Sunday, February 7, 2010


I do not remember the exact year I got my first computer. I think very late 90’s or early 2000, I know the first one was so old that I could not get online. I then got some income tax refund and was able to purchase one that allowed me to get on line. Once on line I discovered the whole smorgasbord of the Al Gore net. There are on the net products that are not carried in the town I live near Abilene Texas, so paying shipping and ordering I can get things that the stores here will not allow. There is on the net billions of scamers, spamers, and sexual meeting places that you will never meet another human being. Seems to me at least that America has found a drug that stops loneness and wanting another real human being. This is called dating sites, bdsm sites, other sexual fetish sites and then there are the Nigerian and Ghana people trying to get you money. Long before the computer I believe there was a movie “How the West Was Won” in this movie Jimmy Stewart plays a mountain man that went into a cave to see the monster in there, he is knocked senseless and his money taken, he gets to the river and is rescued by boat people and finds his future wife. The internet with its social networking sites where one can say “Happy Birthday” become cyber friends show ones most private parts and matters for the world to see, and the perversions of humanity reminds me of that cave promising much delivering nothing. Is this the internet’s fault or the people who use it, clearly it is the people who use it. In today’s world we in these United States of America or at least Abilene Texas we punish the whole for the deeds of the few, there were 600+ driving while drunk cases last year and a population of about 200,000 I am told but to listen to the Abilene Police there were 200,000 thousand driving while drunk and only 600 people who did not drive drunk. I am sure that with the World Wide Web there can’t be a majority of users that are scammers, virus makers, makers and Trojan horse makers, and people hijacking computers but the few punish the many with carpatha and limits on how long you can talk on a site. Thanks to the net curiosity will be killed, truth destroyed, and minds molded by filling things without question the way a programmer put it down to be. In the future no one will question “why do they need that”, I choose to not give that information out, or the word NO because these machines will have trained our minds to do as told, Audulous Huxley was right there will be no humans anymore.

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