Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I hate god

I hate you God let me explain why I would hate you so u will know.
1. My mother she is a church of Christ lady she made me play the Troll because I have a loud voice in the first grade and for 55 years I have been a troll.
2. My mother she shouted and insulted me while teaching me multiplication tables this crippled me math wise for 55 years I have paid for that.
3My mother she told me that if I was going to school I would go to welding school if I was going to get her money’s help I hauled hay paid for half of the school dropped out and for 30 plus years starved.
4. My mother she gave one of my wives the money to fly home and I have never saw the daughter she had. My mother is a christen!!
5. Susan Gecho Green for nine months and three weeks we were married and she took Sarah Serenity Green and left to be raised by her Grandmother.
6.Floy Hobbs Susan’s Church of Christ grandmother that told Susan her mother was crazy broke up two of her mother’s three marriages scattered three children raised Susan Gecho till I met and married her.
7. Floy Hobbs she sent a letter to my wife about a Christmas present a book that Susan bought her mad Susan cry as she talked shit about her CHRISTMAS gift that her granddaughter got her. I thought Christ Mas was about Jesus Death on the cross not money???
8. Floy Hobbs family (Howard Cagle elder in Hillcrest Church of Christ) He has let Sarah Serenity Green be told I am dead. Do not Elders represent you on earth and this one has done this why God if he reflects you would I want anything to do with you???
9. Cindy Thomas Green the mother of Jake Whitten Green and Emily Theresa Green who pulled a gun on me and threatened my life she took those two children to North Carolina and told her Deacon father Everett Thomas not to let them talk to me on the phone. Do not Deacons represent you God? I give you credit he lived only twenty four months after she moved back.
10. Attention Deficit Disorder and Bipolar disorder these were my gifts from you and to be fair they have had the good parts and the bad parts but five marriages only you know how many jobs but the greatest gift of these disorders is the knowledge gained by working so many jobs and moving so often.
Now that you know the reasons explain to me why me? Explain why your Christians the so called representatives of you seem to worship George Washington after all he is on the dollar bill. These Christians build big churches an occasional hospital and lots of big colleges they live in nice houses drive nice cars throw big parties and decorate the houses for Christ mas and insist it is about Jesus but when you give one of them a simple book you get a two page letter about how that book could have been checked out at library. Why don’t these Christians go help the poor people with substandard housing add a room or two? Is it that somebody will complain that his business is being taken away which is up for argument if the people do not have the money for the building materials needed much less labor. Why do we hurt each other I have hurt Gerald Baty my friend by not paying back money. I have no money to speak of, one friend, and one dog. Why Lord do you hate me and Esau what is wrong with hunting if I did not kill a hog or deer I would not eat is it now that I must starve too? Why lord do these Christians live so well blessed and then do people so different I will not say wrong for they after all do represent you on earth.

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