Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Parents Bare no Fault or blame

 Parents bare no blame for anything. This is apparently my mothers view. I witnessed a young father with very very loud music playing in his car. His child was in the car seat in the back. I wear hearing aids so naturally I mentioned this to my mother. My mother rolled her eyes and tried to name several things besides being in that car for possible hearing loss!!
     My mother is a Church of Christ woman attending regularly. Her beliefs, actions and words make either her or GOD a liar. All I was taught in Sunday School and from the pulpit by a Preacher are lies. Most of what the School system taught are lies. If the greatest thing in any child's life it's parents are not responsible for there actions and words!!
   I told a 14 year old boy about the father and the loud music he said “It is the parents fault if the child looses hearing”. I told a 62 year old about the father and loud music she said it is the parents fault. My thoughts are most likely my mother is running a disinformation campaign on herself and me.

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