Friday, December 5, 2014

Real live slaves

12/05/14 SLAVES
I read on Tumbler a story by a slave to black people. He said how he and his wife went to a foreign country and continue to live there. His and her heads are shaven they both have tattoos showing their slave ship to black masters!
Far be it for me to tell someone how to live. But for every choice we make there is collateral damage that effects others. These two must not have any parents, siblings, or friends who might wounder and pine for the loss of contact with them. Last I checked if you were a slave you did what your master told you including not contacting your family.
If this does happen for real then the United Nations, Interpol, CIA, FBI, and other police groups should make allowances for this with written contracts. Perhaps even chipping the people going in as slaves, but mainly assuring that the slave gets time at home with there family. Can you think of being a parent and your child disappears!!

Now you do not know that the child flew to another country. That child is shaven head with a jack of spades tattoo on over his cock and on his forehead, he has not worn clothing in 4 years, and this was done willingly! But you do know that there has not been a letter nor phone call or Christmas gift, this being the case would not people be looking for this child? If I was the master I would much rather meet the parents explain what the child has chosen, and even give Skype time to the child and family with by yearly vacations on my nickle. If the slaves family and friends wish.

Sunday, November 30, 2014


11/29/14 I enjoy reading some of these sex stories on various venues on the net, like Literotica. There are other places where these “Cuckold” “Submissive” stories are posted. Most of them paint a picture of a submissive “Cuck” husband forever in the marriage servicing his wife and her “Black Bull” she has “Black Babies” instead of babies with her white husband. These are the gentlest form of these stories.
The most extreme form takes the form of a “Black Bull” dominating both the wife and the husband turning them into his slaves. This slavery is both sexual and financial so the “Bull” gets there bodies and there money too, he whores the wife to his friends, knocks her up several times. Then he has the husband “Castrated” and feminized. The husband is sold to one master and the wife to another master both of them are on opposite sides of the planet.
One must ask why these people go through all of this to become married & then give that up so easily. One must ask why is there no JOY HAPPINESS in these stories, why so much gloom and doom in a life! I can understand if one wants to suck black cock & have black cock in a woman and be under the control for a time period. But to have your lives together your goals your dreams taken by these other people. There is no happy ending to these stories for the white couples. The Black doms keep searching for more to enslave so even they have no happiness!

Then the Blacks must fear at some level a family member or friend of these people that have been enslaved coming after them with harm in mind. Or these same people finding there now messed up former somewhat normal brothers and sisters. Seeing what was done to them by the Dominator and now seeking him out for revenge.

Sunday, October 5, 2014


10/05/14 My Two Cents

Ebola has came to visit Texas. Now I have read some things on the Internet that are terribly frightening, it says all of the bodily fluids must be caught and burned, sterilized or they can be nasty.
Our man from Liberia it is told was puking while in the apt, where do you puke in the porcelain toilette and he pissed to. In one article it said that our friend Ebola can be spread from tears and sweat. But our problem is those fluids flushed into the Municipal Sewage System of Ft. Worth Texas may be the beginning of out Ebola Plague.

From what I read ALL bodily fluids, clothing, bedding, and anything else that he touched must be burned. What we have here is like our forefathers giving blankets to the Indians that were filled with disease. If the Sewage System cant dilute collect and destroy or sterilize the water that they were not aware of it containing Ebola, then that water is discharged into a river or lake there starts the Pandemic. One person eating a polluted fish from a contaminated river or lake or drinking raw water from such OOPS.

Friday, September 26, 2014


09/26/14 US

I am 59 years old now, there is an old Roy Clark song in which he is talking about how youth was a magic wand and how he used it unwisely. I have learned that the most cherished thing ever in our lives are our relationships, that between you and your lover being no 1 above even your children produced by you and your lover. I see on Tumbler and elsewhere the I call them alternative lifestyle relationships, cuckolding, femdom, and chastity. One thing that seems to be the normal in these is male humiliation.
If the woman (his wife, live in,& common law) ever ever ever loved him how could she do the things that are portrayed in the photos and the writings without breaks to rekindle there love. Boxers and Football players are given breaks because they are taking a mental and a physical beating. But according to these things in these relationships the man (her husband) is given nothing, now her lover I call him sexer because he is the one fucking her, the husband is locked in chastity, or made to clean her pussy of his cum & his cock. The husband is even fucked in his ass to more humiliate him!!
All of the special days honeymoon, her birthday, and such are celebrated with her “LOVER, SEXER, while husband waits to do his part. There is never talk as in words of such from her “Darling would you like to just sit here and talk just you and I tonight” OR “You know it is our honeymoon wouldn’t it be nice if just you and I went somewhere special” no it is the wife and her Black Bull (sexer) going to do those things. I fail to understand how a man could keep this up without breaking to his soul and turning to violence or just divorcing and leaving. After all if the stories are correct her children are the BULL'S.

      Without a vacation from these lifestyles to rekindle the unattended fires of love how can the “MARRIAGE” last all of the effort is going toward the “BULL” from them both.

Monday, September 15, 2014


09/15/14 Yesterday I read about yet again two police brutality cases. What is sooooooo far beyond reality is the Galveston Texas Police officers were beating a 12 year old girl savagely because they thought that she was a prostitute. If Joe Q public was doing this it would be Child Molestation and other charges too. These goons release her after her father approaches and tells them that she is his daughter and she is 12 years old. One officer replied I don't care what age she is.
Then there was posted on Facebook a cell video of several officers in Morgantown West Virginia of police holding down a terminal ill man chocking on his own blood. You can hear her saying I can't believe this is happening a block from my house. You can hear an officer threatening to arrest her.
Now this morning I hear of a massive man hunt for two cop killers in Pennsylvania if in fact it is two they don't really know but are sure this is an attack on us all and the Law Enforcement Community.
I am sorry but after reading of all the police abuse I think America needs a new hero like wolverine except he eliminates or disables beyond the means of his working as a cop again all the pol lice like those Galveston Police that have given a 12 year old PSTD and charged her with resisting arrest.
Hell it is not just an unknown person in Galveston and Morgantown West Virginia BUT a famous actress in L.A. kissing her husband and handcuffed for being a prostitute!!!
When will this stop?? When some cop fails to recognize a foreign diplomat and shoots tazes or arrest and brutalizes him or perhaps a congress persons family. Why does not Hollywood not start a Django Unchained for legal fees to fight PO LICE brutality and a call in line for the 12 year old in Galveston for the 50 something in Morgantown! There will be others because of the International Brotherhood Of Police or some such UNION will prevent punitive measures like unpaid leave or termination so they just beat the shit or shoot someone then hide till it cools off with pay and are back on the street.

    Why does not Hollywood start making television shows that show the police as they are? We have a crisis or a revolution brewing in our country coming from the bottom up, Read “A Tale Of Two Cities” it will not be pretty and the body count high. But if Hollywood makes and they are shown movies Television Shows about the police as they are in real time real life people will see.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

National Shooting

06/05/14 What We Have Nationally

We hear about them from time to time somebody shooting up a group of people in places. We have watched a big shooting not stopped by the police that are in place to stop it since 20 Jan 2009. Just like say any shooting the police sheriff and such appointed individuates are suppose to show up arrest or other wise stop the shooter and save lives.
So just as if the law enforcement refused or did not show then the shooter could continue until something else happened. Mister O Mulatto (Obama) has been shooting up the Constitution of the united states and the Senate & Congress also the courts have done nothing to stop him. When he finishes shooting the primary basis of all law in the 50 states will be weakened and bullet riddled dead or dying or perhaps badly wounded !!
What is the difference between this and say somebody Brazenly sat up a belt driven gun in the Super Bowl. The cops and other security watch him set this up ignoring him, like our Senate and Congress is ignoring Obama! They watch him carrying boxes of ammo in they watch as he puts up targets and makes sure he can hit all areas of he stadium. They do not arrest him or ask him what he is doing or planning. They in fact do not do the job for which they are hired for. So on the day of the Super Bowl WE in the audience (citizens of the United States in this instance) get to watch the carnage.

The CARNAGE we are witnessing is the destruction of THE UNITED STATES as it has been for 200 years. When the laws are changed as they are now being changed as always there are people that say “The law says”! So the cop, state trooper, military says as they drag you out or kick your door in “The LAW SAYS”! Then they do what this “LAW” says, even if for hundreds of years the LAW something else!! But the Targets that MR. O Mulatto (Obama) is riddling with Bullets and scattering blood from is the Constitution which has been the law of our land and GUARANTEER OF OUR FREEDOMS. But more importantly the destruction of a way of life!!

Monday, May 12, 2014

These Stories

05/12/14                                          These Stories

   I know that these stories are targeted to a special group. That the story must met stringent requirements but in every story somehow it ends with the husband regretting doing it. They usually talk about the husbands desire to have or watch his wife be fucked by another man! Most time it is a black man because of the term Big Black Cock.
   The black man sets the rules to which the white husband agrees. It will end when your wife and I agree not you! He decides this black man not the husband. The black man says I have fucked 25 wives yours will b 26. I have knocked up 4 so think up a story for a black child. You will not interfere with your wives decisions! I do not use condoms or pull out!
    The white wife is dragged kicking and screaming scared into this. After one fucking she is in love and under the spell of the black man. She is ready to spit out his children. She is ready to cut off her husband sexually. She is raring to get a tattoo above her waste with Jerome, Jamal or Leroy all across her back where it will show to the world. She is ready to be gang banged by all the black men in the hood. It ends with the white husband asking what have I done??
    He has killed his marriage and his wife as he knows her. She can not go home to her family after being the South side of Chicago BBC slut dragging 3 mulatto babies and be the woman he married. Her father may with tears and his heart being ripped out tell her to leave and not come back. Her father may beat her husband to death or shoot him.
    From now on when men see that tattoo they will demand pussy or at least ask for it. This will rot her soul and her heart it will bred hatred for the white man that made her do this. This world is replete with such stories of women thus defiled.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Our bunch

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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Women who enjoye alternative lifestyles like swinging

I read all of Sara by Colt45. Explain to me in all of these stories the woman must be plied with booze until words like feeling no pain are used before most of the sex starts. It seems to me that her wanting to be a slut,whore,cunt must be not really desired or the need for booze would not be there. You do not get the children and family drunk before participating in Christmas or a theme park,they go because they wish and not after being drunk?
   Why in all of these stories the woman must be made drunk before she fucks. People do lots of things that they enjoy and these stories are talking about how these women enjoy this and want this use by men. If this is true then why would not a theater of people not arrive drunk to see the show. They enjoy the show they came to see the show just like she it is claimed enjoyed being used sexually by a man or many men. Well if it brings such pleasure why must she get drunk first???

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Open letter to my Texas senators

Why have you not tried to start legal impeachment against Obama? Why no legal  action against Eric  Holder? Both were involved in a operation "Fast and furious" that resulted in a death. In the Bible King David was guilty of murdering Uriah, by his word and orders,why sir is not the President and the attorney general????
  As I see it if you fail in attempting this they why should I vote for you again.There is a song line "If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything" Do you stand with murder sir?

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Have you ever saw published touted on television the statics on how many crimes police prevented? They have all other kinds of statics. Rape,murders,robberies,and assaults but never one for we stopped this many of these crimes.Cops are the clean up catch them crew.

Monday, March 24, 2014

A open Letter to my Mother

EVER HAVING ANYTHING (perhaps even getting to die homeless under a cold bridge) INSTEAD OF A WARM BED.
GIVEN UP ON EVER HEARING FROM YOU A TRUE "I AM SORRY"(you may be sorry for my anger for what you have done to me. For my not crossing your door again ever) BUT YOU DO NOT HAVE " I AM SORRY FOR ____________________ FILL IN THE PARAGRAPHS. YOU ARE SO NARCISSISTIC THAT YOU ONLY THINK OF TERMS OF "JOHAN". (example I get published in Abilene reporter news and all you can say is "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS EMBARRASS ME ME ME ME (JOHAN). So you are unable to feel anything as far as I am concerned I am like your dog, horse, car a thing that is suppose to reflect YOUR goodness or greatness. THERE FORE I EMBARRASS YOU!
   Your money was always your gun like in a John Wayne movie "Well Pilgrim we will fly you back to Oregon"? DID YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND J.W. GREEN TELL ME TO MIND MY OWN BUSINESS? Proves my point again you mind your business and mine with your Gun(money). Unlike John Wayne who gave the town back after taking out the bad guys YOU were the guy John Wayne would have taken out. Then he would have said you and your spouse work out your trouble
 Perhaps they should have had a special limo for you and you arrive first dressed in a black gown designer $1000.00 one. Then Connie comes up bows and says JOHAN MAY WE BURY LADELL?? Then every child associated with Ladle walks by and kisses your outstretched hand. Would that have been enough about YOU???
    You could have said to me when the paper published me perhaps you should pursue writing. But that would have taken from YOU and your party.
   You join these organizations not to give back BUT TO BE NOTICED. IT WAS YOU THAT COINED THE TERM ITALIAN MAFIA!! Did you ask any other woman what they might want to be called????????????????????? Did you give a poop? “MY (JOHAN GREEN) Italian mafia is always how you spoke to me about them. Do you see a pattern here besides it being a problem with (ME) as you want it to be!!!! My group (JOHAN GREEN) possession just like in the Linda Ronstadt song “Loose your love when you say the word Mine”,,, He is Mine I whoever the I is owns posses him, She is mine again  possession. Possession= control “you can't go to that roping “you cant go to that dance” people are not things to be possessed controlled, and if you do, as you have then you become responsible for what happens.
   A few degrees different rudder and 1500 souls would be alive.A giant ship and humans die because of a mistake, how much more damage is done by a bully parent in a life??????? You will not marry him or her!!! I forbid you to see them!! how many parents said such and lost the child either to a murder or they ran away with the forbidden!!! How many parents of your bullying generation are heartbroken now because a child(human being with it's own wants) was forbidden and went anyway???????
   You are 80 plus and all I ask is that you visit me at my house show that much respect. But I know the sad ending is The next time I will see your face is in a box at Jack North's. Because your heart and soul are not capable of respect for me! But you gave me training to never see your face again and to go to your funeral with no feeling at all. You sent Cindy away Let me tell you BITCH you never never never forget your children for one second! I have had 60 years combined thanks to you and your bullyness of remembering and that is all I can do. I do not blame you for Sarah. Except if I had not left when you ask I might have thrown Floy out!!!
    I think this is what death is all about when you close your eyes in it. You wake up like never before to the total and complete truth. If you are like your friend Jack you see how bad your stupid jokes and pranks hurt your business. What will I see, God I have much to be paying for much to fill me with the rage that fuels the fires of my hell. See I think hell is seeing what you did with no “I don't remember” being allowed or “I did not know” and the excuses and reasons we use here while alive.
    No I think there you are immersed in YOU what YOU did why YOU did, all glaring back at your naked soul searing it like a roast over a fire. There is a Neil Diamond song that is my favorite, It starts out with Jesus Christ, Fanny Brice and a whole list of famous names. Then it ends and each one there looked up with wounder at the same moon sweated beneath the same sun AND WEPT WHEN IT WAS ALL DONE FOR BEING DONE TOO SOON. So I end with one request again respect enough to come sit in my living room and talk.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Save the dog

03/18/14                                    Intelligent People
While looking on my Facebook there was an article from “Right Wing News” about a pit bull/Terrier mix that attacked and mauled a 4 year old human. The jest of the article was that 44,000 signatures to save the pit bull were on face book. So now people love there dog's more than a neighbor’s child. We are not going to Euthanize the dog because it was defending a bone!
    Here is a suggestion why not Euthanize the child! The poor child will have lifetime scars and a serious of operations to repair as best as can be the damage. All of this medical care will cost probably into the millions. The people have spoken so do what they suggest Euthanize the child on the televisions and computer screens in the United States & radio too over and over. Descriptions and video say two weeks all you see is this child's Euthanization.
   Then some footage of Mikey I think is the dog's name happily munching on a bone. But this child that was attacked for trying to take Mikey's bone, will be killed by the most horrible slow killing chemicals we have while being filmed and with sounds. Then after the child is gone footage of a happy dog munching on a bone.
   Because I must be alone in my saying this kill every dog and cat, that are pets before one child is Euthanize d. I own a dog Taz and love him but would if he did this to a child shoot him myself. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE IN THE UNITED STATES!!! If this wanting and defending this dog is normal thinking now, I say GOD KILL THIS PLACE!!!!!!
  rch 18, 2014
I am not one of these people who thinks Pit Bulls are naturally vicious or should be banned. I have seen very sweet and friendly Pit Bulls. I’ve let my dog play with them. I’ve petted them. I think they can be wonderful animals. However, I would also never own a Pit Bull for the simple reason that dogs are dumb animals, instinctive animals — and owning one that has the capacity to seriously injure you is dangerous. In my experience, Chihuahuas are often much more unsociable, bad tempered, and prone to bite than Pit Bulls are, but they’re such tiny dogs that they often can’t even break the skin. On the other hand, a Pit Bull that bites can do this.

A campaign to save a pit bull that viciously attacked a four-year-old Arizona boy now has almost 45,000 signatures from supporters around the world who don’t want the dog to be put down.
The fate of Mickey, a five-year-old pit bull terrier, was supposed to be decided on March 4, but a restraining order against his euthanasia was extended until a decision can be made about his fate.
Mickey was chained in his own South Phoenix backyard when four-year-old Kevin Vicente reached for a bone lying nearby and was attacked by Mickey. His facial injuries were severe and he faces multiple surgeries and permanent scarring.
…AZ Central reports that Kevin Vicente’s injuries were so bad that hospital workers were traumatized after seeing them. He eats and breaths through tubes
According to My Fox Phoenix, Kevin Vicente was at the home of the dog’s owner with his babysitter.
Supporters of Mickey say the boy shouldn’t have been in the yard with the dog, and that Mickey was behaving instinctively because he believed the child was taking away his food.
On the contrary, a witness, Guadalupe Villa, says the dog attacked the boy not in warning but to inflict damage.
…’Mickey wasn’t just biting to bite, he was shaking his head, trying to hurt,’ Villa told My Fox Phoenix.
Villa said the dog belonged to her boyfriend and that she has known Mickey since he was a puppy. Six months ago, she says, Mickey attacked and killed a puppy that wandered into the yard.
‘Honestly, I just want him to be put down,’ she says.
…While a Facebook page dedicated to Mickey has in excess of 40,000 likes, a Facebook page for the support of Kevin Vicente has barely 500.
A fundraising website to help Kevin’s mother pay for his medical expenses has so far raised just over $6,000.
This animal killed a puppy and severely injured a child; so it’s obviously ready, willing  and able to severely injure and kill other living things in its vicinity. Putting it down is a no-brainer and anyone who’s unclear on that subject is probably not fit to be handling a dog like a Pit Bull.
Also see,

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Soulless Society

03/15/14                 Soulless Society
 I am 59 never was good at those test that had you identify the one mistake or odd thing in a group. On my computer one letter changes everything I do miss that one letter often. I have a diagnosis of Adult Attention Deficit Disorder/ Bipolar. I know I am not the only person in the United states with ??? problems/oddity what ever you will call them.
    I know a man that is retired Navy and is so rules must be followed, if they passed one that all retired navy must cut there throats he would as soon as he received the rule. Now they in school give test that has the ability to find those humans that will miss the one letter in a group of words that makes this word not belong. These people that do this will not follow rules correctly. So this being the case let's find Mr. Smith types like in Matrix and have them taken quietly out of the classroom and eliminated from society.
    Have after all there not been enough human carcasses thrown on the alter of the god of RULES! Six Million followed the rules in the 1930-1945. First they allowed the rule to be enforced that they must wear a star on there clothing. Then a tattoo then boarded trains and finally were killed or worked to death because the RULE said so.
   Well the U.S. government has been doing the same things in other ways from 1960 when the war on poverty set up rules, Medicare and Medicaid set up rules this is 54 years. Hitler had much less time but deposited 6 Million on the Alter of the God of “Rules must be followed”. The death count in the United States will never be known.
    Rules can be a good thing, like never look down the barrel of an uncleared firearm. Do not try and pet a grizzly bear, yield the right of way, stop at stop signs, and obey traffic lights. Washing your hands often is a great rule.
 Having a sleep study for Sleep Apnea then being diagnosed with it. A C Pap machine issued a computer card also to see if it is used the specified amount of time. Who set this time? Was he or she GOD, did he or she know every single human's needs for air during the night? Was it a Democrat or a Republican Politician or minion of some politician? If you fail as in those school test then you must be re tested and reissued again the C Pap again. I am guessing that the C Pap will come with the same mask for your face as before so you will feel like you are choking in the night and throw it off. You will not meet the requirement again.
   It makes little difference sleep Apnea kills through “Heart Attack” Stroke. It is not a Mr smith with a gun or a Nazi with a gas chamber so it is good. It is however still killing. The same as the Nazi or Mr Smith. There is one other thing added Medicare, Medicaid pays for the retesting reissuing so not one penny comes out of your Taxpaying pocket. Wounder if this sounds like the Nazis logic we kill you or bleed your money!!!!

Saturday, March 15, 2014


03/15/14              me
Yesterday my country told me to die. I was in 2003 diagnosed by V.A. with SLEEP APNEA. In hospital in 2014 again diagnosed given a better machine by civilian medicine. Va. will not up grade or re do so Die Jesse Lee! The words not just those but same meaning. Their words are you did not meet the time for C pap usage so now you must start over. Call doctor go back to sleep study and be diagnosed again then get another C pap.
  Cancer heart disease and sleep apnea do not disappear without a miracle or a healing. So we the people spend more money because of government regulation. Regulation as stupid as burning a building down after just finished to see if it passes fire codes???????? I guess I will die of heart attack or stroke thinks to the Medicare and the politicians elected in 1960. Just think how many millions have these politicians and there silly rules killed bet makes Adolf Hitler look like a girl scout! They have been killing from 1960 that is 54 years longer than dear Adolf. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Gun Confiscation

03/11/14     Well it seems that in my life time I will see gun confiscation by our all loving all wise governments. So here is my look into the post confiscation world. I will ignore the inconvenient facts that where there are already very tight gun control laws the crime rate is higher than where guns are allowed! I will Ignore that crime is higher in London England than in Houston Texas. London England you can't own a gun. In fact even on the news here Diane Sawyer reported and showed film of the British soldier trained in killing, being killed in the streets of London by a Muslim wielding a knife!
    Having set this EXAMPLE OF CIVILIZATION, just think of post confiscation America! You have it I want it I will take it as a law abiding criminal that has laid down my gun with all others, the words of Nancy Pelocie, or Diane Feinsten senator of California. California is one of those places with High Gun Control laws and a HIGH CRIME RATE! Even if I do not have my gun, knives are good cubs pieces of chain say 18”.
    I am Peter the Pedophile your 9 year old daughter and your 11 year old daughter are my pray(prey). You and your husband are Collateral Damage. I have picked your house because it is far far out in the suburbs at the end of your street. Your palatial mansion sits just at the beginning of the forest. I bought at the local hardware store my duct tape. The ball gags at the adult book store. The hand cuffs were purchased at the local police supply store as was the knives. I am a registered sex offender I have done this before!
    Now my allies in this crime are Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi,and Dianne Feinsten and those kind of people, plus every nickel and dime criminal now playing in town, remember THE GUNS THE GUNS THE GUNS have been removed. I have no fear of your 9 or 11 year old sticking a 410 shotgun in my face now. Thank you for voting those anti gun politicians into office by the way. Now back to business you and your wife are tied to a chair by the duct tape and Handcuffs. You two chose the ball gags over duck tape around your heads for silence.
    You listen to the screams and cry’s of your 9 year old as I give her SEX education that will stay with her, now miss 11 year old is shown too. You tied in the chairs are at my whim do I cut your throats in front of your daughters pledging them to silence and securing my freedom, or do I make the children do it?? Even if I put the knife in the child’s hand and then with my hand over hers cut the jugular the shock will be the same. Then call some other criminals tell them of the televisions, computers, and such.
    The daughters are in the SUV with me. Mother and father are dead. Friends are pilfering the house. Oh by the way think you for giving all the codes to the household safes for my friends. I have what I want. Now thank you Nancy Pelosi and your friends by the time the cops get there it will be a catch who done it investigation. This Investigation will be harder due to foot prints from drug heads maybe even a fire caused by those dope fiends.
   This is totally fictional story coming soon to you by GUN Confiscation!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

We must take all guns from home owners. Only the military and the police should possess them. Had this home owner not had a gun then the police would have arrived and arrested the bad guys without anyone being shot.I however wonder if the men that were invading the home would have given sex education to the girls.

Friday, February 28, 2014


02/28/14                      Gestapo, KGB, SS.
Yet again today a story came across my computer about a Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputy brutalizing a man. I have witnessed thanks to the internet the killing of a child in California by a cop. A mans dog shot by a police officer in a crowded street in a CALIFORNIA TOWN. I have saw a man arrested by two cops in Texas for walking with a rifle on a public road rural road.
    We do not have Law enforcement any more. On national news a New Mexico Gestapo shot at a van with children in it. With these events like the man in California that was tazed by “one of our best deputy’s” until he could smell burning flesh.
    It is long past time that all police be disarmed with only a billy club no gun, tazer, mace, or pepper spray. Unless our politicians will get enough Judges that will lock these Gestapo, KGB, or SS up for crimes. Unless again they pass laws saying that anything a law enforcement officer does is legal and beyond question.
     The ruling that anything a law enforcement officer does is legal and beyond question, would be acceptable because then the citizens can take proper action in the defense of themselves. Perhaps if the officers had equal brains as the residents of Abilene State Assisted Living Center, then they might possess enough common sense to not shoot a dog on a crowded street were a child could be injured!!
   Sadly I have received no reports of these officers being fired, remanded, or any punishment. The other people that should be held accountable are the news media and our judges. The news media will not report these incidents. The judges will not prosecute these officers and there bosses.
    For those of you who served in the military you know that if a Sheriff or a Chief of police were handcuffed and charged along with his officer this would stop from the top down. I think it will not stop until there is no law, but he who is the most violent has the most peace. It will be bad when this happens because some of us can play quite rough with traps and such causing great bodily harm to violent badge wearing cops. Aim for the head even a cross bow will do the trick!!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Aldous Huxley

02/27/14             Aldous Huxley wrote in 1931 published in 1932!!
A famous book for old Farts like me who read. I am 59 now and think god for the blessing of having just a few decades left on this planet.
   I read on the email I get from American Association For Nude Recreation, about Facebook's no nude photos policies. Now others are falling in lock step behind Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg. So for those of you children under say 40 out there. What happens if he influences Netflex and they start censoring the material according to King Mark Zuckerberg's wishes. So now if a movie contains nudity then it is not streamed to your computer!
   Now think if this continues and the next generation or so of new computers become Zucker's and the already hard fought battles for human freedom????
   If programming will not allow Nude photos on the hard drive??? How is this different from any of the  a million or two would stop using Facebook find other media and this could be stopped. Three or 4 million and there might become two areas on Facebook one that allows nudity one that does not.. I Fear that King Zuckerberg has done what Barack Obama and others have failed dismantled the U.S. Constitution starting with the 1 amendment!!!!!!

Monday, February 17, 2014


02/17/14                                              James
I know a male his name is James. He was blessed with two long term male on male relationships in his life. He is a computer fixer programmer person. He leads me to believe, If I believed his words, that there are 10 people world wide too something to understand windows operating systems. Yet he suggested that there were tutorials all over the internet. James also speaks of LOGIC as it is ok if you know someone that is 300 lbs to call them fat because logically they are fat.
   I choose to not get his hands on instruction because I will not be talked down to, by anyone anymore. It is my definition if you are talking down to me! It hurts too much and I no longer like it. Strangely enough I figured out a way to do with windows 8.1 what I want. Perhaps I am not as stupid as the other 9 world wide.
    My logic says if windows was soooooooooooo easy WHY ARE THERE TUTORIALS ON THE WEB?????? You buy a can opener and you can for the most part use it out of the box or a blender and use it without much instruction. Washing machines come with an instruction pamphlet and are not very complicated. So we have two Operating Systems Windows not expensive and Macintosh very expensive. Is there no person world wide that can come up with a system that is simple to rearrange photos in files and folders???? If there is they would be the richest man alive money wise.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

From James

02/17/14 From my friend James
He is a computer programmer fixer person extraordinaire. He has informed me and there fore all of you that should be 10 people world wide, that have a problem with files and folders in WINDOWS 8, we are morons. We do not know the rules and do not take time to learn them, and this is our fault. It is not MICROSOFT, BILL GATES, OR HIS STAFF. It is us 11 people me and the other 10 who are the problem.

Friday, February 14, 2014


   There are the alternative lifestyles I read and see captions on photos about on tumbler. The most popular is CHASTITY male chastity. In this scenario the man is kept locked in a cage so his tool will not gain hardness. He can't even masturbate. This is suppose to get him to think only of his woman's pleasure.
    He then spends much time pleasing her orally. He gives her back rubs foot rubs etc. This has one flaw it is not natural for a human being to completely shut them off from any pleasure. If the principles of “MALE CHASTITY” were applied to employer employee relations then here is how it could work, you the employee work all week seeing to your employees needs, on payday the employer just doesn't pay!
    Why should the Employer pay? You as the employee have fulfilled all of your duties just like the “CHASTE MALE” you pleasured your boss by doing his work. You fulfilled your part so he has no need or want to pay you money(the orgasm). You do not need the benefit of a newer car better food newer clothing, other than what your employer provides for you! Too bad or perhaps wonderful that the employees of the United States do not yet see the advantage of this type of relationship.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Parents Bare no Fault or blame

 Parents bare no blame for anything. This is apparently my mothers view. I witnessed a young father with very very loud music playing in his car. His child was in the car seat in the back. I wear hearing aids so naturally I mentioned this to my mother. My mother rolled her eyes and tried to name several things besides being in that car for possible hearing loss!!
     My mother is a Church of Christ woman attending regularly. Her beliefs, actions and words make either her or GOD a liar. All I was taught in Sunday School and from the pulpit by a Preacher are lies. Most of what the School system taught are lies. If the greatest thing in any child's life it's parents are not responsible for there actions and words!!
   I told a 14 year old boy about the father and the loud music he said “It is the parents fault if the child looses hearing”. I told a 62 year old about the father and loud music she said it is the parents fault. My thoughts are most likely my mother is running a disinformation campaign on herself and me.

Friday, January 31, 2014


These couples wanting the bull (black male sexier to the wife) to impregnate the wife must not understand the responsibility a HUMAN BABY brings. I am guessing that because they see the sex as a game. They see any offspring from breeding like a pet!
If you have a dog for instance you see to it it has food and water get it the shots perhaps have it spayed or neutered. This Mulatto Child will need constant care until it reaches an age of about 12. I think there are laws now as to how a child can be when it can be left alone.
So after it is born it will need constant feed and changing sometimes as ofter as every two hours or three perhaps four hour intervals. If both of you have jobs then you must find day car for it. You may work separate shifts. She works days you nights. This arrangement may work well as the bull can take care of her sexually while you work.
Child care is expensive as is most things dealing with a child. You the parents are responsible for that. Now the black father(bull) may have to pay child support if the courts become involved. Then you may loose your bull and he may spread the word about this. So you find getting other playmates could become difficult.
Then there is your family both his and hers. They will ask how this how this Mulatto grand child came to be? Should the parents disagree with your answer they will search for the answer that they think is correct. Should you tell them RAPE they (her father and mother) will seek justice him in prison. If you tell them the truth and all about your lifestyle they may distance themselves from you.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Here is how Modern Term limits happen in the senate and congress

The influential Senator Estes Kefauver had started the amendment effort during the Eisenhower era, and he renewed it in 1963. Kefauver died in August 1963 after suffering a heart attack on the Senate floor.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Relationship Cuckold Husband Pushing CONSENSUAL

SAFE SANE& CONSENSUAL is the motto of the B.D.S.M. people. CONSENSUAL: agreed to by the people involved: done with the consent of the people involved. "What are doing?" My wife asked incredulously you need to stop that,” she said weakly. Her words were defiant but her tone lacked conviction and he pushed her skirt higher until we could see her red panties Do something;" she said to me. Her voice was small and almost childlike and her tremulous warbles betrayed the depths of her excitement.
Thrice she denied consent. In a court or before police this is rape. Where is the CONSENSUAL??
I would have said not this time she says no, sorry for wasting your time and taken my wife home. When she remembers this act and the memories will be there if she feels dirty fifthly whoreish slutty and this can't be washed out of her mind. Who will she blame? If she goes to church, PTA, her bowling league, or the woman’s club and she feels like all the people that she looks into the eyes of KNOW what she did who will she blame, Hubby. Hubby cajoled, pushed, talked her into, and twisted her arm to get her to do this. Thrice she ask for reprieve from this and thrice her pleas fell on deaf ears.
Events like this can cause POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER, her husband not hearing or wanting to hear “DO SOMETHING” STOP THIS PLEASE! Telling the man with his hand on her leg “YOU NEED TO STOP THAT” is a change of heart and mind. From this point on it is a lecherous husband wanting to see the erotic picture of a black cock in his wife’s body. He did nothing when she ask him too. When the memories flood back she will see them against her. The dynamic of the MARRIAGE has now changed in her mind. It is no longer US/WE!
If you do this and ignore the cry for stopping then there is no CONSENT from her. If you decide to do one of these things swinging, cuckolding, or any other third into your relationship. THE NO 1 rule should be either of US can stop it by saying NO. Change that and change sides when you keep pushing her, then you have driven the stake in the heart of your relationship. It does not matter if it is Marriage/Live together/ friends with benefits it will die. Mostly because she can't handle the flashbacks.

Friday, January 24, 2014


01/24/14 "What are doing?" My wife asked incredulously. She looked down drawing my attention to the big brown hand resting on her exposed pale knee. I felt an intense rage wash over me but it was surprisingly short lived and my heart raced as excitement replaced anger.
"You’ve got nice legs," he said, ignoring her objection. His fingers curled around my wife’s soft, thick leg as his hand slid up her thigh.
I couldn’t believe what was happening and my breath caught in my chest as my cock began to stir. My wife and I had led very vanilla lives to that point and we’d never considered the possibility of letting another person into our sex lives.
'You need to stop that,” she said weakly. Her words were defiant but her tone lacked conviction and he pushed her skirt higher until we could see her red panties. Her legs parted slightly and she inhaled sharply making her big natural tits heave.
"Do something;" she said to me. Her voice was small and almost childlike and her tremulous warbles betrayed the depths of her excitement.
The above paragraphs come form a caption on Tumbler entitled cucked. I point out some lines.”What are you doing? My wife ask incredulously.” “I felt an intense rage wash over me BUT it was surprisingly short lived and my heart raced as excitement replaced anger.” “You need to stop that, she said weakly.” Her words were defiant but her tone lacked convection! “Do something she said to me” These sentences in any court in this land make this rape.
Thee sentence “Her words were defiant but her tone lacked convection” are to suggest that because of this this act is ok. Finally her asking her husband to “Do something” suggest that she is abandoned by him in her time of want and need. She is asking her husband to stop this. This reminds me of a father wanting his child to be a bull rider he has the child on a calf or steer and the child is crying “Daddy No BALLING LIKE A SMALL FRIGHTENED CHILD” Dad ignores this and opens the chute gate figuring that his son will get use to it.
These websites that allow these stories and capitations do not will not allow another view. Now if they changed the writing to something different from a husband cajoling and pushing a wife like the small boy and his dad it would be more palpable. If this husband is not man/lover/friend/husband enough to stop this when she says “Do something” he deserves to loose her. He very likely will because after the act and her feelings come back to her she will remember asking and the abandonment.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


For those of you in a chastity, femdom, wife wants you in the other room or wants other sexers while you sleep in the spare bedroom, get the movie “The Notebook”. Both of you watch it together when it is over ask your wife what she thought about it.. If she is like the woman I have witnessed after this movie she will in her female voice. Say oh that movie is so romantic. There love was so real and pure. “They really loved each other” this is the phrase you seek.
Now ask her would she have locked him in chastity, she will say NO! Then why do you want to lock me in chastity? Ask her would she have banished her husband to the spare bedroom, NO she will say! Then why do you want me in the spare bedroom? Ask her would she have dominated her husband and made all the decisions NO! Yet again. Then why do you want to? I believe a one person in a marriage dominating it then it is a jailer prisoner relationship.


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Saturday, January 18, 2014

American people are moronic

I read and look at lots of things on the net. Some of them make me think some of us are loony toons but one thing makes me thing Americans are Idiots complete and total. Here is how I come to this conclusion.
Football and Basketball are the games most Americans watch. Now if a coach is hired and in 4 years he has not gotten the team to win he is fired replaced !! So why would even a High School drop out that watches this happen and approves of it even cheers it go and reelect an official again after 4 or 6 years of nothing??
Congress people serve 4 years when elected Senators 6 years the President 4 years yet these people after the lackluster do nothing term are rehired. The people doing the rehiring are the same bunch that will bitch about a coach of a team not winning. How smart are these Americans??

Friday, January 17, 2014

Lets ban all civilian shooting and gun ownership America can loose these jobs OK

Twenty million target shooters spend about $10 billion a year--nearly the same amount of spending that occurs at the Apple App Store! Those target-shooting expenditures support more than 185,000 jobs and businesses from coast to coast. The numbers, compiled into this useful infographic, come from NSSF's new report, "Target Shooting in America: Millions of Shooters, Billions of Dollars." Combined spending by both target shooters and hunters results in an overall economic boost to the nation of more than $110 billion! That's yet another contribution by sportsmen and women to America, along with supporting conservation and our great sporting heritage.
    The jobs alone is more than the quarterly job growth of Obama's recovery. Every quarter it has been well less than this 185,000 so we do not need these jobs..!!!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014


01/16/14 Comparing
I am a nobody a nothing never won anything no medals no awards to speak of few achievements. I live alone so I can make all the noise and as loud as I want without worry about being told to be quite. But I live on my place my house and the way I choose mostly. I will be 59 in February and there are things my body will not do now.
I think that there is too much competition and comparing in America today. We have a list for everything a competition for everything. What does it matter how much of something you have? We have representatives in all levels of government that compete to stay where they are until they are too rich and too senile still they are not happy. Those that vote for them seem to be running a contest to see who is the least smart.
If you are mayor one term or ten what difference does it make except to your cronys and the people paying to keep you there. You get laws regulations that line there pockets with money. The constant competition has bred like a virus in a petri dish corruption beyond corruption.
We have a president and his cabinet, plus Hillary Clinton that if it were not for there power and money would be in some prison for life. The people who cast the votes or the voting machines keep putting these people back in office. Most of these officer holders only need one term to get the juicy retirement and medical benefits so what is the logical reason to stay for 2 to 20 terms. Why would an American citizen vote a person in for 2 to ten terms unless they were either a moron or there was some personnel way that they would benefit.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sissy Bride Mother Syndrome

01/13/14 The Sissy Bride's Mother Syndrome
There is a story that I stumbled on and as I read it I could see my mother in the story because in many ways she was like the “Sissy Brides Mother”.The Sissy Bride: What I Got On My Wedding Night
by Tiffany Anne Easton

Here is the story if you want to read it. The jest of the story is this mother has a small endowed son and she turns him into a woman inspire of his protest. Most of you who read this will not pick up on how your mother could be like this woman. Simple if for instance they are doing a play in school “Billy Goats Gruff” and your mother insist you play the troll because you have a very deep voice. So you are so traumatized and laughed at that you never attempt acting until you are 48 years old, you were in the first grade then.
You tell your mother that a teacher at you new school in Portalas New Mexico is picking you up and shaking you as punishment or for not giving the right answers and your mother blows it off. I realize the shaking happened to me before 1962 but these things stay with children. My brother caught me hiding behind a tree in the front yard. He told my mother and I was promptly packed up a delivered back to the teacher.
If you said to your mother or father that you wanted to be A and they said NO YOU WILL BECOME C, they kept pushing a pushing you have Sissy Bride Parents! So you say I am a fool this can't happen!!!!It is the extraordinary case which ignited a bitter debate about scientists playing God.
But when twin boys Bruce and Brian Reimer were born there was no indication that their lives would end so tragically.
Their mother Janet gave birth to them in January 1965 and at first, the children were perfectly healthy and normal.
However, at six months old, they began to have trouble urinating. 
Look up Bruce and Brian Reimer both of who committed suicide by the way. The jest of this is one was given female hormones and raised as a girl the other as a boy. The girl found out that he was borne a BOY!!

Monday, January 13, 2014


01/12/14 Death
I am 58 now will be 59 next month. I am on disability and virtually no money to do anything but eat on. I have bills that will never be paid. I live in a small house on a small piece of land. I have 4 grown children and only one of them contacts me.
There are times when I do not take a bath but once a week. I sometimes do not leave my place for a couple of weeks at a time. I have had one heart attack. I had a blood vessel pop in my head and cause a wreck for me. Now I am paying on another truck and so I have no money.
DEATH IS WELCOME TO ME. Any dream or aspiration I may have had has been long stomped from my soul. I had a mother that well she was as domineering pushing controlling and destructive. She does not understand IT FUCKING HURTS TO SEE HER. I do not go to her house.
I remember her encouraging words to me and wonder the ones spoken when I was under 7 years of age that may have destroyed my foundation, “How in the hell are you going to college you barely graduated high school” I left college as a senior.
I guess I am as close to a hermit recluse as you can be without climbing a tall mountain in Tibet somewhere. I like people it is not that. I am just so beat hammered and don’t see much reason to fight up the stream. Like a Salmon that exhausted itself on its clime home to breed I am one of those who did not make it.
I guess I believed the LIES my mother told and the other people in the Church of Christ, that life should have goals and a reason for being. Well my reason is to wait on Death now. There is nothing I can do to change this. My mother to a great extent by insisting things go her way to some degree is responsible. She did things like calling my wife and I back from North Carolina telling us there were jobs in Abilene Texas and there were none, she lied for her own self interest. My wife and I had jobs there and money in savings too. She with her lie took that.
Like the man too long locked in solitary confinement or beaten daily, my spirit and soul wait the retrieving hand of God. I have no chance of ever seeing my children or grand children. I have found I can eat one meal a day most days. Sometimes I do not check the mail box for three days. There are days like this one that I will not leave my house at all. No I am not depressed. Just a realist. As an example of my mother's gifts that don't give. She paid about $2,500 for a building for me to work in and it is 14' by maybe 10' for the same money she could have gotten a steel sea box that is 53' long and 108” wide, but her money her building. She took me to enroll me in welding school said this was my only interest. Well this lie hurt me and limited me in the amount of money I could make.
I was 18 interested in photography, firearms, and wanted to be an auctioneer too. I have heard of other mothers like mine and it always seems that the offspring stop seeing them. I do know that if I found a reason a goal a something to do I would not wait for only death. This loving mother paid to have a tank cleaned out for me on my land the tractor operator fucked her out of a tonne of money. He would show up at 1000 or 1100 and leave by 1500 some days 3 maybe 4 hours worth of work and charged 25,00 dollars. I said nothing because I long ago learned talking to Johan Green is like talking to a fence post. Her money her way her loss. After all I lost a wife and grand children because she flew them to Oregon with her money!!!

Sunday, January 12, 2014


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Saturday, January 11, 2014

The needs of the few

4 Our Country is now in a UPHEAVAL caused by a stupid President and a Dummer congress and Senate.
Leonard Nimoy said to William Shatner in one of the Star Trek movies “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few”. When Spock was in the chamber of the Enterprise dying he again said “Jim the needs of the many outweigh the few or the one” What ever you say this is how it has worked in our country from day one. Abraham Lincoln said you will never help the poor by pulling the rich down.
Now Obama(O MUSLIM, O COMMUNIST) is trying to do what did not work for Joe Stalin, Mao, or any other country. DO NOT GET ME WRONG I WISH THERE WAS A WAY FOR ALL IN AMERICA TO HAVE THE VERY BEST HEALTH CARE!!! But destroying a system that takes care of 90% of the people will do no more but reverse Spock's statement to “The needs of the few or the one outweigh the needs of the many”.
Obama must be a Muslim because Jesus Christ invented and lived out the statement of Spock as first mentioned: “Jesus died so ALL could go to heaven” even if you do not believe in GOD and you think Jesus is a Myth, then like other myths say “King Midas of Persia” it proves a point.
Look Texans and Americans if we allow Obama and our elected officials to do what they propose then we should bulldoze the Alamo and other landmarks where the few gave for the many. YES I SAID IT ALL EUROPEAN GRAVE YARDS OF U.S.GI'S IN WWI WWII. Those millions gave all for the greater masses of people.
I was in a college class in 1976 and someone ask about the guy working in a tire shop for a $100.00 per week. The professor said you can't worry about him. I am writing this I am also one of the FEW!!
I have no idea how many homeless there in this country but making them billionaires will not ease poverty. Poverty is the crucible that makes great men. Take the hot potato out of young Lincoln’s hands and give him a warm limo to ride to school in, instead of fighting the cold and his poverty, God knows there might be a North North United States and a Confederate States of America.
What we do know is Abraham Lincoln was poor and worked to over come all the way to becoming the 2nd president in importance on historians list. It will be a shame and a slap to all who gave all if Obama succeeds in turning this great land into a North Korea! Obama plays basket ball so why don’t he go with Dennis Rodmen and do some real work for the American people.

Friday, January 10, 2014


01/09/14 Disaster
This is the part of my life that was harmful to me too. I married Victoria a 23 year old I was about 42. Our break up and problems were my fault totally. I fell for a guy dressed as a woman. My fault she left for Dallas to stay with her grand mother and working for a truck stop. She got knocked up by a black man. We got back together until after the baby was born. I was on the road in a truck when he was borne. It fucking hurts when you hope it is yours praying it is and it is not yours are told. Her sister told me the baby was brown.
Then there was Linda and we were suppose to be swingers. We took normal wedding vows at her insistence. We attended the first meeting of a group called “Temporally Yours”. Linda spent the next day while I was working 11 hours writing an email getting me locked out of this group. Well some military men lost all and Linda did too she told me. I told her everything you had for everything I wanted to do. The owner of the group lost her child I was told too. A judge in San Angelo prodded by her ex husband got the electronic records about the group and ruled custody of the child to the father.
Sex love and people can cause harm. Me I do not trust now very easily and am alone except tor Taz an Alaskan Husky. Tass loves the cold and me. I live alone on 60 acres with Tass knowing there will never be a woman again. I guess I blew my chances.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

for those of you who play with male chastity

Reviewed by Michael W. Smith, MD
1. Use It or Lose It You need to have erections regularly to keep your penis in shape. “It has to be essentially exercised,” says Tobias Kohler, MD, assistant professor of urology at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine.
To maintain a healthy tone, the smooth muscle of the penis must be periodically enriched with oxygen by the rush of blood that engorges the penis and makes it erect, Kohler says.
Recommended Related to Men
Vasectomy Risks and Benefits
Once you’ve made up your mind that you never want to have any more children, there’s no more reliable form of contraception than vasectomy. But one precaution: To lower the risk of your vasectomy failing, make sure the surgeon who does yours is qualified and has a lot of experience. When done correctly by an experienced physician, as few as 1 in 1,000 vasectomies fail to do their job — preventing you from ejaculating sperm when you have an orgasm, thus preventing pregnancy. But when performed…
Read the Vasectomy Risks and Benefits article > >
If a guy is physically able to get erect, but never has erections during the day — maybe he finds himself in very un-erotic circumstances for a long time — he needn’t worry. The brain has an automatic penis maintenance function built in.
Impulses from the brain cause erections during the dreaming phase of sleep, called the REM phase. It doesn’t matter if you’re having a hot sex dream or a zombie apocalypse nightmare — your penis gets hard during that period of the sleep cycle.
But some men are physically unable to get erections, such as those who’ve suffered trauma to the nerves involved or who have nerve or blood vessel damage caused by diabetes.
"If they don’t do anything to maintain normal erections, they will get shortening of the penis," Kohler says. Without regular erections, penile tissue can become less elastic and shrink, making the penis 1-2 centimeters shorter.
A device like a vacuum pump, which forces the penis to swell with blood, can help men with physical erection problems maintain a healthy penis, Kohler says.
2. Your Penis May Be a ‘Grower’ or a ‘Show-er’ Among men, there is no consistent relationship between the size of the flaccid penis and its full erect length.
In one study of 80 men, researchers found that increases from flaccid to erect lengths ranged widely, from less than a quarter-inch to 3.5 inches longer.
Whatever the clinical significance of these data may be, the locker-room significance is considerable. You can’t assume that a dude with a big, limp penis gets much bigger with an erection. And the guy whose penis looks tiny might get a surprisingly big erection.
An analysis of more than a thousand measurements taken by sex researcher Alfred Kinsey shows that shorter flaccid penises tend to gain about twice as much length as longer flaccid penises.
A penis that doesn’t gain much length with an erection has become known as a “show-er,” and a penis that gains a lot is said to be a “grower.” These are not medical terms, and there aren’t scientifically established thresholds for what’s a show-er or a grower.
Kinsey’s data suggest that most penises aren’t extreme show-ers or growers. About 12% of penises gained one-third or less of their total length with an erection, and about 7% doubled in length when erect.

Tragedy that was my life

01/08/14 Tragedy, that is my life of mistakes!! If you have read my blogs you get the idea not because I have not given it I have put forth that I have been wronged, hurt, used, abused, and burned. I have but not without my mistakes too. We all float on a vast ocean of humanity in a life raft of mistakes committed by us.
Nikki Mitchell the first real love (Puppy Love) almost my first sexual experience if we had not both chickened out. My big mouth talking about that killed us and broke her heart too. She was older I was younger perhaps it would have not gone to life long.
Diane Coots my best friend in high schools sister. I had come home from the Marines and fell head over heals for her. She took my virginity. I wanted her as my wife and ask her several times. I did not know that her stepfather to be fucked her before I did until 25 years later. Her mother married this man with Diabetes and at the time one leg. Diane married his son. My friend her brother last time I spoke with him will not go see his mother or let his children close to that old pedophile. Seems he did an 11 year old and was tried for it In Jones County Texas but not sent to prison. Notice the Tornado wake of destruction of one bad despicable human.
There was Susan Gecho in college I married her a had a daughter Sarah Serenity Green(now Gobbs). I loved Susan but her Grandmother that raised her. Floy came to our home in winters Texas and got Susan and Sarah breaking up my marriage too. Told her that her mother was crazy Floy Hobbs followed Susan's mother across the states and broke up one more marriage leaving two children wards of the stet of Utah. Floy Hobbs and Susan were staunch Church of Christ members of Love Lane Church of Christ in Bozeman Mt. Floy's daughter married a prison guard in Arizona who I was told when Floy came to break this one up stuck a shotgun in her face and invited her to leave his door or enter St. Peters. This family adopted a child, I guess crazy people get to adopt too. Or Floy was sick crazy one!
I was god knows what when I met Cindy Stidolf now don’t know her name. We had problems MY FAULT. I was undiagnosed Bi Polar, ADULT ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER and not too stable. My Bitch or a mother paid for her to fly away to Oregon. My mother is also Church of Christ staunchly. My bitch of a mother always told me to mind my own business and leave other people's business alone!!! Cindy was the most beautiful woman I ever saw in my minds eye I see her warm loving smile and red hair. If she came back I would do most anything she ask yes I never stopped loving her. We were married in the early 1980 Susan and I married in 1979 so I might have not been ready. Cindy and I had two wonderful months and two days together. I was not from that moment when mother sent her away, going to speak to my mother, but Steve Stover talked me into relenting.
Cindy Thomas came along we were married I think in 1982 and were married 13 years. Right after the marriage Cindy went to a doctor and was told she had Gonorrhea. I was checked by my doctor for it Dr. Turmbull he said the test was clear that I was not infected. Cindy claimed Virginity too. My father said bull shit she is the one that had it not you. I feel now like I was a cuckold during our marriage. She got her tubes tide after Emily was born. We were living in North Carolina at the time. We did this because she said to me that I would be down at least two weeks if I had my self fixed and we needed the income. She had a college degree too. All she has been is a convenience store clerk. I was a welder.
She said 13 years and not a good day in it.
Gloria Caveat a retired Air Force black woman I would almost give my soul to have her back. I love her still. I did ask her to marry me too. Another black woman I cant recall her name left me for a guy in Houston taxes I too ask her for marriage.
Looking back over old papers and things it seems one of my major problems was not having enough God of this world(MONEY) I just read a letter from Cindy green the 1st and she said she only opened it hoping I sent money. Then there is the letter where Emily my daughter says she hates me because I did not get her a boom box.
I guess The GOD Hasheem, his son Asuah have decided I have ran though my chances and now from 58 till death will be lonely. I can't really blame them except for a gripe being saddled with Bi Polar and ADD up until 42 I think I was non medicated then it took another 10 years to find out the right medications. And giving me to Johan Green and J.W. Green as parents. I wish now I would have been born dead.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Mother's Influence on Sons Lives

There is a cartoon I saw today on Tumbler. It showed a woman with a wedding vale on and stockings being sexed by two black men one on each end. It showed a very small thin man with his hands obviously tided behind his back and in a chair next to him his mother sipping Champagne.: With the caption that read “It's important for you to learn right away what your place is in a marriage, honey. Just like it was when your father and I got married.
   Mothers have a direct affect on their sons lives. Back before all of this political correctness and the psychological community considered “Homosexuality” a problem it was thought that boys who had domineering mothers like this became “Homosexuals”. I do not know. What I can prove is Cary Grant was married 5 times. He was told as a child his mother died. His father had her put into an institution, Carry Grant found her when he was 30' something.
Jack Nicloleson was raised thinking his mother was his “Sister” he has not had a solid long term relationship in his life. I no longer visit my mother and do not communicate with her either. She is 81 and has been like that mother sipping Champagne a dictator in my life. She does not know that the mere sight and sound of her brings up memories of what might, could, should, and lost people in my life. It FUCKING HURTS TO SEE HER!
I would like to say if I was that man on my knees with my hands tied behind me watching others consummate my marriage, I want to say if they let my hands loose and when the men leave I would deck my mother and walk out on my wife to fie for an annulment. I know the truth is something else.
I want to say that the two men should be charged with some crime as the wife and the mother. Then all of them have all external sexual genitalia removed. Yes I mean the men loose their cocks and balls. The woman loose the clitoris and all tissues associated with pleasure plus a radical mastectomy that leaves but 1/4” of skin above the rib cage.
You think I am too harsh ok I have 5 marriages 4 grown children and grand children. Three of these children three know of my existence. One whose Church of Christ family had me removed from the birth certificate does not acknowledge me. If I were in control in the early 1954 my mother could have been secured upside down with a funnel and a ten foot hose on it held above her vagina the hose going into her womb and filled with cum she would have not gotten pregnant.
The 4 people in this cartoon are going to leave a tornado's destruction in there wake. This “MOTHER” has fucked mentally and emotionally one child already. The wife is going to continue that with the husband and any children she has. If she is by some miracle not made pregnant then she will screw her white children's lives up. The two black men are going to slap each other on the back to the “GANSTER” shit and continue fucking up people.
If what I propose happens at least it stops here, with these four people. If this wife and his mother plus the two men are handled very harshly such as loosing all genitalia associated with sexual pleasure, this sends a message. The message is to stop or go hide to do this it is not legal human behavior. For more prof of a mothers influence in the son's life look up ED GUINN, the inspiration pattern for Hannibal and Psycho those two movies also perhaps for
Texas Chain saw Massacre. Only ED GUINN was a real person and a real police case in the late 1940's. With a real SCREWED MOTHER mentally.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


01/06/14 Safety
I read widely and I stumbled onto Kristen' Putrid Stories. The 1st one I read was a bout a wife that paid a man to kill her cross dressing husband.. The 2nd about a 16 year old that thought she was too old and killed an 11 year old she was babysitting. The 3rd about a guy that wanted to kill and cook some members of a sorority house. The 4th about a guy who did not like “Bible Thumpers” when they visited his house he killed them.
I can hear it now you should not read such. I assure you none of this is on my bucket list or any other list dealing with TO DO. It did however get me to thinking about safety. When I worked on a drilling rig I always told my driller when I went out to take a dump. I did this so if thee rig blew up he would know where to seek me.
These Putrid stories are fantasy of course but they do point to the need to be a community. You don't want to be like the television cop or FBI that goes into the building alone when there is back up then you get what happens to you. Don't be Mr. or Mrs loner.
We should all be taxed 1 penny so every sheriffs and police office in the country has an officer whose job it is to take calls from people telling them the plans that they have. I hear this too “Hell no the government knows too much”,ok I agree but they need to know where to look. This person would be non leagal, so if a 14 year old calls and says she or he is running away he cant send the dogs to bring them back.
He can however point them to help secure help. Say I am going varmint or hog hunting on the Barker Ranch with a friend. If there is this officer or person I can call and give him my planned destination and time of arrival back home. This is safety for two reasons say our truck breaks down or one of us is bitten by a snake or god forbid there is a real non murder accident. When I call 911 the people have a much smaller area to search.
Now let's say my hunting partner is also them man to kill me. If he does and I have left specific information with a trusted person like this officer or friends and I do not call in a few hours of a time set the posse rides. If the bible thumpers had left information about where and when also kept written record of houses stopped at then the cops could corral their killer faster. I am not saying give up one inch of freedom but let someone know when you are going, where you are going, and when you are returning, plus your route.
In 1979 I lived in Boseman MT and was told of a man that picked up a couple of hitch hikers who killed and ate him. They were caught in California with 4 of his fingers in one of there pockets. Now do you think the Kristen Putrid stories are too far fetched?

Monday, January 6, 2014


I think it was in the middle of the wedding reception that I decided that I hated my husband, that it had all been a big mistake. On our honeymoon, I decided that I was going to turn him into the biggest cuckhold in the state. I started in on the resort staff. And that was a very good start indeed.
  I think one of my wife's thought something like this. Her name was Cindy. She bore me two children we divorced. She pulled a loaded gun on me and called me dickhead in front of our children.She was the second Cindy wife I had.
    I was telling some female coworkers about Cindy. I said she always tells me she is too tired to take the children to the park. She accuses me of screwing everything in Texas twice.
    One of the girls ask how long are you at the park with the children? I said until they run down a couple hours at least. When this lady heard that she said "Hell she is cheating on you". Think about it two hours is plenty of time and she can always stop for a gallon of milk on the way home in case you beat her back.
   During this time getting sex from her was a not going to happen in this life. So looking back yes she could have been cheating. The stopping for groceries would have been a perfect cover. I would never have thought. So i was a dumb cuck twice.


It is the kindest thing I can think of to say about our Judges, Police, Prison Guards and Our legal system. You can search on the internet for stories of prisoners sentenced to prison in Texas for instance they are there to pay for a crime. While there they are raped abused by both other prisoners and the guards too. Unless the bad men inside and outside are so bad that they will kill the prison guards families and the warden' family too, thus having enough fear generated that these keepers of the zoo look the other way.
We should have in our prisons every inch covered by cameras and the photos caught going to a remote location away from the prison. Then when one of these rapes happen or beatings and the prisoners that did it are caught on film, then they are rounded up and made into eunuchs by the removal of both testicles and cock. Tattoos of any sort should be outlawed.
In female prisons have solitary confident rooms and put the women involved there for not less than 6 month time with no time out of the room. I have copied a story parts of it. That relate how a man was beaten and made to become a woman sucking cock a being ass F**KED by inmates.
“When we got to the door of the laundry room a CORRECTIONAL OFFICER was there. If I thought he was gonna help me I was mistaken. He looked at me and laughed.

"Uh-oh..looks like someone fucked up," he said. Batuco laughed. "We just going in to fold sheets, boss," he told the guard. The guard laughed. "Yeah, ok, whatever you say," he said, unlocking the door
While I waited I looked at the object in my hand. It was a bunch of wire coat hangers wrapped in black electrical tape.

After a while Batuco looked up. "You know what that is?" he asked me. I shook my head. "What is it, Daddy?" I asked obsequiously. "That a pimp stick," he said. He reached under the mattress stack, and pulled out a bunch of rags. He shook them loose and I could see that it was a bunch of rags tied together to form a crude rope.

He pointed to a foot stool. "Get up on that," he said. I obeyed him. He tied one end of the rope around my left wrist.. "Raise your arms," he said. I was crying and shaking in fear. He threw the loose end of the rope over the water pipes just above my head. He pulled my left arm up and tied my right wrist, so that now both my arms were tied above my head. If you've never had that done to you, you can't even imagine how painful that alone can be. I was, hanging naked from a pipe in a dirty cold prison, about to get a brutal beating from the man who now owned me.

Then he hit me, across the backs of my thighs. If my mouth hadn't been taped my screams would have been heard out on the street. I don't think I have ever felt that much pain. I was screaming through my gag, and writhing in naked agony as Jose administered the brutal beating. My entire body was beaten, everything but my face and genitals. I don't know how long the beating lasted, probably no more than a few minutes, but it felt like hours. Finally it was over. Batuco was breathing hard and sweating. He took off his shirt and put the foot stool under my feet, and untied the rope. I was damn near in shock from the pain and I would have fallen if Batuco hadn't picked me up and carried me to the mattresses. The guard saw the bruises all over my arms and legs, but when he saw me looking at him he quickly shifted his gaze.”
How can we call ourselves anything like CIVILIZED and we will not protect these people in our prisons. How does this not make us like Japans unit 732 or Hitlers prisons Stalin's Gulags. Yes right here at French Roberson in Jones county!!! Just think a Correctional Officer looks the other way!! If you remove the cocks and the balls of the bully's this behavior will stop because no man wants to have those removed. You can bet that the Judges know about this and the police sheriffs dept too, OUR LEGAL SYSTEM!!!!