Saturday, January 11, 2014

The needs of the few

4 Our Country is now in a UPHEAVAL caused by a stupid President and a Dummer congress and Senate.
Leonard Nimoy said to William Shatner in one of the Star Trek movies “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few”. When Spock was in the chamber of the Enterprise dying he again said “Jim the needs of the many outweigh the few or the one” What ever you say this is how it has worked in our country from day one. Abraham Lincoln said you will never help the poor by pulling the rich down.
Now Obama(O MUSLIM, O COMMUNIST) is trying to do what did not work for Joe Stalin, Mao, or any other country. DO NOT GET ME WRONG I WISH THERE WAS A WAY FOR ALL IN AMERICA TO HAVE THE VERY BEST HEALTH CARE!!! But destroying a system that takes care of 90% of the people will do no more but reverse Spock's statement to “The needs of the few or the one outweigh the needs of the many”.
Obama must be a Muslim because Jesus Christ invented and lived out the statement of Spock as first mentioned: “Jesus died so ALL could go to heaven” even if you do not believe in GOD and you think Jesus is a Myth, then like other myths say “King Midas of Persia” it proves a point.
Look Texans and Americans if we allow Obama and our elected officials to do what they propose then we should bulldoze the Alamo and other landmarks where the few gave for the many. YES I SAID IT ALL EUROPEAN GRAVE YARDS OF U.S.GI'S IN WWI WWII. Those millions gave all for the greater masses of people.
I was in a college class in 1976 and someone ask about the guy working in a tire shop for a $100.00 per week. The professor said you can't worry about him. I am writing this I am also one of the FEW!!
I have no idea how many homeless there in this country but making them billionaires will not ease poverty. Poverty is the crucible that makes great men. Take the hot potato out of young Lincoln’s hands and give him a warm limo to ride to school in, instead of fighting the cold and his poverty, God knows there might be a North North United States and a Confederate States of America.
What we do know is Abraham Lincoln was poor and worked to over come all the way to becoming the 2nd president in importance on historians list. It will be a shame and a slap to all who gave all if Obama succeeds in turning this great land into a North Korea! Obama plays basket ball so why don’t he go with Dennis Rodmen and do some real work for the American people.

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