Wednesday, June 9, 2010

life in the united states.

I had a conversation with a friend yesterday. We were talking about how we use to work cattle trading out ranch for ranch, now if you cant hire it done you do it yourself.We use to have Barn buildings,if a neighbor was struck with illness the neighbors came to gather and his work was done (cotton planted) whatever for him so he would not loose out on a crop.Or if that time of year the crop harvested. have authritous and hit the wrong buttons on these computers.Miss one letter in the word and if the damn spell check can get it right is a hit or miss. So i take a lot of ribbing from the people on these blog sites that are perfect for my misspellings,punctuation,and anything they can make me feel stupid with. This friend has a wife that is a 30 year teacher she in fact taught me. He said she was leaving the profession because of the smart mouth children,they get it from there parents I guess the perfect parents.This is the Glue that built this great nation and it is gone. Neighbors coming together to help another would be sued.Children say Fuck you more than anything and dare you to do any thing about it,hell Clint Eastwood made a movie about it.If you piss these little bastards off they come by your house with guns and shoot you up.By the way I hope you perfect people notice the two types of writing size of letters that these old hands hit the wrong button on Laugh You sorry bastards Maybe your child will die in a drive by.

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