Tuesday, June 8, 2010

united states today

Today in these United States we are in a time of change. This change began with the election of Bark Hussein Obama. I am 55 years old and this is the first traitor in the Whitehouse. This man did not put the wreath on the tomb of the unknown and I am 55 I cant remember when that did not happen in my aware life. The Job of p0resident comes with certain responsibilities and honors as all jobs do, one of these is honoring on memorial day the thumb of the unknown. This man bows to other leaders(treason) does not take his wife to Muslim countries no other president did this WHY!!! He has cleverly engineered the disastrous in the gulf of Mexico to asure we all drive smart cars. The smart car after looking at one will stop the population bomb in America cause there is no room for seat belting a child into it so either the seat belt law goes or we all under the age of 60 are sterilized.So any population growth will be from Mexico or the Muslim countries. China India and whever they can get here from.
This man should be tried for treason if found guilty shot in front of a firing squad or hung. This will not happen because enough people in this country thought he the savior. I will never vote in this country again because of the crooked law in Jones county Texas and the election of this traitor.One other reason when I wrote every congressperson and senator in Texas about the crooked constitutional destroying sheriff and deputy plus the county judge in Jones County Texas I was played like a ping pong ball and no one wants to address this issue . Explain if you will and can what good voting does r if some orginization like the Illuminati dosent controll it all ant they decided this trator best served there pourpouses.

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