Thursday, October 29, 2009

U.S. post office U.S. health care

I have a friend that lives in Jackson Mississippi they paid extra for a letter to be delivered to me on a nest day basis. The United states post Office failed in delivering a simple letter to a address in the promised time that was paid extra for. Now to the Geniuses who think the United states government can run health care should we not wait till they get the mail right? hell we have a epidemic that is killing people on the home turf and they do not have enough vaccine for all of us what if this was like the black plague of 16th century Europe we would have body details digging graves and burying the bodies or piling them up and burning them to save what is left of us. Now spelling be dammed run on sentences be dammed to the fool concerned about proper English, you remind me of a Ace Reid Cowpokes wanted Joke cartoon two men are drinking from muddy water and one is saying something about germs the other man is watching a turtle swim toward both of them and says I am not worried about something I can't see but the things I can see. Well it seems to me we need to concern ourselves with the dumasses that vote the way they do and elect the same old fools over and over again. The only hope we in Amerika as one spells it is for all Politicians, Lawyers, Judges,law enforcement,and all law books on a space ship aimed at the sun and then get a new deck of cards. All new people elected and have a moratorium on all laws for one year and rewrite them with our present Constitution as the framework.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Takes money to make money

12:57 PM 10/27/2009
My father use to say it takes money to make money. My father had but a 6 Th grade education I did not know of his low performance in

school.My father was a cowboy foreman of a ranch I went to college as close as he came to college was driving by one, He could count

cattle going through a gate and was adding them together as he explained it to me and was never more than one or two different from

the other people counting them. I could not get within 10. I am now 54 and on disability. I am trying to build a building to store some

things. His statement is true and it hits me daily as I struggle without things I need.There is no job that i can think of that you will not

need some money to do it. If you are going to chop cotton you will unless furnished buy a hoe. I can hear someone saying you and your

father are full of there are many many self made men that started with nothing. I think the only story that comes close to this idea is the

founder of Shannon West Texas Hospital in San Angelo. My Shannon according to J.Frank Dobie ask the sheep ranchers in the area if he

could get the turfs of wool from the bushes on there land they laughed I am sure and said yes sure help your self. With the proceeds of this

selling of the wool he bought a ranch which had oil under it died wealthy established this hospital and said no one regardless of

ability to pay should be turned away. Think if the ranchers would have said NO. This self made man that made money without money

would not exist. But even at that he must have had some money to feed himself ad cloth himself.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


10:57 AM 10/25/2009
Aronald Swartsnagger
signed into law in California the law making it unlawful for citizens of that state to purchase hand gun ammunition from firms that sell

it through the mail like many do. Our local gun-shops do the same and if logic follows they may very well be prohibited from doing the business as always

buying handgun ammunition from there sources because they are in essence mail order houses.This is a living example as to why our forefathers made it

unconstitutional for a not native to be president of the united states.We might consider making it a law that no person of non United States Birth can be

elected to any office.This man is jokingly called govenator and some says he wishes to be presidentator.Should this happen we may become rightless .We know

that you could buy anything by catalog until 1968 gun control act was passed after Kennedy was shot.We also know that there has been no gun related crime

since this law passed so we have undeniable proof that Gun Control works.I dare say every law ever made a law has been broken and all of the ten suggestions

as most take them.We are living under the Manchurian Candidate now.If other states follow as the real domino effect.

Friday, October 23, 2009


1:46 PM 10/23/2009
This United States Of America may very well see what only Germany has witnessed. Between world one and world two i believe the German

"Mark"=dollar in English was so worthless that it took one million to buy a loaf of bread. Germans were burning the mark to get rid of

them hoping to make the remaining marks worth something.We are already seeing gasoline prices climb here as result of George Bushes

and Barack Obama spending on the big boys. The money that was given out in the stimulus packages if given to a Obama target group

everyone who makes under two hundred thousand a year and over 18 years of age would have helped more than giving it to a very few

buddies of there's. Mr Obama is going to raise money from these bankers he loaned money to pull there fat out of the fire, see how small

the circle is like a farmer going into a ten thousand acre filed pulling to the very middle and making one small round driving out and

saying it is planted. These Wise people in Washington D.C are the people that set up the regulations that destroyed the black families on

welfare and whites too. Thee thinking was if there was a man in the house he should support the family so if we find a male in the

house no welfare,food stamps,and whatever help they got. The result if children being fatherless and our gangs now. If you are

unfortunate enough to receive government help you cant have savings account or bank account with anything in it. You will and are

aloud to have a account so the government can deposit your money but if you save say one thousand dollars your government help is in

jeopardy . If you talk to or listen to economist talk you find out that savings in savings accounts is one of the building blocks of society as

this money is loaned to business and this makes business grow. If every American were allowed to have 10,000 dollar medical savings per

person in the household we would not be in this hole we are sliding into the worthlessness of our Dollar which causes inflation that means

for those of you who are saying what is inflation very high prices and very little money. Oil is a world market and the world is telling U.S.

that our money is worthless cause we are owned by the Chinese Japanese and anyone else that Obama and Bush barred from. We will

now dance to there tune and we all may loose our land houses jobs freedoms our people may be killed in mass our daughters made sex

slaves for these people so we can pay our debt to them. Maybe this is why the Mayan calender ends at 2012.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

3:05 PM 10/22/2009
I have been told and sent a Email about our president going to nullify our Constitution an a U.N. meeting. Should this occur it will be like the sun rising in

the west and setting in the east.!That statement brings me to the crux of my little talk.Rumor has it that this place is a cosmic accident and we are the same

that we crawled out of primordial soup to evolve into what we are.Well this United states of America did the same we crawled out of the primordial soup of

somebody telling us what to do,King George told the colonist that they would house and feed his troops pay his taxes and tow the mark he laid down.Some men

nameless met at a bridge in Lexington and Concord they fired the shot heard round the world and paid the first installment on our freedoms.The primordial soup of

ternary is as old as man and has a list of people that is long and as evil as it is illustrious.Every man on this planet that has ever lived has wanted just a

simple thing most of us anyway to live the best we are capable of see our children have better than we and be left the hell alone.Now some want great wealth

power and control even of others.History is replete with both types those fighting and dieing for the precious word FREEDOM and those seeking to control as

much of this world as they can.Barack Husein Obama is like Adolf Hitler in that he is eloquent in speech and able to rouse people to do his bidding. Like

Hitler,Stalin.Mussolini,Genghis Khan, Hannibal,and others they moved people and tried to control the world and all the people that they could.Now if this

President Obama does sign a treaty with anyone that nullifies the united states Constitution He will be no better than Adolf Hitler he will have taken FREEDOM

from about three hundred million people and lined himself up with these other not so nice souls.If the American people allow this they will be no better

than the German people under Adolf Hitler who murdered millions.Should there be no citizens of this country willing to take arms and resist this then we all

can kiss our freedoms bye bye.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

gods hatred

Well i have decided I wish for God's hatred! I was hit up side the head at 54 that if what God has dished out to me

is what he calls love then it is his hatred I seek.Seems like to me if he hates you the things he gives you are

money money money like Donald Trump,Bill Gates, Or like this Retired master Chief Jim Massey who gets 6,000 form

the v.a. and social security disability income. He also works he is a liar and a man that will tell you he put

something on your computer that he did not.But he lives in a nice house drives a nice car. My mother that has fucked

me over so bad lives in a nice house drives a nice car and blames me for having Bipolar disorder and add which may

have come from her smoking when she carried me. My brother who works for the post office drives nice pickup 4 wheel

drive double cab and lots of money. See if what I have been given is love I want hatred from God. I have never

held a job always looking .Failed at the marines, did not graduate from college but am classified as a senior. I

have been married 5 times 4 children which only two of I have any contact with. My son who joined the marines I

have not heard from in a month it seems so he could be dead.If giving someone two of the worst disorders of the mind

and two of the worst parents for that person is gods love I want his total hatred from now on. Because if he is

logical his hatred might mean I would be so very wealthy that I would be able to buy out Donald Trump and Bill

Gates with my coin purse.I might become so smart I could invent something so useful to mankind that I might solve

all the problems in the world with his hatred.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Barak Obama

The good news keeps getting better, that is for the Anti-Christ (Barak Obama) we now have I believe if memory serves me correctly two presidents both from what I can see and compare to others who have held the office are Anti American as Joseph Stalin, Jimmy carter and Barak Hussein Obama but a quick check says Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Williston also won the Nobel peace prize. Wilson for his establishment of the league of nations. Roosevelt for his efforts at the 1906 Russo-Japanese war of 1906 mediation this war. Jimmy Carter for his for trying to find peaceful solutions to the conflicts of the world. When you read of the very recent award to the Antichrist Barak Obama it is for a speech he maid on nuclear disarmament. This man will go get in his private helicopter flown by a man that went through Hell of Boot camp and give a sloppy salute to another man that a went through the hell of boot camp to earn the right to wear there uniforms and fly the private chopper that he rides in going to another place to again lie and deceive more people. I read a fantasy one time that told of such a man that would have great hoopla with him and would please both Jew and Muslim bring the whole world together but not to a good end, this fantasy was Revelations. The man I speak of shit canned a preacher that had baptized his children and had a 20+ year relationship with him, for one bad sermon. This man was elected President of the United States of America, after he dropped a friend and a church, the Fantasy of Revelations speaks of him as the chief of liars. Like a snake slithering along the ground he changes course to avoid hot spots. He speaks with a silver tong He is flippant brash young and the American people bought him like fake gold. The fact that the American voter cant see that one of the marks of a good leader like Winston Churchill, George Smith Patton, Smedley Butler, they stay the course they do not ditch friends even if the friends make mistakes. They once that they have a course determined they follow it all the way to Victory or defeat. Who can brush the writings of Winston Churchill and not understand that he was willing should it take it for every man woman and child in Britain to perish rather than fall under the pall of Hitler. Patton more than once said let every man be lost or the battle won. A great General of the past sailed his men to a foreign country beached his ships and burned them saying we either win or die we can’t now go home. The Antichrist will appear all things to all people and he is doing a very good job he fooled the majority of Americans.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

americas death

I was talking to a Abilene police officer the other day he said when asked if he would go door to door collecting all the guns in Abilene Texas this man said yes he would he might not agree with it but he would do as told. I said do you know how many bullets you would have in you this is Texas and most folks will not give up there guns. I wonder how many citizens will give up there weapons and how many will kill cops or U.S. shoulders ,Marines when and if this happens. The United Nations has a push to disarm citizens in all the world wide gun control so with the goal of stopping all of the violence. But history shows that those without arms are over ran and used by those with arms. It happened in modern times in Serbia, and in Africa now. See this is a Historical trend going back to the dark ages and beyond people pushing there wills on other people. It has happened inside nations called a civil war and nation against nation, it happened tribe against tribe. How in the Hell does the United Nations thing if all guns were taken up piled up and burned that this would stop this?? We have all the ingredients in the United states of America to have another civil war now. We have Americans all stirred up with all of the proposals by the democrats in medical reform. If the bill is signed into law that forces the citizens to purchase insurance without a lid on insurance cost it may well be the fuse that starts the war. There are citizens pressed to the wall money wise and adding another bill is like the proverbial straw that broke the camels back. We have been submerged in senseless debt by both parties to line the pockets of rich corporations, these moneys if given to every one over 18 that makes less than two hundred thousand since this is Baraka’s number would have done more to stimulate the economy than what has been done. If this money that was thrown down the black hole of corporations had been given to these broke people, including on social security disability income people and social security people then these folks would have bought houses and cars and could have afforded health insurance paid off all there debts and then had moneys to save in savings accounts. Now some laws would have been changed like those prohibiting people on disability income form having a savings, But since savings account monies are loaned to small business and small business is the back bone of America both would be strengthened. Hell if this lawyer in the white house would read Dave Ramsey’s books on “Total Money Make Over” and his others and put these principles in our government and how our government deals with it’s people so we all can have some economic stability. It is a proven fact that small business that employs less than 20 employees each are the back bone of America and if you eradicated these like weeds America would die too?

Monday, October 5, 2009

intelegent human being

Well here it is another rant as some would say well it makes no difference but I will write it any way. I have a loaded 357 magnum pistol on my couch and am serious considering blowing my head off. You see the God of this planet is Money it is 6” long has a mans face on it and is green. The more of them you have toe more god loves you. The Anti-Christ sitting now in the Whitehouse is doing exactly what he is suppose to get us in so sink the U.S. so far in debt that we will never see the end of it. He and his Bosses know that this God of our world is the reason for the healthcare debate in the first place the insurance companies like the lawyers cant make enough of him so they need and demand more. What better way to get it than to make a law you must give it or else. After all in a truly free society two things that will sink like the Titanic are lawyers and insurance companies. Who likes lawyers and who wants to pay for insurance which is screwing its clientele out of moneys better saved. The insurance companies had to have a government mandate for liability insurance a product that they sell and now they are going to do it with health insurance. Why not mandate a medical non taxed savings account and fine you if you do not have one. Well let me explain it to you the insurance companies that the Anti Christ bailed out will sink. Ant the U.S. will be made once again strong because the savings people will loan that money to small business and America will prosper. The more money saved by individuals the better off our country is but the system we have is one of debt. Credit card debt, car loan debt , house loan debt, tax tax debt, All fines and license are taxes. Freedom is no more and has not been for a while .even on the Texas Drivers license handbook there is a number to call to report smoking cars Why? Simple if all persons driving smoking cars are made to fix or trash them for a newer one they are in more debt to banks and insurance companies you did not think they gave a shit about the environment did you!!! If you believe this environmental bull shit global warming shit you are in need of a brain transplant. It is all about our God (MONEY) . Now the second thing is CONTROLL Look we have our so called free government saying if you work in certain fields you must get certain shots. Now you thought you lived in the land of the free. Try walking around without IDENTIFICATION on you and let a police officer catch you! We in our country are now like a elevator with all cables broken where ever the basement or the next war among ourselves is where we are heading the people who want to be left alone to live as they see fit and the people who will try to force others to meet there demands, whether environmental demands, insurance demands, tax demands, license demands, or other life controls. So Money and Control are the keywords of our times. The beginnings of the next great human up evil. Look around the Jihadist want to control, the Taliban want to control,
The Antichrist ( Barak Hussein Obama), The Republicans want to control, The democrats want to control, The various religions want to control, The police want to control, The environmentalist want to control, The animal rights people want to control, And Jesus Christ said “do to others what you wish done to you”= You want to control and have all the gods of this planet (MONEY). Now to my statement about blowing my head off why would a intelligent person want to live like this. WE (all of U.S.) are right now at this minute like chicken little the sky is falling and we have Government to stop it bull. We will be better with Iran sending relief to us.