Tuesday, January 7, 2014


01/06/14 Safety
I read widely and I stumbled onto Kristen' Putrid Stories. The 1st one I read was a bout a wife that paid a man to kill her cross dressing husband.. The 2nd about a 16 year old that thought she was too old and killed an 11 year old she was babysitting. The 3rd about a guy that wanted to kill and cook some members of a sorority house. The 4th about a guy who did not like “Bible Thumpers” when they visited his house he killed them.
I can hear it now you should not read such. I assure you none of this is on my bucket list or any other list dealing with TO DO. It did however get me to thinking about safety. When I worked on a drilling rig I always told my driller when I went out to take a dump. I did this so if thee rig blew up he would know where to seek me.
These Putrid stories are fantasy of course but they do point to the need to be a community. You don't want to be like the television cop or FBI that goes into the building alone when there is back up then you get what happens to you. Don't be Mr. or Mrs loner.
We should all be taxed 1 penny so every sheriffs and police office in the country has an officer whose job it is to take calls from people telling them the plans that they have. I hear this too “Hell no the government knows too much”,ok I agree but they need to know where to look. This person would be non leagal, so if a 14 year old calls and says she or he is running away he cant send the dogs to bring them back.
He can however point them to help secure help. Say I am going varmint or hog hunting on the Barker Ranch with a friend. If there is this officer or person I can call and give him my planned destination and time of arrival back home. This is safety for two reasons say our truck breaks down or one of us is bitten by a snake or god forbid there is a real non murder accident. When I call 911 the people have a much smaller area to search.
Now let's say my hunting partner is also them man to kill me. If he does and I have left specific information with a trusted person like this officer or friends and I do not call in a few hours of a time set the posse rides. If the bible thumpers had left information about where and when also kept written record of houses stopped at then the cops could corral their killer faster. I am not saying give up one inch of freedom but let someone know when you are going, where you are going, and when you are returning, plus your route.
In 1979 I lived in Boseman MT and was told of a man that picked up a couple of hitch hikers who killed and ate him. They were caught in California with 4 of his fingers in one of there pockets. Now do you think the Kristen Putrid stories are too far fetched?

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