Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Government MAndates

I saw another one of those captioned photos on tumbler that so reminded me of what our governments do when they issue a mandate that requires money from the private citizens pocket book. It shows a smiling lady flipping the bird to the camera: the caption reads” Ha Ha fuck you bitch. I don't care if you are my husband this body is for Black men only. You will never touch it again”. Obviously she is white and her husband is white.
You say how does that have a dime to do with our government. Simple every time the government mandates that you must spend money for something, they are like this young white woman. I don't care if it is your money we want it spent this way and you will never touch it again. This of course is totally unimportant if the money men are lying and CONSUMER SPENDING is not in fact the engine that runs the economy. If however consumer spending runs the economy then every nickle you take from that consumer lowers the standard of living by the same nickle.
I am piss poor at math but here is how I run my numbers. They say the average income in America is $50,000 a year I however have never ever made close to that more like $25,000. So lets take simple liability insurance on a car $1,000 a year now he has just 24,000 so Affordable Health care and he has the lowest he can afford say $1,2000 a year for Federally Approved insurance coverage. Now this man has not counting taxes $22,800 so lets knock another grand for taxes leaving him $21,800. Out of this there is food, gasoline, tires, children's fees at school and clothing.
Here is the government flashing the two FUCK YOURS his deductible on his federally approved insurance is $1,200 dollars he must pay before the insurance the Federal Government said he must own out of his pocket,will pay a dime. Add this in and he has $20,600 that is his to spend as he sees fit. If he rents because it is cheaper than owning another tooth from the cog in the engine that runs our economy. Every thing he does not buy every vacation he doesn’t take is at some point a job lost or another tooth in this wheel or cog.
Enough of these missing teeth in these cog's and the machine starts skipping, jerking jamming, and rattling the whole machine until it wears out sooner. It cost to replace those wheels or cogs with new ones with all their teeth to make it run smoothly again.
I want to say with glee that I hope Las Vegas goes down because they voted for Harry Reid and what ever area that Nancy Pelocy comes from suffers the same fate. But as much as it would serve the Las Vegas folks right to loose say half of their casinos because they supported Harry Reid and he pushed the Affordable health Care Act (Obama Care) it would at some point probably in some way affect other parts of our country, and my part might be affected too.  

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