Saturday, January 30, 2010


1/30/2010 GOD
My humble look at the churches that I see and the things I see them do suggest that they might change their names to reflect who they do in fact worship in reality. Now how about the first church of U.S. Grant, The church Benjamin Franklin, or if the church is a more modest one the church of Lincoln for church names that reflect who and what we worship? I am just going by the buildings I see and the type of automobiles I see parked it the parking lot.
Consider for a moment what the guy that that died for all of their sins Jesus Christ. Now I pose a question what did Jesus do for people? I see him giving them what they could not give themselves. So that being the case why would it be so sinful for a church in modern day America to have a house improvement Saturday? The members of the congregation get together combine the skills in the church add a room or what is needed to some poor person’s house to give them more room. Or build an extra bathroom for a household that has a bunch of children and only one bathroom. Would it be an abomination if the church bought a newer car for a family driving one 13 years old. Is there a difference in these miracles and say feeding people or giving blind what you have to give the gift of sight isn’t this after what Jesus did give what he had? He said for us to do likewise so is building mega churches sending people all over the world to teach people how to dress like us live in houses like us and take up our materialism is this flowering Jesus ? Why is not giving what we have to other people and uplifting their lives not doing as Jesus

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


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How Government Works
Date: 2010-01-26, 9:25AM CST
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5 Things Americans Need To Understand About How Government Really Works

Government can't compete on even footing with the private sector: There's a reason why you get better service at Wal-Mart than at the DMV. It's no coincidence that FedEx makes a profit while the post office loses billions. Moreover, it's no shocker that Enron and Lehman Brothers are gone, but FEMA and ICE are still around. It's because the government can't compete on an even footing with private industry. Unlike businesses, they don't have their own money on the line, most of their employees advance based on seniority, not merit, and government agencies don't pay a big price for failure. To the contrary, if a government agency does a lousy job, it just means it will probably get a bigger budget the next year. What it comes down to is that the only way the government can compete with a business is by outspending it or by rewriting the laws to make the business less competitive with the government.

Government action often creates more problems than it solves: People are always clamoring for the government to "solve" problems, but what they don't understand is that when the government "fixes" one problem, it can often create another issue that may be even worse in the process. Our government's attempts to "fix" one problem or another led to the length of the Great Depression, the destruction of the black family in America via welfare, marriages shattering across America because of no-fault divorces, gas lines in the seventies, the Savings and Loan crisis, and the current banking crisis that was caused by a government-created housing bubble. While the government is not the root of all evil, many of the worst problems we have as a society were exacerbated or created by the government in its clumsy attempts to fix some long forgotten mess. This is why government should be treated as a necessary evil, not a force for good.

It's extremely difficult to shrink government: Our political system rewards spending money and punishes cutting spending. For example, if you create a 300 million dollar a year "Giving Fluffy Kittens to Orphans Program," people will love you for it. Animal shelters and pro-orphan advocates will publicly laud you for your compassion while orphanages around the country will funnel campaign cash into your coffers. Meanwhile, if you bring up the cost of the program, most Americans will shrug their shoulders and say, "Ah, it's only 300 million dollars." However, if you suggest cutting 50 million dollars from the "Giving Fluffy Kittens to Orphans Program," you'll be accused of hating orphans and kittens while every orphanage in the country will be screaming for your blood. In other words, government spending is easy to get started, but difficult to stop. That's why it's wise to be very hesitant to create any new programs -- because billions can be frittered away on useless debacles like Head Start that have proven to be nearly impossible to kill despite the fact that they don't work.

Our politicians lack expertise: Many people seem to attribute almost super human abilities to our politicians, but the reality is far different. Most of the politicians in DC are bright people, but as a general rule, they have a very superficial understanding of the subjects their legislation impacts. How can we expect people who barely know how to use the internet to handle a subject as complex as network neutrality? How can we think someone who has worked in government all of his life can truly understand how much a new regulation may hurt someone running a small business? Moreover, given the length of bills that are being shoved through Congress and the fact that these bills are written in legalese, many of our legislators undoubtedly don't even fully understand what they're voting on half the time. Point being, even when members of Congress have good intentions, their lack of hands-on experience can lead to disaster.

The first priority of our politicians isn't solving our problems: As the great Thomas Sowell has said:

No one will really understand politics until they understand that politicians are not trying to solve our problems. They are trying to solve their own problems -- of which getting elected and re-elected are number one and number two. Whatever is number three is far behind.
Getting reelected may entail lying about what a bill does, punishing people who don't deserve it because it's popular, rewarding special interests who may help your campaign, and promoting bills that sound good but don't work. The sad truth is that politicians are often rewarded at the ballot box for pushing policies that sound good, but ultimately do great harm to the country. That's all the more reason to limit the power of government as much as possible

I hate god

I hate you God let me explain why I would hate you so u will know.
1. My mother she is a church of Christ lady she made me play the Troll because I have a loud voice in the first grade and for 55 years I have been a troll.
2. My mother she shouted and insulted me while teaching me multiplication tables this crippled me math wise for 55 years I have paid for that.
3My mother she told me that if I was going to school I would go to welding school if I was going to get her money’s help I hauled hay paid for half of the school dropped out and for 30 plus years starved.
4. My mother she gave one of my wives the money to fly home and I have never saw the daughter she had. My mother is a christen!!
5. Susan Gecho Green for nine months and three weeks we were married and she took Sarah Serenity Green and left to be raised by her Grandmother.
6.Floy Hobbs Susan’s Church of Christ grandmother that told Susan her mother was crazy broke up two of her mother’s three marriages scattered three children raised Susan Gecho till I met and married her.
7. Floy Hobbs she sent a letter to my wife about a Christmas present a book that Susan bought her mad Susan cry as she talked shit about her CHRISTMAS gift that her granddaughter got her. I thought Christ Mas was about Jesus Death on the cross not money???
8. Floy Hobbs family (Howard Cagle elder in Hillcrest Church of Christ) He has let Sarah Serenity Green be told I am dead. Do not Elders represent you on earth and this one has done this why God if he reflects you would I want anything to do with you???
9. Cindy Thomas Green the mother of Jake Whitten Green and Emily Theresa Green who pulled a gun on me and threatened my life she took those two children to North Carolina and told her Deacon father Everett Thomas not to let them talk to me on the phone. Do not Deacons represent you God? I give you credit he lived only twenty four months after she moved back.
10. Attention Deficit Disorder and Bipolar disorder these were my gifts from you and to be fair they have had the good parts and the bad parts but five marriages only you know how many jobs but the greatest gift of these disorders is the knowledge gained by working so many jobs and moving so often.
Now that you know the reasons explain to me why me? Explain why your Christians the so called representatives of you seem to worship George Washington after all he is on the dollar bill. These Christians build big churches an occasional hospital and lots of big colleges they live in nice houses drive nice cars throw big parties and decorate the houses for Christ mas and insist it is about Jesus but when you give one of them a simple book you get a two page letter about how that book could have been checked out at library. Why don’t these Christians go help the poor people with substandard housing add a room or two? Is it that somebody will complain that his business is being taken away which is up for argument if the people do not have the money for the building materials needed much less labor. Why do we hurt each other I have hurt Gerald Baty my friend by not paying back money. I have no money to speak of, one friend, and one dog. Why Lord do you hate me and Esau what is wrong with hunting if I did not kill a hog or deer I would not eat is it now that I must starve too? Why lord do these Christians live so well blessed and then do people so different I will not say wrong for they after all do represent you on earth.

Monday, January 25, 2010

daily kos

daily kos
1/25/2010 Daily Kos
There was a man 30 years retired Navy that told me of this site Daily Kos, he spoke highly of it and how he trusted it was right and real unbiased and truthful. I started reading it posted to it once, looked at it today. I use to think James Caravel was biased and bad but alas there is a place that is so for its own point of view that it will never even hear of any other view. We use to have debate in our country some civil and some with dueling pistols. Now we have massive organizations that for my nickel should be tried for treason and then if found guilty shot on public television. If Tomas Jefferson were alive today I feel like when he saw the United States and its news media he would revise everything he said about it. Jefferson said that he would prefer an unfettered press to government to ensure freedom continued or something to this effect. Well here in this time and place I feel like that the news media and places like this Daily Kos have set a agenda of their own not unlike Hitler,Napoleon,Stalin and a number of other people pushing the world at their times. Most of what I read in the Daily Kos is so hate filled towards the Republican’s and any other ideas that differ with their agenda that I am suspect as to their unbiased and truthfulness. NO and I mean No origination,country,group,person or party if you will is right all the time, how can the Democrats, Daily Kos, or any commentator. What I understand is this the things that the Democratic Party wants now has been tried before with failure every time. Like a friend of mine who was a saddle maker said of the old kinds of saddles becoming popular now “Hell those did not work the first time around why they think they will now” well if numbers are any indication then in my lifetime there are three places with lots of people who tried these things and failed. Russia, Cuba, China and the countries that they had sway over. When one looks at the accomplishments of the United States we as a country are no1 in all things. We have more success stories here than anywhere people flocked here from other countries and still do for the FREEDOM to fail and to become anything they want. Now I know my every mistake will be pointed out but those doing so will be overlooking the large stack of one sided vomit filth and nonsense put out by the national media and the Daily Kos.

daily kos

1/25/2010 Daily Kos
There was a man 30 years retired Navy that told me of this site Daily Kos, he spoke highly of it and how he trusted it was right and real unbiased and truthful. I started reading it posted to it once, looked at it today. I use to think James Caravel was biased and bad but alas there is a place that is so for its own point of view that it will never even hear of any other view. We use to have debate in our country some civil and some with dueling pistols. Now we have massive organizations that for my nickel should be tried for treason and then if found guilty shot on public television. If Tomas Jefferson were alive today I feel like when he saw the United States and its news media he would revise everything he said about it. Jefferson said that he would prefer an unfettered press to government to ensure freedom continued or something to this effect. Well here in this time and place I feel like that the news media and places like this Daily Kos have set a agenda of their own not unlike Hitler,Napoleon,Stalin and a number of other people pushing the world at their times. Most of what I read in the Daily Kos is so hate filled towards the Republican’s and any other ideas that differ with their agenda that I am suspect as to their unbiased and truthfulness. NO and I mean No origination,country,group,person or party if you will is right all the time, how can the Democrats, Daily Kos, or any commentator. What I understand is this the things that the Democratic Party wants now has been tried before with failure every time. Like a friend of mine who was a saddle maker said of the old kinds of saddles becoming popular now “Hell those did not work the first time around why they think they will now” well if numbers are any indication then in my lifetime there are three places with lots of people who tried these things and failed. Russia, Cuba, China and the countries that they had sway over. When one looks at the accomplishments of the United States we as a country are no1 in all things. We have more success stories here than anywhere people flocked here from other countries and still do for the FREEDOM to fail and to become anything they want. Now I know my every mistake will be pointed out but those doing so will be overlooking the large stack of one sided vomit filth and nonsense put out by the national media and the Daily Kos.


1/25/2010 Games Games
We in this world now new thing called social networks and dating sites. If you are looking for another human being to be a partner in your existence then put you information on one of the many dating or social sites. I have had a computer for a time now this has allowed me to waste money on some of these sites and time. I have noticed that the female faces for a large part do not change. There is a site like fishing I have came on it and left came back same women there are adult sites too same women, I am on a site now a couple of sites that deal with BDSM and well not the same women and same men but the same games. I said to a friend that if there was a web site called that you could not get laid on it either. I typed the web address in and low and behold it is a real site. In this time we are I believe putting off the real for the cyber. People have always had the non real as a salve to the harsh reality of life, drugs, alcohol, and things. Now it is wide spread no more boring books or magazines plan your affair, friendship, escape, and whatever you wish or want online. You can play this game of tagging,kissing,hugging,sending love, and all of it is virtual . There is a woman that has on her profile “should I be looking for the right woman instead of the right man” after being around this for a time I am almost ready to throw in with this statement. I heard a Lesbian tell me that the more she dated women the more she understood homosexual men that sound awful but perhaps it is true since the faces never seem to change.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Greatest Game

I just finished watching the Greatest Game Ever Played. It tells the story of Francis Quimet and his 10 year old caddy Eddie and the 1913 United States Open Golf match.
If there is a God and I say that because so many deny or doubt him, I for myself believe that there is “God” it is a matter of nomenclature, God,GreatSpirit,Master Intelligence, and what you wish to call him. He I believe loves the worst in us if you look at his record for picking a winner he failed from Genesis through the death of Jesus his son. I was unaware of this poor golfer that won greatness and the world spotlight through his endeavor.
These United States of America from 1775 till 2010 are a comparable story. We the people have beaten all the odds and accomplished more than any other nation on this earth. We if we do what we are doing now will beat the Obama I am not really a native born American but I fooled you fools and am in the Whitehouse. But I see a bright future for us all if we will bear this shame and all pull together put the “ship of State” above greed an individual human want and need if we do this we can patch the holes and keep her floating and fighting. Francis Quimet and his 10 year old golf caddy that skipped school are but one of millions of stories that have built out house that has held together for 200 + years.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The United states freedom health care

This United States of America has since its founding has led in most things through freedom. There are those who despise freedom and the results of it but it is the way that the most gets done. No other nation put a man on the moon, twice saved Europe’s bacon in world wars, and polices a good part of the world today. To solve the health care crisis simply make it against the law for any organization to provide health insurance for their people. Deregulate the insurance business so all insurance companies can practice in 50 states. When this is done someone will do like the great discount stores and insure all at a reasonable rate, then all people can afford the insurance. When the government started Medicaid and Medicare the government paid any price and the process rouse. The Wrigley chewing gum company made no telling how much with a product that once a nickel a pack, there cost will be a insurance company when the regulation comes off that will sell insurance at a low price to try and pick up all the people it can. The only regulation needed is if you pay your premium and you get sick that they can’t cancel your insurance. We have led the world with less people not all that many natural resources through freedom. China who has twice the people barely has satellites in space, just now got into the car business. Most people are good honest hard working the few make the rules for us all that is regulation. Abilene Texas a town of 120,000 that had 600 of its people caught driving drunk this last year but to listen to the police you would think the numbers were reversed. It is the same with the terrorist so few causing so much fear. Our freedoms are being taken by the laws passed to protect US from these people. In the words of Thomas Jefferson “Those who will give up freedom for security will have neither.” What keeps us from total freedom in our country is the few that think they know better and insist on laws being passed to control people.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

common sence

I know people who are so very concerned about who are on my friends list of on line people. I have a pretty much open door policy about this sort of thing. If a person is a male dressed as a woman or if the person is from Mars I let them contact me and be my internet friend. Should they be next door and from mars or man dressed as woman or the town lady that shares her body with everyone who ask I still allow them to be my friend. I guess I bought the behavior from a person I read about who hung with whore’s tax collectors drunk’s fishermen and fighters who knew enough to cut a man’s ear off. This nameless person that I read about did not live too long about 33 years meet a violent death. He was criticized for those in his group of friends. I wonder if the doctors in Hattie were like my critical friends and refused to associate with such different people, would these doctors be in Hattie or would they say I could catch something from these people I am not going there I could die from disease or violence. What is very interesting about this man that I read about is in his 33 years on earth he said not one word about these “homosexual” “Gay” people that was a complete do not do it! This man had a perchance for Healing people and he never turned one away now do you suppose he healed a Homosexual there were after all those type of people in his time. What do you think one would have done in his time if you were a slave to a Homosexual and he insisted on sexual relations with you or your head on a platter? With this being the law back then in Rome and some of those slaves themselves had families if these family slaves that were told have sex with me or die were like some of the people alive now then they would be killed and their sons would have been the next target of his sexual desire. We have a very misquoted document that was even I believe miss Quoted by Dr.Martin Luther King, the Declaration Of Independence is the document that has this line “ We hold these truths to be self –evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that are among these are Life,Liberty,and the Pursuit of Happiness” that line is the right legally in these United States the Legal standing for Homosexual marriage, the reason Mr. King should have never had to take one step in protest. But nations like Religions do not practice what is preached. The line Life Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness give everyone the right to do what they please if it does not step on others rights. Some Judge will say or cop no you do not have the right to mow your lawn in the nude, I would say to them why not the Declaration Of independence say I may, they would say but that is indecent exposure, Don’t look at me I am not harming anyone tell your children that my yare is my space and do not look, we have laws and cops that would arrest me for child molestation by exposure see how this works.? In 1775 we had some very wise men write a document that would serve all well as long as we were intelligent to follow it. Like my friend that walked this earth but 33 years before his violent death he gave us perfect words to live by “Treat others as you want to be treated” So my neighbor wants to have a junk yard in his front and back yard I want to mow my yard naked I do not like the looks of his junk(treasure to him) all that is needed is for us to talk and build a fence around both yards not blocking the sidewalk high enough so I do not see his junk and I can mow naked without offending him, the problem is the same one for my friend in Rome “Lawyers”, “cops””government” see the lawyers today say NO the police say NO the government says NO and they come up with reasons for No 1.children will see you naked 2.your junk will attract snakes,rats,ect. If we obey the ideas of our founding fathers then we cannot in good consciences a say No to Homosexual marriage,familys that are nudist, farmers planting what they choose, and a long list of things that Al Gore and his friends will say NO NO NO too. Gays have the right by Jesus silence and our Declaration of Independence to be. A man from another country or even the United States that his custom is to kiss his new born ass to celebrate the birth of a healthy child and not be arrested. THE PROBLEM IS LAWYERS, POLITIONS, POLICE, AND THE BREAKDOWN OF THE BASIC REASONING OF MAN. We are losing it God is laughing at out dumbasses and if this is ever published I will probably be locked away as a nut.

Friday, January 15, 2010

christans are forgiven

I was born in Abilene Texas the so called buckle of the Bible belt. It is interesting to me how the people who claim to represent Christ on this earth and in Abilene conduct themselves. They build mega churches mega universities that charge a king’s ransoms to educate the followers. Now in this Godly town there are people living in sub standard housing but per the christens example Jesus would not have them get together and build everyone in town a minimum standard house (one bedroom per child) , see their building what do is what Jesus wants they are after Christians. And do not Christians do Jesus bidding? Are not these people the example of Jesus and his love. Watch how they are dressed and what they drive when you go to church If you are not like that then you are not doing Jesus bidding and should not wear the Title of Christian!! I married two Church of Christ women and we were divorced both of them took our daughters with them one to Montana and one to Oregon I have never saw the one in Oregon, the Montana girl was 3 weeks old when Floy Hobbs and Susan Green took Sarah. I do not even know the other child’s name but I do know this is what Jesus wants because these people are christens. And both involved with Abilene Christian University one was the niece of a lady that was Gene Lenders (dean of students) secretary and her husband a elder in Hillcrest Church of Christ. Now I was told that this elder has let Sarah be told I am dead this is also Jesus bidding because he is after all a elder in a Church of Christ. I do not complain about the people I know who are Baptized Christians cause they are forgiven. I guess the rest of the world is going to Hell and I will gladly go cause I really don’t want these peoples company in eternity ,.

Monday, January 11, 2010

god must hate me

Wonder why Gods Hates me Jesse lee Green in Jones county Texas? I was born to a red headed mother and a cowboy father. Mom thinks she is God’s gift to something the perfect lady. Will I bumped into a lady one time and wanted to date her, when she found out who my mother was she put it in high reverse till I told her there was no love lost there. She told me that my mother was known in business circles as “The Red Headed Terror” she worked with my mother in advertizing the clothing mother soled. I was raised in the Church of Christ I went to the front to be baptized once Hershel Mc Donald a elders son talked me out of it I had a Wednesday night after church private Baptism, if my son did that he would have me to speak with and it would leave him not in good shape. Wonder if that is part of God’s hatred or just another thing to touchier me. See I was born with Bi polar disorder and A.D.H.D (Adult Attention Deficit Disorder) which led to my mother’s encouraging words “Lee you barely graduated high school how in the hell do you think you are going to college” In the first grade there was a play “Billy Goat Gruff “ I think what I do know is there was a part of the troll my mother made me play this troll cause I had a loud voice(would she have made me play the part of the “homosexual” because I had lips had there been such a part in a play.!! Seems for most of my life I have been the troll recon that is why Hershel Mc Donald came to talk me out of public baptism trolls are not going to be in heaven. Well I am a senior in College still 55 in February but I did get to senior ship in college my mother never went through the door wonder if it was jealousy that made her tell me what she did. People do much harm over jealously. I was taught to have oral sex with a man and a woman while mother was in the hospital having a hysterectomy, by a lady that was kin and dad and mom brought to the house. The molestation stays with you. I live on disability because I can’t hold a job is this more of Gods (love)or Hate you know it says in the Bible Jacob I have loved and Esau I hated, so could he have created more to hate????!!! So now I live on 13,000 a year fight to do anything to make money and keep food on my table. I just want to be done with life and see what hell is like I guess since I have had 55 years here a few more melinia will not be to unbearable I hope.