prison only because their trial juries were not fully informed, and the U.S. now leads the world in percent of population behind bars! More prisons are being built than ever before for those whose "crime" effects no one but themselves.

We need to be wary and/or critical of any proposals to "streamline" the jury system, or to create jurisdictions or regulations which "do not require" trial by jury (two of the means by which your power as a juror is stolen!) We now hear about plans to allow a court to find a person guilty of a crime with less then a 12-0 vote.

To find out more about jury nullification and FIJA call 800-TEL-JURY and record your name and address. Or call FIJA National at (406) 793-5550.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

rule of law

When I was arrested on 5/19/2009 and taken to the Jones County Texas jail, the next morning when the “Judge” as he was called came to set my bond. So I could get out. This Judge was the justice of the peace he is crippled and uses crutches to walk. He has in fact married me once so I recognized him for his position. The deputy that arrested me lied to me to get me to come out of the house and again a Jones County official would lie to me the judge said you can’t get a jury trial on a mistomener crime!! The Lawyers I spoke with both said this was a lie. HOW can our president either one Bush or Obama say we have rule of law when the judges and cops lie???

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I posted on Facebook a piece I got off of the internet about how Pornography has reduced the number of rapes in ur country. A women posted the comment ewe how wrong or something. Well this is called a reaction being against the real truth: facts to hold onto ones beliefs. Now I posted my comment that if allowingchild ppornography to be viewed would stop or lower the incendence of kidnapping and murder of children would this not be a good thing? Knowing the Giant NO from John Walsh,police,tons of other people. See they will hold to this belief that allowing a sick pedophilee to view pictures andfantasyy films mabey made like James Cameron's Avatar is so bad that allowing children to bekidnappedd and killed by these same child molesters is Better behavior. I think these people are accessories to these crimes if as on other types of sexual crimes viewing porn reduces the happening of it.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

porn the bad stuff for you

Sat, March 13, 2010 6:31:36 AMFrom: jesse green View Contact


numerous studies done on this subject. And, reports The Scientist, it appears that there are links between sex crimes and pornography. Just not the sort of links many of us might have expected. Instead of causing sex crimes, porn might actually contribute to reducing their incidence.
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Here is what The Scientist reports on the matter:

Over the years, many scientists have investigated the link between pornography (considered legal under the First Amendment in the United States unless judged “obscene”) and sex crimes and attitudes towards women. And in every region investigated, researchers have found that as pornography has increased in availability, sex crimes have either decreased or not increased.

While that is far from a ringing endorsement, it does at least seem to indicate that pornography isn't contributing to sex crimes. While some naysayers may point out that most offenders in prison have been exposed to porn, the fact of the matter is that nearly every male -- and a good number of females -- is exposed to pornography at some point. It stands to reason that most offenders have viewed porn. But other studies found that being punished for porn use might contribute to someone becoming a rapist, and not the porn use itself. Indeed, continues The Scientist, a repressive religious upbringing might be more of a factor in rape than porn:

Looking closer, Michael Goldstein and Harold Kant found that rapists were more likely than nonrapists in the prison population to have been punished for looking at pornography while a youngster, while other research has shown that incarcerated nonrapists had seen more pornography, and seen it at an earlier age, than rapists. What does correlate highly with sex offense is a strict, repressive religious upbringing. Richard Green too has reported that both rapists and child molesters use less pornography than a control group of “normal” males.

This sort of assertion is bound to raise a few eyebrows and even cause a little controversy. Especially when taken alongside studies that seem to indicate that porn doesn't result in feelings of misogyny. Additionally, while there is anecdotal evidence that porn users are abusive toward their female partners, there is no evidence that pornography use is the cause of these actions. Perhaps there are other factors, such as alcoholism or violent tendencies, that are bigger influences.

In any case, while such studies do not prove that porn is actively good for society, they do seem to imply that pornography isn't actively bad for us.

More information: Milton Diamond, "Porn: Good for us?", The Scientist. Available online.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

there is no law in texas from where the sun stands now I will vote no more


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am Jesse Lee Green living in Jones county Texas. On 5/19/2009 a Jones county Deputy Sheriff and a Anson police officer showed up at my house at 1:30 am and rousted me from a sound sleep. The deputy said and I quote “Mr Green you need to come out ere and talk about a complaint” I walked into the truth about our country and its laws, I was handcuffed put in the back of a sheriffs pickup then he proceed to beat on my door to try and get the lady that I was sleeping by to come out as he said so he could check her for injuries. She would not leave the house on his lie like I did. I am inclosing a copy of the letter from Chad Cowan Jones county attorney dated 1/6/2010 stating that there was no complaint filed. When I called Larry Moore the Sheriff on 5/20/2009 to tell him of the deputies actions he said and I quote “He can't do that” to which I said Larry he did. When I called Larry to file a complaint on said officer with the dismissal letter in my hand Larry Moore Said “He was just doing his job”.When Joe Heflin called me he informed me of our tough system and said I must get a lawyer to enforce any legalities that this deputy may have broken.

If I the citizen must pay more of the money I do not have to get some form of justice then this Constitution of Texas and the Constitution of these United States may as well be tolett paper. This being the case I will no longer vote for any person for any office as they will be more of the problem, and all of this talk of rule of law applies to only the poor bastard that the police decide to go after.

The Abilene Reporter News ran a story of a man posthumously being cleared of a rape he did not co mitt costing Texas 80,000 per year of the time he was locked up. Not one cop C.S.I. Not one judge not one district attorney will face any kind of fine jail time loss of listens and this is over a mans life. What if said deputy had of said He (me) had a gun I shot him would there have been anything done accept Larry Moore Sheriff of Jones county Texas saying “He was just doing his job”.!!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

the god of the united states

The God of the United States=MONEY
I will prove this in these sentences. Name one thing that is considered valuable in our society that is FREE? There is a intersection and it needs a traffic light to be safe from the beginning but we wait till 4 or 5 people are killed why it is not considered cost effective, too much money to invest in a traffic signal that would have saved the 4 or 5 lives, so lives verses money kill em!! There are technologies like the new green box that would save lots of money in the long run but they will not be put into use until it is cost effective. My mother is a Church of Christ person goes to church is on me about my cussing I daily ask God to kill me because I am on disability and it allows nothing. WE have churches, colleges,universities,hospitals,charities, and we send BILLIONS overseas to countries like Hattie, but here in the United states there are people with not enough to eat and sub standard housing, why money. The government set up these programs for the poor and the people that cant care for themselves but the generation that did this my mother’s she was born in 1933 felt that the best hand out was on the end of your arm and “If a man doesn’t work let him not eat” from the bible, so the set up the welfare programs assistance programs so they would be of no help. In so doing they destroyed the very fabric that they claimed to believe in the Christian Family, or any family. Lyndon Banes Johnson the Democrat that declared the war on poverty cared as much for poor as he did for dog shit on his 600 dollar boots, he created a system that if the father were there the mother was cut off all help and more children more money and food stamps. He also did not allow for any savings of substance for these poor families. But he established the Farm Subsidies that allowed a Texas cotton farmer to say “I do not care if it rains the government will pay me 50,000 dollars for my cotton” this from a Life magazine I read in the Hawley High school Library in the 1960’s, see it was ok to help the rich but the poor let them starve. Now we are bankrupt and all are going to pay for these things. Had this generation looked at the United States as the Ship of State they said they would have realized if you leave the man in the crow’s nest to long and he falls asleep do to fatigue or he freezes to death and he does not see the ice berg in time we all end up on the ocean floor. If they want to correct this pass a law that says every person 18 or above may have 10,000 dollars in a savings tax free you will fill the banks up with money to loan business will boom and there will be jobs for all.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Morals, ethics, standards three words that always are used with the intent of expressing the best highest most upstanding, or at least this is the way I have heard them used. I have never heard a person for instants say I have the lowest morals, ethics, and standards. I was seeing a lady the other day a ex undercover cop she said and in explaining why she was not kissing me and having sex with me “casual sex” as she put it these three words were used, “I have morals ,ehthics,and standards that will not allow such behavior. I pointed out that these words were used to keep someone from having fun and enjoying life. See I know an elder in the Church of Christ and a deacon in a Baptist church that would use these words too. The elder has allowed a child to think her father is dead and kept the child from its father because the father is not approved of by the family. The Deacon took the phone away from the children when their father called because his daughter said to because she was using the children as pawns in a game of divorce. There was a deputy in Jones County Texas that arrested a man illegally or against the constitution or the codes of law that the judge told the man to look up, he would use these words morals, ethics, and standards he would say his are the highest then why did the judge drop the charges? Why when his boss was called the next morning and told about the arrest by the man arrested the sheriff said He can’t do that?? How come when we see these people with the morals and ethics and standards that preclude us from certain activities with them if we watch they will display the lowest of these words? Why is it that people like Tiger Woods, other athlete, movie stars, politions talk about the highest of morals ethics and standards till they are caught with some hooker or in an affair or a sham business deal or emblezment? I have no use for Law enforcement, lawyers, judges and politions just because of the things like the aforementioned arrest. Forty eight hours reported of a police man in Bolder Colorado following a 15 year old man till he was honorable discharged from the Navy then he arrested him for a crime he could have not committed he spent 9 years in prison before some good lawyers got him acquitted for his charges. This police officer was not punished in any way or the Judges that wrongly sentenced this man. I will bet you everything you have that this police officer and the prosecuting attorney and judge that convicted him to life in prison and the psychiatrist that built the bogus case against him all talked about the highest Morals,Ethics,and Standards.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


A few days ago a Lady from Mississippi came to stay with me. She had a 13 year old daughter that was totally undisciplined. This child started screaming about her dogs running off she screamed at her mother. If I screamed at my mother or my father or any elder at 132 I got my face slapped hard. While I was showering I heard this daughter and her mother screaming at her, I got out of the tub put my clothing on and confronted this child. I told her she could not stay here that I would not put up with the disrespect, this is my house my place and you will not do this here. Her mother said I got it handled I told her to leave too. The mother is a christen and they are regular church goers. Perhaps the most famous quote of the Bible is “Spare the rod and spoil the child” well our society has done this, we have given our children ever thing we can think of, this child id captivated by her cell phone. We all as a nation witnessed the other day the results of our spoilage this child at bus stop beat another senseless and was kicking her in the head after the person was knocked out. We fought as children but when the person was down or begging to stop we walked away, now it the person was foolish enough to get up and do it again we might have knocked them cold and beyond. This attack was the kind that only a person trying to kill another would do and someone with no respect for life or another human being. This woman’s daughter by the way kept those dogs in the car and they did what dogs do shit and pissed in the car, they had a 10 hour drive in a car so defiled, I pray that they learned a lesson.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

intelegence and impthay

It was pointed to my mind a subject I call intelligence and empathy. My mother for instance ran a business for 30 + years built up a million plus fortune.
She is getting on in years Dad is gone she pushed me and my life is in a shambles. I was sitting in her living g room we were talking I mentioned how I need a barn she said “How can I help you?
I told her she can’t, How can a person that can make a million dollars run a business be so un intelligent, if she listening has to ask “how can I help” in my mind she can’t , is this a unwillingness or a heard heartiness? Preachers in the Church of Christ talk about things like the Shriner clubs being against gods teachings and the Masonic lodges. We know that Jesus by his actions healed the sick and taught to help the poor; God only knows how much money has been raised by the big ministers like Billy Gram, Jimmy Swaggard, Oral Roberts, Jerry Falwell, and the guy with the big Chrystal cathedral in California. Why may I ask did Danny Thomas have to found St.Jude children’s Hospital, Why did the Shriner s have to found the burn hospitals. Are these men of God so stupid that they overlooked the work Jesus taught or is there a verse that says “THOU SHOUT NOT BUILD A HOSPITAL IF YOU ARE A PREACHER??’ Is there a verse that says “THOU SHALT NOT HELP THE POOR BUILD A DECENT HOUSE’, must be because there are no Hospitals built by any preachers ,no ministers of god helping people with anything but a handful of food, some clothing, where have you heard of a minister like Billy Gram paying a medical bill for some poor person. Now look at these Preachers houses and cars suits, and Bibles. I heard a Church of Christ preacher talking from the pulpit about how many Bibles he wore out studying Gods word, then he said “I don’t buy cheap Bibles this one cost 60 dollars. I think they are like my mother, unable and unwilling to grasp the true nature of being a preacher and having a gift for moving people and raising money. So they build Chrystal cathedrals, Bible Colleges, Very large church buildings, and move people to give large sums of money. While all around the is the lady with but Two Tiny Mites being put in the collection dish, wonder why Jesus pointed her out so we would ignore the poor. It says in Luke 16:20 Blessed are the poor fro there’s is the Kingdom of Heaven and in verse 24 it says woe to you who are rich you have received your comfort, does this suggest the Shriner’s and Danny Thomas will be in heaven and these big rich ministers will not I can’t say.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


I do not remember the exact year I got my first computer. I think very late 90’s or early 2000, I know the first one was so old that I could not get online. I then got some income tax refund and was able to purchase one that allowed me to get on line. Once on line I discovered the whole smorgasbord of the Al Gore net. There are on the net products that are not carried in the town I live near Abilene Texas, so paying shipping and ordering I can get things that the stores here will not allow. There is on the net billions of scamers, spamers, and sexual meeting places that you will never meet another human being. Seems to me at least that America has found a drug that stops loneness and wanting another real human being. This is called dating sites, bdsm sites, other sexual fetish sites and then there are the Nigerian and Ghana people trying to get you money. Long before the computer I believe there was a movie “How the West Was Won” in this movie Jimmy Stewart plays a mountain man that went into a cave to see the monster in there, he is knocked senseless and his money taken, he gets to the river and is rescued by boat people and finds his future wife. The internet with its social networking sites where one can say “Happy Birthday” become cyber friends show ones most private parts and matters for the world to see, and the perversions of humanity reminds me of that cave promising much delivering nothing. Is this the internet’s fault or the people who use it, clearly it is the people who use it. In today’s world we in these United States of America or at least Abilene Texas we punish the whole for the deeds of the few, there were 600+ driving while drunk cases last year and a population of about 200,000 I am told but to listen to the Abilene Police there were 200,000 thousand driving while drunk and only 600 people who did not drive drunk. I am sure that with the World Wide Web there can’t be a majority of users that are scammers, virus makers, makers and Trojan horse makers, and people hijacking computers but the few punish the many with carpatha and limits on how long you can talk on a site. Thanks to the net curiosity will be killed, truth destroyed, and minds molded by filling things without question the way a programmer put it down to be. In the future no one will question “why do they need that”, I choose to not give that information out, or the word NO because these machines will have trained our minds to do as told, Audulous Huxley was right there will be no humans anymore.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


1/30/2010 GOD
My humble look at the churches that I see and the things I see them do suggest that they might change their names to reflect who they do in fact worship in reality. Now how about the first church of U.S. Grant, The church Benjamin Franklin, or if the church is a more modest one the church of Lincoln for church names that reflect who and what we worship? I am just going by the buildings I see and the type of automobiles I see parked it the parking lot.
Consider for a moment what the guy that that died for all of their sins Jesus Christ. Now I pose a question what did Jesus do for people? I see him giving them what they could not give themselves. So that being the case why would it be so sinful for a church in modern day America to have a house improvement Saturday? The members of the congregation get together combine the skills in the church add a room or what is needed to some poor person’s house to give them more room. Or build an extra bathroom for a household that has a bunch of children and only one bathroom. Would it be an abomination if the church bought a newer car for a family driving one 13 years old. Is there a difference in these miracles and say feeding people or giving blind what you have to give the gift of sight isn’t this after what Jesus did give what he had? He said for us to do likewise so is building mega churches sending people all over the world to teach people how to dress like us live in houses like us and take up our materialism is this flowering Jesus ? Why is not giving what we have to other people and uplifting their lives not doing as Jesus

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


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How Government Works
Date: 2010-01-26, 9:25AM CST
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5 Things Americans Need To Understand About How Government Really Works

Government can't compete on even footing with the private sector: There's a reason why you get better service at Wal-Mart than at the DMV. It's no coincidence that FedEx makes a profit while the post office loses billions. Moreover, it's no shocker that Enron and Lehman Brothers are gone, but FEMA and ICE are still around. It's because the government can't compete on an even footing with private industry. Unlike businesses, they don't have their own money on the line, most of their employees advance based on seniority, not merit, and government agencies don't pay a big price for failure. To the contrary, if a government agency does a lousy job, it just means it will probably get a bigger budget the next year. What it comes down to is that the only way the government can compete with a business is by outspending it or by rewriting the laws to make the business less competitive with the government.

Government action often creates more problems than it solves: People are always clamoring for the government to "solve" problems, but what they don't understand is that when the government "fixes" one problem, it can often create another issue that may be even worse in the process. Our government's attempts to "fix" one problem or another led to the length of the Great Depression, the destruction of the black family in America via welfare, marriages shattering across America because of no-fault divorces, gas lines in the seventies, the Savings and Loan crisis, and the current banking crisis that was caused by a government-created housing bubble. While the government is not the root of all evil, many of the worst problems we have as a society were exacerbated or created by the government in its clumsy attempts to fix some long forgotten mess. This is why government should be treated as a necessary evil, not a force for good.

It's extremely difficult to shrink government: Our political system rewards spending money and punishes cutting spending. For example, if you create a 300 million dollar a year "Giving Fluffy Kittens to Orphans Program," people will love you for it. Animal shelters and pro-orphan advocates will publicly laud you for your compassion while orphanages around the country will funnel campaign cash into your coffers. Meanwhile, if you bring up the cost of the program, most Americans will shrug their shoulders and say, "Ah, it's only 300 million dollars." However, if you suggest cutting 50 million dollars from the "Giving Fluffy Kittens to Orphans Program," you'll be accused of hating orphans and kittens while every orphanage in the country will be screaming for your blood. In other words, government spending is easy to get started, but difficult to stop. That's why it's wise to be very hesitant to create any new programs -- because billions can be frittered away on useless debacles like Head Start that have proven to be nearly impossible to kill despite the fact that they don't work.

Our politicians lack expertise: Many people seem to attribute almost super human abilities to our politicians, but the reality is far different. Most of the politicians in DC are bright people, but as a general rule, they have a very superficial understanding of the subjects their legislation impacts. How can we expect people who barely know how to use the internet to handle a subject as complex as network neutrality? How can we think someone who has worked in government all of his life can truly understand how much a new regulation may hurt someone running a small business? Moreover, given the length of bills that are being shoved through Congress and the fact that these bills are written in legalese, many of our legislators undoubtedly don't even fully understand what they're voting on half the time. Point being, even when members of Congress have good intentions, their lack of hands-on experience can lead to disaster.

The first priority of our politicians isn't solving our problems: As the great Thomas Sowell has said:

No one will really understand politics until they understand that politicians are not trying to solve our problems. They are trying to solve their own problems -- of which getting elected and re-elected are number one and number two. Whatever is number three is far behind.
Getting reelected may entail lying about what a bill does, punishing people who don't deserve it because it's popular, rewarding special interests who may help your campaign, and promoting bills that sound good but don't work. The sad truth is that politicians are often rewarded at the ballot box for pushing policies that sound good, but ultimately do great harm to the country. That's all the more reason to limit the power of government as much as possible

I hate god

I hate you God let me explain why I would hate you so u will know.
1. My mother she is a church of Christ lady she made me play the Troll because I have a loud voice in the first grade and for 55 years I have been a troll.
2. My mother she shouted and insulted me while teaching me multiplication tables this crippled me math wise for 55 years I have paid for that.
3My mother she told me that if I was going to school I would go to welding school if I was going to get her money’s help I hauled hay paid for half of the school dropped out and for 30 plus years starved.
4. My mother she gave one of my wives the money to fly home and I have never saw the daughter she had. My mother is a christen!!
5. Susan Gecho Green for nine months and three weeks we were married and she took Sarah Serenity Green and left to be raised by her Grandmother.
6.Floy Hobbs Susan’s Church of Christ grandmother that told Susan her mother was crazy broke up two of her mother’s three marriages scattered three children raised Susan Gecho till I met and married her.
7. Floy Hobbs she sent a letter to my wife about a Christmas present a book that Susan bought her mad Susan cry as she talked shit about her CHRISTMAS gift that her granddaughter got her. I thought Christ Mas was about Jesus Death on the cross not money???
8. Floy Hobbs family (Howard Cagle elder in Hillcrest Church of Christ) He has let Sarah Serenity Green be told I am dead. Do not Elders represent you on earth and this one has done this why God if he reflects you would I want anything to do with you???
9. Cindy Thomas Green the mother of Jake Whitten Green and Emily Theresa Green who pulled a gun on me and threatened my life she took those two children to North Carolina and told her Deacon father Everett Thomas not to let them talk to me on the phone. Do not Deacons represent you God? I give you credit he lived only twenty four months after she moved back.
10. Attention Deficit Disorder and Bipolar disorder these were my gifts from you and to be fair they have had the good parts and the bad parts but five marriages only you know how many jobs but the greatest gift of these disorders is the knowledge gained by working so many jobs and moving so often.
Now that you know the reasons explain to me why me? Explain why your Christians the so called representatives of you seem to worship George Washington after all he is on the dollar bill. These Christians build big churches an occasional hospital and lots of big colleges they live in nice houses drive nice cars throw big parties and decorate the houses for Christ mas and insist it is about Jesus but when you give one of them a simple book you get a two page letter about how that book could have been checked out at library. Why don’t these Christians go help the poor people with substandard housing add a room or two? Is it that somebody will complain that his business is being taken away which is up for argument if the people do not have the money for the building materials needed much less labor. Why do we hurt each other I have hurt Gerald Baty my friend by not paying back money. I have no money to speak of, one friend, and one dog. Why Lord do you hate me and Esau what is wrong with hunting if I did not kill a hog or deer I would not eat is it now that I must starve too? Why lord do these Christians live so well blessed and then do people so different I will not say wrong for they after all do represent you on earth.

Monday, January 25, 2010

daily kos

daily kos
1/25/2010 Daily Kos
There was a man 30 years retired Navy that told me of this site Daily Kos, he spoke highly of it and how he trusted it was right and real unbiased and truthful. I started reading it posted to it once, looked at it today. I use to think James Caravel was biased and bad but alas there is a place that is so for its own point of view that it will never even hear of any other view. We use to have debate in our country some civil and some with dueling pistols. Now we have massive organizations that for my nickel should be tried for treason and then if found guilty shot on public television. If Tomas Jefferson were alive today I feel like when he saw the United States and its news media he would revise everything he said about it. Jefferson said that he would prefer an unfettered press to government to ensure freedom continued or something to this effect. Well here in this time and place I feel like that the news media and places like this Daily Kos have set a agenda of their own not unlike Hitler,Napoleon,Stalin and a number of other people pushing the world at their times. Most of what I read in the Daily Kos is so hate filled towards the Republican’s and any other ideas that differ with their agenda that I am suspect as to their unbiased and truthfulness. NO and I mean No origination,country,group,person or party if you will is right all the time, how can the Democrats, Daily Kos, or any commentator. What I understand is this the things that the Democratic Party wants now has been tried before with failure every time. Like a friend of mine who was a saddle maker said of the old kinds of saddles becoming popular now “Hell those did not work the first time around why they think they will now” well if numbers are any indication then in my lifetime there are three places with lots of people who tried these things and failed. Russia, Cuba, China and the countries that they had sway over. When one looks at the accomplishments of the United States we as a country are no1 in all things. We have more success stories here than anywhere people flocked here from other countries and still do for the FREEDOM to fail and to become anything they want. Now I know my every mistake will be pointed out but those doing so will be overlooking the large stack of one sided vomit filth and nonsense put out by the national media and the Daily Kos.

daily kos

1/25/2010 Daily Kos
There was a man 30 years retired Navy that told me of this site Daily Kos, he spoke highly of it and how he trusted it was right and real unbiased and truthful. I started reading it posted to it once, looked at it today. I use to think James Caravel was biased and bad but alas there is a place that is so for its own point of view that it will never even hear of any other view. We use to have debate in our country some civil and some with dueling pistols. Now we have massive organizations that for my nickel should be tried for treason and then if found guilty shot on public television. If Tomas Jefferson were alive today I feel like when he saw the United States and its news media he would revise everything he said about it. Jefferson said that he would prefer an unfettered press to government to ensure freedom continued or something to this effect. Well here in this time and place I feel like that the news media and places like this Daily Kos have set a agenda of their own not unlike Hitler,Napoleon,Stalin and a number of other people pushing the world at their times. Most of what I read in the Daily Kos is so hate filled towards the Republican’s and any other ideas that differ with their agenda that I am suspect as to their unbiased and truthfulness. NO and I mean No origination,country,group,person or party if you will is right all the time, how can the Democrats, Daily Kos, or any commentator. What I understand is this the things that the Democratic Party wants now has been tried before with failure every time. Like a friend of mine who was a saddle maker said of the old kinds of saddles becoming popular now “Hell those did not work the first time around why they think they will now” well if numbers are any indication then in my lifetime there are three places with lots of people who tried these things and failed. Russia, Cuba, China and the countries that they had sway over. When one looks at the accomplishments of the United States we as a country are no1 in all things. We have more success stories here than anywhere people flocked here from other countries and still do for the FREEDOM to fail and to become anything they want. Now I know my every mistake will be pointed out but those doing so will be overlooking the large stack of one sided vomit filth and nonsense put out by the national media and the Daily Kos.


1/25/2010 Games Games
We in this world now new thing called social networks and dating sites. If you are looking for another human being to be a partner in your existence then put you information on one of the many dating or social sites. I have had a computer for a time now this has allowed me to waste money on some of these sites and time. I have noticed that the female faces for a large part do not change. There is a site like fishing I have came on it and left came back same women there are adult sites too same women, I am on a site now a couple of sites that deal with BDSM and well not the same women and same men but the same games. I said to a friend that if there was a web site called that you could not get laid on it either. I typed the web address in and low and behold it is a real site. In this time we are I believe putting off the real for the cyber. People have always had the non real as a salve to the harsh reality of life, drugs, alcohol, and things. Now it is wide spread no more boring books or magazines plan your affair, friendship, escape, and whatever you wish or want online. You can play this game of tagging,kissing,hugging,sending love, and all of it is virtual . There is a woman that has on her profile “should I be looking for the right woman instead of the right man” after being around this for a time I am almost ready to throw in with this statement. I heard a Lesbian tell me that the more she dated women the more she understood homosexual men that sound awful but perhaps it is true since the faces never seem to change.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Greatest Game

I just finished watching the Greatest Game Ever Played. It tells the story of Francis Quimet and his 10 year old caddy Eddie and the 1913 United States Open Golf match.
If there is a God and I say that because so many deny or doubt him, I for myself believe that there is “God” it is a matter of nomenclature, God,GreatSpirit,Master Intelligence, and what you wish to call him. He I believe loves the worst in us if you look at his record for picking a winner he failed from Genesis through the death of Jesus his son. I was unaware of this poor golfer that won greatness and the world spotlight through his endeavor.
These United States of America from 1775 till 2010 are a comparable story. We the people have beaten all the odds and accomplished more than any other nation on this earth. We if we do what we are doing now will beat the Obama I am not really a native born American but I fooled you fools and am in the Whitehouse. But I see a bright future for us all if we will bear this shame and all pull together put the “ship of State” above greed an individual human want and need if we do this we can patch the holes and keep her floating and fighting. Francis Quimet and his 10 year old golf caddy that skipped school are but one of millions of stories that have built out house that has held together for 200 + years.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The United states freedom health care

This United States of America has since its founding has led in most things through freedom. There are those who despise freedom and the results of it but it is the way that the most gets done. No other nation put a man on the moon, twice saved Europe’s bacon in world wars, and polices a good part of the world today. To solve the health care crisis simply make it against the law for any organization to provide health insurance for their people. Deregulate the insurance business so all insurance companies can practice in 50 states. When this is done someone will do like the great discount stores and insure all at a reasonable rate, then all people can afford the insurance. When the government started Medicaid and Medicare the government paid any price and the process rouse. The Wrigley chewing gum company made no telling how much with a product that once a nickel a pack, there cost will be a insurance company when the regulation comes off that will sell insurance at a low price to try and pick up all the people it can. The only regulation needed is if you pay your premium and you get sick that they can’t cancel your insurance. We have led the world with less people not all that many natural resources through freedom. China who has twice the people barely has satellites in space, just now got into the car business. Most people are good honest hard working the few make the rules for us all that is regulation. Abilene Texas a town of 120,000 that had 600 of its people caught driving drunk this last year but to listen to the police you would think the numbers were reversed. It is the same with the terrorist so few causing so much fear. Our freedoms are being taken by the laws passed to protect US from these people. In the words of Thomas Jefferson “Those who will give up freedom for security will have neither.” What keeps us from total freedom in our country is the few that think they know better and insist on laws being passed to control people.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

common sence

I know people who are so very concerned about who are on my friends list of on line people. I have a pretty much open door policy about this sort of thing. If a person is a male dressed as a woman or if the person is from Mars I let them contact me and be my internet friend. Should they be next door and from mars or man dressed as woman or the town lady that shares her body with everyone who ask I still allow them to be my friend. I guess I bought the behavior from a person I read about who hung with whore’s tax collectors drunk’s fishermen and fighters who knew enough to cut a man’s ear off. This nameless person that I read about did not live too long about 33 years meet a violent death. He was criticized for those in his group of friends. I wonder if the doctors in Hattie were like my critical friends and refused to associate with such different people, would these doctors be in Hattie or would they say I could catch something from these people I am not going there I could die from disease or violence. What is very interesting about this man that I read about is in his 33 years on earth he said not one word about these “homosexual” “Gay” people that was a complete do not do it! This man had a perchance for Healing people and he never turned one away now do you suppose he healed a Homosexual there were after all those type of people in his time. What do you think one would have done in his time if you were a slave to a Homosexual and he insisted on sexual relations with you or your head on a platter? With this being the law back then in Rome and some of those slaves themselves had families if these family slaves that were told have sex with me or die were like some of the people alive now then they would be killed and their sons would have been the next target of his sexual desire. We have a very misquoted document that was even I believe miss Quoted by Dr.Martin Luther King, the Declaration Of Independence is the document that has this line “ We hold these truths to be self –evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that are among these are Life,Liberty,and the Pursuit of Happiness” that line is the right legally in these United States the Legal standing for Homosexual marriage, the reason Mr. King should have never had to take one step in protest. But nations like Religions do not practice what is preached. The line Life Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness give everyone the right to do what they please if it does not step on others rights. Some Judge will say or cop no you do not have the right to mow your lawn in the nude, I would say to them why not the Declaration Of independence say I may, they would say but that is indecent exposure, Don’t look at me I am not harming anyone tell your children that my yare is my space and do not look, we have laws and cops that would arrest me for child molestation by exposure see how this works.? In 1775 we had some very wise men write a document that would serve all well as long as we were intelligent to follow it. Like my friend that walked this earth but 33 years before his violent death he gave us perfect words to live by “Treat others as you want to be treated” So my neighbor wants to have a junk yard in his front and back yard I want to mow my yard naked I do not like the looks of his junk(treasure to him) all that is needed is for us to talk and build a fence around both yards not blocking the sidewalk high enough so I do not see his junk and I can mow naked without offending him, the problem is the same one for my friend in Rome “Lawyers”, “cops””government” see the lawyers today say NO the police say NO the government says NO and they come up with reasons for No 1.children will see you naked 2.your junk will attract snakes,rats,ect. If we obey the ideas of our founding fathers then we cannot in good consciences a say No to Homosexual marriage,familys that are nudist, farmers planting what they choose, and a long list of things that Al Gore and his friends will say NO NO NO too. Gays have the right by Jesus silence and our Declaration of Independence to be. A man from another country or even the United States that his custom is to kiss his new born ass to celebrate the birth of a healthy child and not be arrested. THE PROBLEM IS LAWYERS, POLITIONS, POLICE, AND THE BREAKDOWN OF THE BASIC REASONING OF MAN. We are losing it God is laughing at out dumbasses and if this is ever published I will probably be locked away as a nut.

Friday, January 15, 2010

christans are forgiven

I was born in Abilene Texas the so called buckle of the Bible belt. It is interesting to me how the people who claim to represent Christ on this earth and in Abilene conduct themselves. They build mega churches mega universities that charge a king’s ransoms to educate the followers. Now in this Godly town there are people living in sub standard housing but per the christens example Jesus would not have them get together and build everyone in town a minimum standard house (one bedroom per child) , see their building what do is what Jesus wants they are after Christians. And do not Christians do Jesus bidding? Are not these people the example of Jesus and his love. Watch how they are dressed and what they drive when you go to church If you are not like that then you are not doing Jesus bidding and should not wear the Title of Christian!! I married two Church of Christ women and we were divorced both of them took our daughters with them one to Montana and one to Oregon I have never saw the one in Oregon, the Montana girl was 3 weeks old when Floy Hobbs and Susan Green took Sarah. I do not even know the other child’s name but I do know this is what Jesus wants because these people are christens. And both involved with Abilene Christian University one was the niece of a lady that was Gene Lenders (dean of students) secretary and her husband a elder in Hillcrest Church of Christ. Now I was told that this elder has let Sarah be told I am dead this is also Jesus bidding because he is after all a elder in a Church of Christ. I do not complain about the people I know who are Baptized Christians cause they are forgiven. I guess the rest of the world is going to Hell and I will gladly go cause I really don’t want these peoples company in eternity ,.

Monday, January 11, 2010

god must hate me

Wonder why Gods Hates me Jesse lee Green in Jones county Texas? I was born to a red headed mother and a cowboy father. Mom thinks she is God’s gift to something the perfect lady. Will I bumped into a lady one time and wanted to date her, when she found out who my mother was she put it in high reverse till I told her there was no love lost there. She told me that my mother was known in business circles as “The Red Headed Terror” she worked with my mother in advertizing the clothing mother soled. I was raised in the Church of Christ I went to the front to be baptized once Hershel Mc Donald a elders son talked me out of it I had a Wednesday night after church private Baptism, if my son did that he would have me to speak with and it would leave him not in good shape. Wonder if that is part of God’s hatred or just another thing to touchier me. See I was born with Bi polar disorder and A.D.H.D (Adult Attention Deficit Disorder) which led to my mother’s encouraging words “Lee you barely graduated high school how in the hell do you think you are going to college” In the first grade there was a play “Billy Goat Gruff “ I think what I do know is there was a part of the troll my mother made me play this troll cause I had a loud voice(would she have made me play the part of the “homosexual” because I had lips had there been such a part in a play.!! Seems for most of my life I have been the troll recon that is why Hershel Mc Donald came to talk me out of public baptism trolls are not going to be in heaven. Well I am a senior in College still 55 in February but I did get to senior ship in college my mother never went through the door wonder if it was jealousy that made her tell me what she did. People do much harm over jealously. I was taught to have oral sex with a man and a woman while mother was in the hospital having a hysterectomy, by a lady that was kin and dad and mom brought to the house. The molestation stays with you. I live on disability because I can’t hold a job is this more of Gods (love)or Hate you know it says in the Bible Jacob I have loved and Esau I hated, so could he have created more to hate????!!! So now I live on 13,000 a year fight to do anything to make money and keep food on my table. I just want to be done with life and see what hell is like I guess since I have had 55 years here a few more melinia will not be to unbearable I hope.