Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The United states freedom health care

This United States of America has since its founding has led in most things through freedom. There are those who despise freedom and the results of it but it is the way that the most gets done. No other nation put a man on the moon, twice saved Europe’s bacon in world wars, and polices a good part of the world today. To solve the health care crisis simply make it against the law for any organization to provide health insurance for their people. Deregulate the insurance business so all insurance companies can practice in 50 states. When this is done someone will do like the great discount stores and insure all at a reasonable rate, then all people can afford the insurance. When the government started Medicaid and Medicare the government paid any price and the process rouse. The Wrigley chewing gum company made no telling how much with a product that once a nickel a pack, there cost will be a insurance company when the regulation comes off that will sell insurance at a low price to try and pick up all the people it can. The only regulation needed is if you pay your premium and you get sick that they can’t cancel your insurance. We have led the world with less people not all that many natural resources through freedom. China who has twice the people barely has satellites in space, just now got into the car business. Most people are good honest hard working the few make the rules for us all that is regulation. Abilene Texas a town of 120,000 that had 600 of its people caught driving drunk this last year but to listen to the police you would think the numbers were reversed. It is the same with the terrorist so few causing so much fear. Our freedoms are being taken by the laws passed to protect US from these people. In the words of Thomas Jefferson “Those who will give up freedom for security will have neither.” What keeps us from total freedom in our country is the few that think they know better and insist on laws being passed to control people.

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