03/18/14 Intelligent People
While looking on my Facebook there was an article from “Right Wing News” about a pit bull/Terrier mix that attacked and mauled a 4 year old human. The jest of the article was that 44,000 signatures to save the pit bull were on face book. So now people love there dog's more than a neighbor’s child. We are not going to Euthanize the dog because it was defending a bone!
Here is a suggestion why not Euthanize the child! The poor child will have lifetime scars and a serious of operations to repair as best as can be the damage. All of this medical care will cost probably into the millions. The people have spoken so do what they suggest Euthanize the child on the televisions and computer screens in the United States & radio too over and over. Descriptions and video say two weeks all you see is this child's Euthanization.
Then some footage of Mikey I think is the dog's name happily munching on a bone. But this child that was attacked for trying to take Mikey's bone, will be killed by the most horrible slow killing chemicals we have while being filmed and with sounds. Then after the child is gone footage of a happy dog munching on a bone.
Because I must be alone in my saying this kill every dog and cat, that are pets before one child is Euthanize d. I own a dog Taz and love him but would if he did this to a child shoot him myself. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE IN THE UNITED STATES!!! If this wanting and defending this dog is normal thinking now, I say GOD KILL THIS PLACE!!!!!!
rch 18, 2014
I am not one of these people who thinks Pit Bulls are naturally vicious or should be banned. I have seen very sweet and friendly Pit Bulls. I’ve let my dog play with them. I’ve petted them. I think they can be wonderful animals. However, I would also never own a Pit Bull for the simple reason that dogs are dumb animals, instinctive animals — and owning one that has the capacity to seriously injure you is dangerous. In my experience, Chihuahuas are often much more unsociable, bad tempered, and prone to bite than Pit Bulls are, but they’re such tiny dogs that they often can’t even break the skin. On the other hand, a Pit Bull that bites can do this.
A campaign to save a pit bull that viciously attacked a four-year-old Arizona boy now has almost 45,000 signatures from supporters around the world who don’t want the dog to be put down.
The fate of Mickey, a five-year-old pit bull terrier, was supposed to be decided on March 4, but a restraining order against his euthanasia was extended until a decision can be made about his fate.
Mickey was chained in his own South Phoenix backyard when four-year-old Kevin Vicente reached for a bone lying nearby and was attacked by Mickey. His facial injuries were severe and he faces multiple surgeries and permanent scarring.
…AZ Central reports that Kevin Vicente’s injuries were so bad that hospital workers were traumatized after seeing them. He eats and breaths through tubes
According to My Fox Phoenix, Kevin Vicente was at the home of the dog’s owner with his babysitter.
Supporters of Mickey say the boy shouldn’t have been in the yard with the dog, and that Mickey was behaving instinctively because he believed the child was taking away his food.
On the contrary, a witness, Guadalupe Villa, says the dog attacked the boy not in warning but to inflict damage.
…’Mickey wasn’t just biting to bite, he was shaking his head, trying to hurt,’ Villa told My Fox Phoenix.
Villa said the dog belonged to her boyfriend and that she has known Mickey since he was a puppy. Six months ago, she says, Mickey attacked and killed a puppy that wandered into the yard.
‘Honestly, I just want him to be put down,’ she says.
…While a Facebook page dedicated to Mickey has in excess of 40,000 likes, a Facebook page for the support of Kevin Vicente has barely 500.
A fundraising website to help Kevin’s mother pay for his medical expenses has so far raised just over $6,000.
This animal killed a puppy and severely injured a child; so it’s obviously ready, willing and able to severely injure and kill other living things in its vicinity. Putting it down is a no-brainer and anyone who’s unclear on that subject is probably not fit to be handling a dog like a Pit Bull.
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