Monday, January 25, 2010

daily kos

1/25/2010 Daily Kos
There was a man 30 years retired Navy that told me of this site Daily Kos, he spoke highly of it and how he trusted it was right and real unbiased and truthful. I started reading it posted to it once, looked at it today. I use to think James Caravel was biased and bad but alas there is a place that is so for its own point of view that it will never even hear of any other view. We use to have debate in our country some civil and some with dueling pistols. Now we have massive organizations that for my nickel should be tried for treason and then if found guilty shot on public television. If Tomas Jefferson were alive today I feel like when he saw the United States and its news media he would revise everything he said about it. Jefferson said that he would prefer an unfettered press to government to ensure freedom continued or something to this effect. Well here in this time and place I feel like that the news media and places like this Daily Kos have set a agenda of their own not unlike Hitler,Napoleon,Stalin and a number of other people pushing the world at their times. Most of what I read in the Daily Kos is so hate filled towards the Republican’s and any other ideas that differ with their agenda that I am suspect as to their unbiased and truthfulness. NO and I mean No origination,country,group,person or party if you will is right all the time, how can the Democrats, Daily Kos, or any commentator. What I understand is this the things that the Democratic Party wants now has been tried before with failure every time. Like a friend of mine who was a saddle maker said of the old kinds of saddles becoming popular now “Hell those did not work the first time around why they think they will now” well if numbers are any indication then in my lifetime there are three places with lots of people who tried these things and failed. Russia, Cuba, China and the countries that they had sway over. When one looks at the accomplishments of the United States we as a country are no1 in all things. We have more success stories here than anywhere people flocked here from other countries and still do for the FREEDOM to fail and to become anything they want. Now I know my every mistake will be pointed out but those doing so will be overlooking the large stack of one sided vomit filth and nonsense put out by the national media and the Daily Kos.

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