Thursday, December 26, 2013

The choosing

Yesterday I spoke of the choosing if you will. The choosing of a “CUCKOLD” the choosing of so called “Christians” like Phil Roberson, the choosing of a “Black Owned Bride” to do the things that they do. In the Church of Christ which I was raised they have a thing called the “Lords Supper” and they say they are “CELEBRATING” the death burial and resurrection of Jesus.
My point of course is “CELEBRATING” is worship then is not “CELEBRATING” Christmas and Easter worshiping these pagan things? I also pointed out that if you read 1 Kings chapter 16 through 20 you will see how Hashem feels about bowing to other “Gods”. Now Jesus said two things that apply here, 1st wide is the way that leads to destruction many find it narrow is the way that leads to life few find it, 2nd He said that a man who knew what to do and did it not would receive a worse flogging than the man who did not know what to do but did it any way.
Is not the “BOSS” saying something about folks like Phil Roberson who say “Keep Christ In Christmas” if it is a pagan day and it is then it is like Phil Roberson is saying “Keep Christ In HELL”. As I understand the Bible Jesus went to hell and had a conversation with Satan took the keys from him and came back to life then to heaven so we could have the chance to go there too.
But if like those in 1st Kings we are “Celebrating” non gods like the winter solstice and the god of fertility in EASTER was originally till the Catholic Church got hold of it “EASTAR”. I could be wrong. Lets say I am right, then which is better to face god as a homosexual or a worshiper of “Calves of Gold”. In spite of what the church teaches those bad places were not destroyed because of sexual sin! Temple Prostitutes were how they “CELEBRATED” the god they worshiped.
This god being evil in its nature naturally spread the sex to all including babies and of course same sex. Just like some duck hunters have according to the Internet taught there sons to dip snuff. It is reasonable that the children will follow the example set for them. Alcoholics produce alcoholics people pass on all sorts of disorders to there children. Your father is a cop you want to be a cop natural.

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