Saturday, December 7, 2013

Lives of Desperation

A very famous writer Henry David Thoreau once said Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.” I was thinking of this morning while attempting to hunt in too cold weather for this Texas boy. My feet froze so I came in. Most of us live with a few friends a job family and our local drama. We don't venture beyond our comfort zones for the most part. We are it seams fearful of change and intact fight it.
But in this age of Instant Communication and the Internet people that we don’t even know, become so at least for the most part like the friend we have known always. I can't think of a more desperate crowd than the very famous. I am no one known to just a few not bothered or even noticed by the rest of the people in my town county state.
Think what it must be like to be a famous actor or singer and thousands want your autograph or to sit down and have a conversation like you would have with your best friend. YOU know them from articles, interviews and are damn sure you know them. This famous person is like DUDE I have no idea who you are or what you want! He or she may experience fear at your approach or closeness because of the ones that wanted more than a friendly chat. I can think of nothing so desperate as facing this daily and having no privacy.
You Joe or Jane no one can go to the nude beach without cameramen and people wanting interviews. You can bath nude in your backyard pool without Helicopters flying over worse than Ross Perot' s Black helicopters. These famous can't someone has taken that privilege from them violated there human rights. No the judges will not rule in the favor of the celebrity. The police will not protect them. Should they get mace or pepper spray or even dogs perhaps wasp and hornet spray or bear spray the courts, Judges and law will say NO!!!!

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