Friday, January 10, 2014


01/09/14 Disaster
This is the part of my life that was harmful to me too. I married Victoria a 23 year old I was about 42. Our break up and problems were my fault totally. I fell for a guy dressed as a woman. My fault she left for Dallas to stay with her grand mother and working for a truck stop. She got knocked up by a black man. We got back together until after the baby was born. I was on the road in a truck when he was borne. It fucking hurts when you hope it is yours praying it is and it is not yours are told. Her sister told me the baby was brown.
Then there was Linda and we were suppose to be swingers. We took normal wedding vows at her insistence. We attended the first meeting of a group called “Temporally Yours”. Linda spent the next day while I was working 11 hours writing an email getting me locked out of this group. Well some military men lost all and Linda did too she told me. I told her everything you had for everything I wanted to do. The owner of the group lost her child I was told too. A judge in San Angelo prodded by her ex husband got the electronic records about the group and ruled custody of the child to the father.
Sex love and people can cause harm. Me I do not trust now very easily and am alone except tor Taz an Alaskan Husky. Tass loves the cold and me. I live alone on 60 acres with Tass knowing there will never be a woman again. I guess I blew my chances.

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