Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christ Mass

We have just finished celebrating the sun gods day Christmas! We call it Jesus birthday but the letter J did not come to be till 500 years ago and Yesua=Jesus was born long before that. Now in my Family I am 55 and have never gotten a gift I wanted. Yesua=Jesus got all of those that will be saved eternal life in a young body not a gift that is un wanted by anyone, so why would we give gifts that are un wanted on his suppose birthday. This having his birthday on the day of Sol Invidious the invincible sun and topping it off by giving unwanted gifts seems to me a double slap in his face.
So how does my mother for instance expect to be in heaven profaning Yesua’s birthday and not following his example in getting a gift that the receiver wants!! If Christmas is Yesua’s birthday and gifts are exchanged should his example be followed get the person you are buying for a gift they want Yesua did.

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