Friday, June 26, 2009

Federal Goverment

The establisher of standards that is what our forefathers believed any Federal Government should be. This is why they gave the Federal Government limited powers and the states so much power!! This weaving of ideas of how things should be has created a patchwork of laws suited to each state and given each state things to try and change. Now we have a crusader in Washington D.C. like a knight in shining armor being champion to all going to fix things. Not all things need to be corrected. As an Example we started in 1963 trying to use gun control to stop killings just this year we have had two one by a felon with a pistol in a church, the other at a national monument with a rifle. If this does not prove that gun control does not work it can’t be proved, because pointing out all the deaths in countries that guns were confiscated and then Genocide began will have no effect on the person preaching for gun control. Richard Millhouse Nixon declared war on drugs in 1974 and we are not one day closer to winning it than now that was 30+years ago which means that for 35 years we fought to stop illegal drugs in America with on end, that is longer than ww1 ww2 Korea Vietnam and our current wars. The federal Government is the establisher of standards such weights measures money demonstrations not the answer to all problems. Those of us old enough to remember when Airlines were regulated and Trucking was regulated by the Federal Government how high airline tickets were and how high shipping rates were, and on gun control how hard it was to get guns own guns and how little all the control had on actual gun crimes. In fact the conceal carry laws have had a larger effect on crime than all of the police laws and regulation ever put in place. Now the federal government in the form of Barak Obama is going to fix the medical system if the previously mentioned federal government fixes are an example commit suicide when you get sick. Instead of de regulating the insurance industry and giving a couple of rules for them to follow which would fix 99 percent of the problem he wants to have a government take over. What country that had a nationalization of any industry or any other thing ever had any good come of it. If our federal government would do as the founders thought a federal government should and say to the insurance industry anyone who wishes to participate in this can but these rules apply when a client gets sick you cant cancel them , you must pay what you agreed to , you can charge anything you can get the customer to pay but you must pall the customers bills in full. There will be hi dollar companies and the wall mart company selling at cheaper rates and to lots of people, it will take about 10 years for it to all settle out and when it does we in these United states will have as we always have The very very best in the world


The creator was wise in not allowing us to choose our families or if we did get that choice before being borne forgot the choice we made. Some of us have suffered hell from our parents, some of us rose above these hells to do great things , Ludwick Von Beethoven was deaf and never heard a note he played. I wonder why some of us rise above adversity and others are crushed by it. I cant say too much about what I have read because we are not a reading society now, so the story of the man who first ran the 4 minute mile and his burned legs will mean nothing, there was a lady that sang a song called “Coal Miner’s Daughter” telling of her hardships as a child. But God only knows how many other children who did not pull of that and died in abject poverty in a state of drunkenness. We learned from the Soviet Communist Experiment that when people are in a state of hopeless that alcoholism runs rampant ( naming the pain) and drug addiction and sexual additions trying I guess to num the pain . There was a odd study coming out of Viet Nam and it discovered that when shelling started the herbivores headed for the opium and other patches that grew drug plants with the ability to num there pain, interesting a 4 legged two legged maybe even other types like ants going to get high while the shells were falling. War kills more than people. That having been said if we could have with full knowledge chosen our families from birth would there be a bunch of Jacksons like Michal who would have chosen his tragic life. The list of families that caused there children pain and hurt messed with there heads then bore the price is probably endless. In my view the main thing families in this country are failing is in teaching principles ( I define principles as that worth dying for fighting for even if it pays nothing) Mel Gibson made the movie Braveheart about William Wallis who died for the principle of FREEDOM this word and what it means which is indefinable in my view has cost billions of lives. There are buildings full of mindless morons that meet on Sunday Morning and evening and again on Wednesday night they build wonderful buildings colleges and sing praises to a man that they w would throw out of those buildings because of his dress and smell, They would beat the shit from him if he spoke his wisdom in those buildings because he spoke of principles and died for a principle, that being that no matter how bad vile rotten or evil you can be if you believe on that name and are baptized you may walk golden streets with those you did wrong to and they will be glad you are there. On second thought I am glad I could not chose my big brother,savior,lord, and I think friend. He talked about forgiveness and then did it at the point of death a teacher till the end.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

christ worshipers

It is funny that there these people called Christens Christ worshipers God lovers . They say What Would Jesus Do ? then they do something that only satin would do. For you consideration: today My Church Of Christ attending mother who goes to Wyle Texas Church of Christ which is a bedroom town of Abilene Texas send my son to retrieve a Ruger 357 magnum pistol that my father left me when he died, WWJD, of course she being a good church worshiping Christian we can surmise this is exactly what Jesus would do. Send somebody’s son to bring to them the only thing that there father left them. She is always begging me to go to church WHY????? Would somebody please explain why I or any one that has a brain the size of a small acorn would want to spend one second of precious life in the presence of such people. She talks positive and these actions are so positive and enduring how could I not laud and love her want to be around her???? Christ worshipers how can he and god stomach them?????

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Rule of law

We hear from our politicians “Rule of law’ . They say we are a country of Laws The rule of Law due process ect ect. When I listen to her tell of her “Bad Divorce” from her ex military then United States Postal Employee and how the post office protected him in the form of Roger s. I want to Vomit on all of the politicians that spout Rule of Law heads till they droned. This poor woman tells of going to pay her rent and her soon to be ex husband backs into her loan car cause her car was in the shop with a U.S. Government Motor Pool automobile his U.S. Mail truck The people at the apartment complex witnessed this so she had witness. She calls the Abilene Texas police they come and she wishes to file charges on her soon to be ex, well Mr. Roger S of the post office shows up talks to the Abilene Police and they leave. She is unable to file charges he keeps his Job. This man according to her Opened her mail and she reported to Roger S nothing was done so she reported it to Mr. Ft.Worth who is above Roger S, again nothing was done. As I see it we have several diseases in this country that are above the “rule of law or anything” they are Law Enforcment, Unions especially Postal Union , politicians , and Lawyers. How can a person of any intelligence speak of any kind of rule when if you are part of this crowds you just walk all over anyone with no problems or fear of any kind of retribution from anyone any where. I saw a movie called “Lakeside Canyon” about a black L.A. cop that broke the law at will and pushed anyone he chose around did things his way killed and was until the end of the movie not brought down at the cost of the harass neighbor life then after he pulled his gun and shot the next door neighbor then the sheriff s on scene shoots and kills him. The sad thing about this is people think that this is all out of Hollywood never happens in real life. The man with a badge is most likely to be the man to screw up your life and god help you if you are his or her spouse and have the gall to divorce them. They are untouchable and you will find out how termite eaten our house of Laws is how they do not work .

Monday, June 15, 2009

life love relationships.

Life love relationships

less than a minute ago edit
I gained another year 54 now and counting down to the end faster . I guess i will die alone and unwanted. It is little conslation that the Ladies of Tagged and all other dating sites will too die alone and unwanted with the opiate of the cyber game of dating keeping the pain and lonesomeness at bay. I wonder how many of us in this generation and the next more sedated by cyber games we invented will say with there last breath "I wish I had not played and instead had a warm human hand to hold now and eyes to see my tears."I saw the latest instalment of Terminator those will not be the machines that hurt us but these on our desk and our laps, replacing all the good ,bad,cuddling and conflict in a relationship.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

It must be me, part of the curse of being borne with Bipolar and Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyper Activity and how I came to this conclusion is after 5 failed marriages not completing college and failing at becoming a United States Marine, there can only be me to blame. So I guess the Power or powers that be gave to me this then when the tally is added up and all the bad put on the scales of justice they can justly send me to the lake of fire for Crimes committed. I watched a part of a popular television show last night “Cops” the theme is “Bad boy bad boy watch going to do when they come for you” As usual on this piece of “Dudley Do Right “ Police worshiping show the cop lied no one said “Officer you just lied to these people society on up we have allowed several levels of double even triple standard to grow and flourish. (criminals, suspects, people alleged to have done ) should this ever happen. People like Dr. Marc Horner a Jewish Psychotherapist in the area would point out that these people are “Law breakers” suggesting that the treatment of these people should be different. What is like shocking to me is he is from a group of “ those people” one of the groups chosen for special treatment not always good treatment by various groups. He of all people should rally for equal treatment as human beings for “Law Breakers”. Most police cars have cameras in them and audio now it should be mandatory for all automobiles non cops as well so that they to record traffic stops and dealings with Cops. Then when a officer says “Did I say anything about YOU going to jail and he hand cuffs the suspect they walk to a patrol car get in it and then when it is all said and done he says they all three are going to jail because of walking down the street, when said suspects say he lied to me then the officers tapes if still there be reviewed and if it is recorded all suspects be released and the officer pay for cab fair for there returned to whoever then he is given two weeks no pay. You say you cant do that!!!! Then lets stop putting Kindergarteners in time out for lying ,let’s stop punishing children for lying and remove it from the 10 suggestions. (commandments)
Lets Impeach Barak Hussein Obama for opposing “Water boarding” saying we must play by the rules as long as we are allowing the various police organizations to break at there convince the “Rules , Constitutional rules that they must follow. These police officers represent “The Court” and are suppose to be under its rules, as I understand if I lie from the witness stand I can be charged with perjury and get 20 years. Now the police officer can lie to me on national television and he gets accolades for it . How can our president demand a following of the rules when from the foundation of our

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

man arrested in a womans swim suit

Well this does not include the money this man must fork over for a bail bondsman to get him out of jail a couple of hundred dollars which is nothing just pocket change. Then he must hire a lawyer to clear his name about $700 to $1500 just meter maid change and he may have done no more than said hi to some women. He will loose for the time in jail the right to have a watch,handkerchiefs in his pockets keys billfold and may not be able to even see out if he is in a cell made of concrete blocks. I assure the cops that put the cuffs on him made sure that they bit into his wrist and were as uncomfortable as could be.So the bail bondsman makes money,the county makes money the lawyer makes money.This man is charged with something that cost him his wrights to own a gun, hunt,may even keep him from being around children if it is a sex crime. If you look it up on a computer in Texas get charged with indent exposure and you are a registered sex offender your life is over. You can be arrested for this for peeing on the side of the road or a complaint by a fellow citizen especially if they will make a written statement.Now you cant be in the park where children play,the Zoo,public swimming area because you are a registered Sex Offender and your great crime was peeing on the side of the road.Mathew McConehew was charged with such cause someone saw him walk past the window of his Austin Texas home naked and called the police,. I was raised to not look in peoples windows as this was wrong,now being a peeping tom is good being naked is a Sex Offender crime if somebody sees you and reports it to the police.




Monday, June 8, 2009

the game

Games it seems our society if full of games. I have been on several of the social sites online like My space, Tagged, Plentyoffish, and others. Whether you pay or not you are playing a game. The game may be as in on Adult friend finder the sexual carrot on other sites like EHarmony the lifelong love total happiness site. From what I have experienced most of these people would rather have friendly meetings and talk maybe once and a while sex but they are not looking for forever or even happiness any more than I am going to walk the jungle of Africa with a broom stick looking for a man eating lion. They may be looking for the mirage of total happiness
every thing must be perfect and then I will marry or live together. But finding every thing perfect is seldom done or happens most of the perfect things or almost perfect things took much work and much time. People must make much call it what you want sacrifices, give and take, forgiveness, accommodations then and only then will things reach a harmony. It is easer to write love messages to Mr. or Miss long distance and in this age in a few seconds over the net. Send cute pictures called tags poems that you did not write and flattering remarks. Hell you might even meet once but the odds of say living together till one of you imperfectly dies and the other cries not happening . The Game keeps the mind occupied the heart satisfied and the Occasional sex keeps the need for more personnel knowledge and experience from happening. Why ruin the game with a partner regardless of sex that snores so u cant sleep, farts, smells bad, drinks too much for you, is BORING why would you want to learn how to put up with the imperfections .When with a computer screen web cam and key board you can masturbate to illusion without the other incontinences you can speak morning noon and night it is almost like having him or her there until those rare occasions they are in fact there, then you are reminded why you keep the game going.

Tagged - Meet Me | Matches

Tagged - Meet Me | Matches

Friday, June 5, 2009

Out Dated as the Stage Coach

Out dated Here we are in the 21 century and there is still 16,17,18,19, and 20th century problems hanging on with us today just like way back then. Take for example KTXS 12 in Abilene KTAB 32 in Abilene and KRBC channel 9 all tout there various weather reporting styles. I was asking a friend in Brownwood if they got there 7 minute advantage from Damon Lane on 12 she said like lots of people here in Brownwood I have Satellite and when we have bad weather I loose Television Reception . I have a friend that lives in Lawn Texas about 20 miles south of Abilene Texas she too has the same problem. I remember when I had satellite and yes television goes the way of the stagecoach in bad weather . I called channel 12 the other day got someone on the phone ,which by the way you will not get during your favorite program and the wood be movie star Damon Lane breaks in to track storms to give people a 7 minute advantage and interrupt peoples television programs. He even acknowledged this on the Brownwood fiasco the other night but went on to say We must warn people. Interesting we are in the information age news papers going out could television news cast be next? Not because they do not give good news reports but because of people like Damon Lane and his bosses that insist he do this. I ask the man on the phone with me if he knew of NOAHH weather radio, computers, radio stations, he agreed that these existed. I said you guys are as out dated as the Stage Coach he laughed I told him about my friends in the country and my lack of cable TV. He found it hard to understand that we 6 miles north of Abilene Texas do not have the cable television option, high speed internet, clear wire, and this man thought his television was giving 7 minute advantage. One station in Abilene will call your cell phone to tell you of inclement weather. When this conversation ended I considered moving to say Dallas, Houston, Lubbock, or any where but Abilene (Friendly Frontier) so that when the Hollywood movie set becomes real and this Backward Lost town hits the Dino hole with a back hoe or the dragon hole and Dyess Air force base is destroyed is destroyed by the monsters released I will laugh and realize it was the city’s backward lost in time Attitude that brought the monsters to be. Someone once said Attitude is everything and when this backhoe incident happens and all these no longer existent creachers come out to devoir the devout religious blind stupid fools that run this “Friendly Frontier whoever said that will shout “I told you so see how important Attitude really is” wrong backward Attitude and the major news channels report of fire breathing Dragons and the James Gang roaming the streets. The Friendly Frontier has six colleges and is still brain dead.