Monday, January 25, 2010


1/25/2010 Games Games
We in this world now new thing called social networks and dating sites. If you are looking for another human being to be a partner in your existence then put you information on one of the many dating or social sites. I have had a computer for a time now this has allowed me to waste money on some of these sites and time. I have noticed that the female faces for a large part do not change. There is a site like fishing I have came on it and left came back same women there are adult sites too same women, I am on a site now a couple of sites that deal with BDSM and well not the same women and same men but the same games. I said to a friend that if there was a web site called that you could not get laid on it either. I typed the web address in and low and behold it is a real site. In this time we are I believe putting off the real for the cyber. People have always had the non real as a salve to the harsh reality of life, drugs, alcohol, and things. Now it is wide spread no more boring books or magazines plan your affair, friendship, escape, and whatever you wish or want online. You can play this game of tagging,kissing,hugging,sending love, and all of it is virtual . There is a woman that has on her profile “should I be looking for the right woman instead of the right man” after being around this for a time I am almost ready to throw in with this statement. I heard a Lesbian tell me that the more she dated women the more she understood homosexual men that sound awful but perhaps it is true since the faces never seem to change.

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