Friday, February 28, 2014


02/28/14                      Gestapo, KGB, SS.
Yet again today a story came across my computer about a Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputy brutalizing a man. I have witnessed thanks to the internet the killing of a child in California by a cop. A mans dog shot by a police officer in a crowded street in a CALIFORNIA TOWN. I have saw a man arrested by two cops in Texas for walking with a rifle on a public road rural road.
    We do not have Law enforcement any more. On national news a New Mexico Gestapo shot at a van with children in it. With these events like the man in California that was tazed by “one of our best deputy’s” until he could smell burning flesh.
    It is long past time that all police be disarmed with only a billy club no gun, tazer, mace, or pepper spray. Unless our politicians will get enough Judges that will lock these Gestapo, KGB, or SS up for crimes. Unless again they pass laws saying that anything a law enforcement officer does is legal and beyond question.
     The ruling that anything a law enforcement officer does is legal and beyond question, would be acceptable because then the citizens can take proper action in the defense of themselves. Perhaps if the officers had equal brains as the residents of Abilene State Assisted Living Center, then they might possess enough common sense to not shoot a dog on a crowded street were a child could be injured!!
   Sadly I have received no reports of these officers being fired, remanded, or any punishment. The other people that should be held accountable are the news media and our judges. The news media will not report these incidents. The judges will not prosecute these officers and there bosses.
    For those of you who served in the military you know that if a Sheriff or a Chief of police were handcuffed and charged along with his officer this would stop from the top down. I think it will not stop until there is no law, but he who is the most violent has the most peace. It will be bad when this happens because some of us can play quite rough with traps and such causing great bodily harm to violent badge wearing cops. Aim for the head even a cross bow will do the trick!!

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