Saturday, February 20, 2010


Morals, ethics, standards three words that always are used with the intent of expressing the best highest most upstanding, or at least this is the way I have heard them used. I have never heard a person for instants say I have the lowest morals, ethics, and standards. I was seeing a lady the other day a ex undercover cop she said and in explaining why she was not kissing me and having sex with me “casual sex” as she put it these three words were used, “I have morals ,ehthics,and standards that will not allow such behavior. I pointed out that these words were used to keep someone from having fun and enjoying life. See I know an elder in the Church of Christ and a deacon in a Baptist church that would use these words too. The elder has allowed a child to think her father is dead and kept the child from its father because the father is not approved of by the family. The Deacon took the phone away from the children when their father called because his daughter said to because she was using the children as pawns in a game of divorce. There was a deputy in Jones County Texas that arrested a man illegally or against the constitution or the codes of law that the judge told the man to look up, he would use these words morals, ethics, and standards he would say his are the highest then why did the judge drop the charges? Why when his boss was called the next morning and told about the arrest by the man arrested the sheriff said He can’t do that?? How come when we see these people with the morals and ethics and standards that preclude us from certain activities with them if we watch they will display the lowest of these words? Why is it that people like Tiger Woods, other athlete, movie stars, politions talk about the highest of morals ethics and standards till they are caught with some hooker or in an affair or a sham business deal or emblezment? I have no use for Law enforcement, lawyers, judges and politions just because of the things like the aforementioned arrest. Forty eight hours reported of a police man in Bolder Colorado following a 15 year old man till he was honorable discharged from the Navy then he arrested him for a crime he could have not committed he spent 9 years in prison before some good lawyers got him acquitted for his charges. This police officer was not punished in any way or the Judges that wrongly sentenced this man. I will bet you everything you have that this police officer and the prosecuting attorney and judge that convicted him to life in prison and the psychiatrist that built the bogus case against him all talked about the highest Morals,Ethics,and Standards.

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