Saturday, January 30, 2010


1/30/2010 GOD
My humble look at the churches that I see and the things I see them do suggest that they might change their names to reflect who they do in fact worship in reality. Now how about the first church of U.S. Grant, The church Benjamin Franklin, or if the church is a more modest one the church of Lincoln for church names that reflect who and what we worship? I am just going by the buildings I see and the type of automobiles I see parked it the parking lot.
Consider for a moment what the guy that that died for all of their sins Jesus Christ. Now I pose a question what did Jesus do for people? I see him giving them what they could not give themselves. So that being the case why would it be so sinful for a church in modern day America to have a house improvement Saturday? The members of the congregation get together combine the skills in the church add a room or what is needed to some poor person’s house to give them more room. Or build an extra bathroom for a household that has a bunch of children and only one bathroom. Would it be an abomination if the church bought a newer car for a family driving one 13 years old. Is there a difference in these miracles and say feeding people or giving blind what you have to give the gift of sight isn’t this after what Jesus did give what he had? He said for us to do likewise so is building mega churches sending people all over the world to teach people how to dress like us live in houses like us and take up our materialism is this flowering Jesus ? Why is not giving what we have to other people and uplifting their lives not doing as Jesus

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