Tuesday, January 19, 2010

common sence

I know people who are so very concerned about who are on my friends list of on line people. I have a pretty much open door policy about this sort of thing. If a person is a male dressed as a woman or if the person is from Mars I let them contact me and be my internet friend. Should they be next door and from mars or man dressed as woman or the town lady that shares her body with everyone who ask I still allow them to be my friend. I guess I bought the behavior from a person I read about who hung with whore’s tax collectors drunk’s fishermen and fighters who knew enough to cut a man’s ear off. This nameless person that I read about did not live too long about 33 years meet a violent death. He was criticized for those in his group of friends. I wonder if the doctors in Hattie were like my critical friends and refused to associate with such different people, would these doctors be in Hattie or would they say I could catch something from these people I am not going there I could die from disease or violence. What is very interesting about this man that I read about is in his 33 years on earth he said not one word about these “homosexual” “Gay” people that was a complete do not do it! This man had a perchance for Healing people and he never turned one away now do you suppose he healed a Homosexual there were after all those type of people in his time. What do you think one would have done in his time if you were a slave to a Homosexual and he insisted on sexual relations with you or your head on a platter? With this being the law back then in Rome and some of those slaves themselves had families if these family slaves that were told have sex with me or die were like some of the people alive now then they would be killed and their sons would have been the next target of his sexual desire. We have a very misquoted document that was even I believe miss Quoted by Dr.Martin Luther King, the Declaration Of Independence is the document that has this line “ We hold these truths to be self –evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that are among these are Life,Liberty,and the Pursuit of Happiness” that line is the right legally in these United States the Legal standing for Homosexual marriage, the reason Mr. King should have never had to take one step in protest. But nations like Religions do not practice what is preached. The line Life Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness give everyone the right to do what they please if it does not step on others rights. Some Judge will say or cop no you do not have the right to mow your lawn in the nude, I would say to them why not the Declaration Of independence say I may, they would say but that is indecent exposure, Don’t look at me I am not harming anyone tell your children that my yare is my space and do not look, we have laws and cops that would arrest me for child molestation by exposure see how this works.? In 1775 we had some very wise men write a document that would serve all well as long as we were intelligent to follow it. Like my friend that walked this earth but 33 years before his violent death he gave us perfect words to live by “Treat others as you want to be treated” So my neighbor wants to have a junk yard in his front and back yard I want to mow my yard naked I do not like the looks of his junk(treasure to him) all that is needed is for us to talk and build a fence around both yards not blocking the sidewalk high enough so I do not see his junk and I can mow naked without offending him, the problem is the same one for my friend in Rome “Lawyers”, “cops””government” see the lawyers today say NO the police say NO the government says NO and they come up with reasons for No 1.children will see you naked 2.your junk will attract snakes,rats,ect. If we obey the ideas of our founding fathers then we cannot in good consciences a say No to Homosexual marriage,familys that are nudist, farmers planting what they choose, and a long list of things that Al Gore and his friends will say NO NO NO too. Gays have the right by Jesus silence and our Declaration of Independence to be. A man from another country or even the United States that his custom is to kiss his new born ass to celebrate the birth of a healthy child and not be arrested. THE PROBLEM IS LAWYERS, POLITIONS, POLICE, AND THE BREAKDOWN OF THE BASIC REASONING OF MAN. We are losing it God is laughing at out dumbasses and if this is ever published I will probably be locked away as a nut.

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