Tuesday, December 31, 2013

alternative lifestyles

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Monday, December 30, 2013

My mother John Green

Mother paid for the airfare to send my wife away in 1981.Now I have two grandchildren and my mother is a millionaire so I wounder here what is the cost, the price,the ammount:
$1.00 ten twenty 30 how much is it worth to you! Show me how much human life is to Johan Green.Show me how much the hurt in my heart is to you? Let a check hit that mail box for the total you think it is worth. While you are at it send one for what you think I might have made in a non Johan picked field in a non forced job choice on me by you?? BUT THE CHECK FOR THE GRANDDAUGHTERS I WILL NEVER HEAR THERE VOICES IS FIRST AND FOREMOST LET'S SEE HOW MUCH OR LITTLE YOU THINK THAT IS.YOU AND LARRY AND MARSHALL ONLY WANT TO ADD UP WHAT YOU HAVE DONE FOR ME NOW SUBTRACT THIS FROM THAT AND SEE HOW MANY IF ONE PENNEY THIS COMES TO.JUST SUBTRACT THE GRAND CHILDREN FROM THE TOTAL.BUT REMEMBER I SAW YOUR TEARS FROM THE GIFT JAKE YOUR GRANDSON SENT TO YOU ONE CHRISTMAS.YOU CAN LIE TO LARRY YOUR BROTHER,MARSHALL YOUR GOLDEN CHILD MY BROTHER,BUT ME YOU CANT I SAW THE TEARS AND HEARD THE CRYING.IT MEANS YOUR GRAND CHILDREN A GODDAM LOT SO HOW MUCH ARE MINE WORTH???You sent there mother away now pay what you think you owe.Know this if God adds and subtracts like many do your soul may be warm.

Sunday, December 29, 2013


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Saturday, December 28, 2013


12/28/13 Rights we all claim them the Constitution explains them and the law protects them. I was thinking about these “Rights” in regards to a discussion on a website Blackto white.net. There is a part of it talking about “Black Owned Tattoo's” people get a tattoo of the Queen so Spades and the men Jack of Spades. This shows the world that they are wanting sex with black people. This one lady said no means no she has the right to choose who she will have sex with.
This sounds good and her adding that it does not matter if she is covered in tattoos she still has the right to say no not with you!! This is so in her house maybe and at the PTA or the church. But as I pointed out this advertisement is like putting a brand new 55” TV in your front yard with a sign on it “FREE” and complaining when it disappears. She said she gets to choose.
Is this not like putting the Television in the front yard and saying the wrong person got it!!! I pointed out your rights end when you meet the man or men that takes them away rape her. Now for me like in this game of knock out where people have been hurt or killed, being raped is something I do not want. So let''s say you are a victim of “KNOCK OUT” you are paralyzed or loose an eye. Hell if I am this person I frankly do not care what happens to my attacker give me my eye back give me my legs back, let the son of a bitch go.
My point being it does not matter if they kill him or her I must live with the damage. Same with the woman with the one or the whole body full of these tattoos advertizing “WANTING BIG BLACK COCK” she must live with the trauma, disease if any and POST TRAMITIC DISORDER!! Did she have the right to say NO yes in polite society where her wishes are recognized.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The choosing

Yesterday I spoke of the choosing if you will. The choosing of a “CUCKOLD” the choosing of so called “Christians” like Phil Roberson, the choosing of a “Black Owned Bride” to do the things that they do. In the Church of Christ which I was raised they have a thing called the “Lords Supper” and they say they are “CELEBRATING” the death burial and resurrection of Jesus.
My point of course is “CELEBRATING” is worship then is not “CELEBRATING” Christmas and Easter worshiping these pagan things? I also pointed out that if you read 1 Kings chapter 16 through 20 you will see how Hashem feels about bowing to other “Gods”. Now Jesus said two things that apply here, 1st wide is the way that leads to destruction many find it narrow is the way that leads to life few find it, 2nd He said that a man who knew what to do and did it not would receive a worse flogging than the man who did not know what to do but did it any way.
Is not the “BOSS” saying something about folks like Phil Roberson who say “Keep Christ In Christmas” if it is a pagan day and it is then it is like Phil Roberson is saying “Keep Christ In HELL”. As I understand the Bible Jesus went to hell and had a conversation with Satan took the keys from him and came back to life then to heaven so we could have the chance to go there too.
But if like those in 1st Kings we are “Celebrating” non gods like the winter solstice and the god of fertility in EASTER was originally till the Catholic Church got hold of it “EASTAR”. I could be wrong. Lets say I am right, then which is better to face god as a homosexual or a worshiper of “Calves of Gold”. In spite of what the church teaches those bad places were not destroyed because of sexual sin! Temple Prostitutes were how they “CELEBRATED” the god they worshiped.
This god being evil in its nature naturally spread the sex to all including babies and of course same sex. Just like some duck hunters have according to the Internet taught there sons to dip snuff. It is reasonable that the children will follow the example set for them. Alcoholics produce alcoholics people pass on all sorts of disorders to there children. Your father is a cop you want to be a cop natural.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

This is began on Xmas day I refuse calling it Christ Mas, or to Christianize a pagan holiday. This is the winter Solstice is nothing more to me.I larned a couple of things through of all things my reading porn stories. I got so mad at the stories of cuckoldry and black owned brides.
A friend pointed out what I was failing to see the definition of a CUCK. These human cucks are only Cucks because they want to be. A cuckold or cockoldress is one one because they stay in the relationship after they know of the spouses adultery. Or the other definition again going back to the KOO KOO Bird is a person raising a child not his or hers another words what we call step parents.
Because I now understand the CUCKOLD is a CUCK only because they stay with the unfaithful partner. I no longer get these gut reactions to captions like “I don't care if I am your wife, my body is made for black men only. You will never touch it again”. Because I understand that is his choice. If he said Adios then he is not a cuckold.
This is very very very important for every so called “Christian” like Phil Roberson. Phil says keep Christ in Christmas. Christmas was and is a pagan worship. I suggest you read 1 Kings 16 through 20 and see how this same God (Hashem) and see what he (Hashem) Phi’s “God” says about pagan worship and bowing to foreign gods. When you celebrate WINTER SOLSTICE (Xmas) you are doing the same as the Israelite that bowed to “BAAL OR ASHROTH trees. So like the CUCKOLD or the “BLACK OWNED BRIDE” that has black men consummate her wedding instead of her white husband, Phil and Christians are making the CHOICE...
Just like I can't say to Phil Roberson and “CHRISTANS” this is wrong and you are sinning, the same I cant tell the “Cuckold” or “The Black Owned Bride” this is not right because it is their choices. I can however point out that I think it is wrong, that I think this choice will lead to trouble for you. It is your choice “Hashem” GOD as you call him had enough of this to come through the “CANNINOZATION” of the Bible that you can in fact read of Baal and Ashroth. What they kept out is to worship these gods you sacrificed your own children to them.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Government MAndates

I saw another one of those captioned photos on tumbler that so reminded me of what our governments do when they issue a mandate that requires money from the private citizens pocket book. It shows a smiling lady flipping the bird to the camera: the caption reads” Ha Ha fuck you bitch. I don't care if you are my husband this body is for Black men only. You will never touch it again”. Obviously she is white and her husband is white.
You say how does that have a dime to do with our government. Simple every time the government mandates that you must spend money for something, they are like this young white woman. I don't care if it is your money we want it spent this way and you will never touch it again. This of course is totally unimportant if the money men are lying and CONSUMER SPENDING is not in fact the engine that runs the economy. If however consumer spending runs the economy then every nickle you take from that consumer lowers the standard of living by the same nickle.
I am piss poor at math but here is how I run my numbers. They say the average income in America is $50,000 a year I however have never ever made close to that more like $25,000. So lets take simple liability insurance on a car $1,000 a year now he has just 24,000 so Affordable Health care and he has the lowest he can afford say $1,2000 a year for Federally Approved insurance coverage. Now this man has not counting taxes $22,800 so lets knock another grand for taxes leaving him $21,800. Out of this there is food, gasoline, tires, children's fees at school and clothing.
Here is the government flashing the two FUCK YOURS his deductible on his federally approved insurance is $1,200 dollars he must pay before the insurance the Federal Government said he must own out of his pocket,will pay a dime. Add this in and he has $20,600 that is his to spend as he sees fit. If he rents because it is cheaper than owning another tooth from the cog in the engine that runs our economy. Every thing he does not buy every vacation he doesn’t take is at some point a job lost or another tooth in this wheel or cog.
Enough of these missing teeth in these cog's and the machine starts skipping, jerking jamming, and rattling the whole machine until it wears out sooner. It cost to replace those wheels or cogs with new ones with all their teeth to make it run smoothly again.
I want to say with glee that I hope Las Vegas goes down because they voted for Harry Reid and what ever area that Nancy Pelocy comes from suffers the same fate. But as much as it would serve the Las Vegas folks right to loose say half of their casinos because they supported Harry Reid and he pushed the Affordable health Care Act (Obama Care) it would at some point probably in some way affect other parts of our country, and my part might be affected too.  

Monday, December 23, 2013

United States and cuckold

The United States is as I see it like one of these cuckold stories but not the stories that end in a sick happiness where the Black bull dominates and sissified the white husband. The white wife having the Black bull's babies and the sissified white husband still married to his wife babysits the children that are in fact Bastards because the Black Bull and the white wife CAN'T legally marry.
NO this story is headed for a bad ending. The white husband has asked his wife a couple times to stop, stop if you ever loved me, she laughs and the Bull laughs. So either the bull is taken down by the husband and castrated or shot or stabbed or beaten with a baseball bat. The wife is divorced and left pregnant with the bull's child. The husband simply leaves a note and his wedding ring on the table and is gone.
Pick your ending to this tragedy. We are living a tragedy now. If one quarter of what I have heard is in the Affordable Health Care Act (Obama Care). Supposedly this law contains legislation that the government can reach its hand into your accounts and make withdraws as it sees fit. Be labor the fact this is like the Black Bull doing to the wife as he sees fit and the husband is helpless to stop it. But when this happens and the first withdraws are made. People will take there monies from all accounts. Suppose you are an 80 year old woman and you see a withdrawal of $1,000 in your Edward D Jones stock brokerage account, you take all of you money from them ASAP.
You go to the local Academy and purchase the largest gun safe you can. As you check with friends you find out it is not just Edward D Jones, but all accounts with money in them. This will be like the husband that sprayed the bull and wife with Bear spray to subdue them, cause a run on all banks, savings, and brokadridge accounts. People will do like their grandmother or great grandmother and put the money in the so called sock under the mattress.
Over about one month our entire monetary system will be like that husband gone leaving a crippled hurting country. The stock market will collapse due to no money in it and all money gold and such in gun safes. Employers will start paying in cash all business will be conducted in cash. Because Obama like the Black Bull took the white wife (United States) from her husband. The husband being the peoples right to make the best decision that they see fit without government control.
All of us are in agreement to certain things but we allow these to happen so as to not take “Constitutional Rights”. For instance child abuse until the child complains or is taken to the hospital with injuries and a doctor reports it is allowed to go on. The same can be said of spousal abuse. NO one wants to see these things but the people have “RIGHTS” both on sides so our legal system errs on the side of rights. I see Obama care as a giant conspiracy with the insurance companies to make more money and the U.S. federal government to extend its power far beyond anything before. Like the husband that started down the path to cuckoldry for perhaps his wife’s happiness it got far far beyond what he originally bargained for.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Our Government Officials

Again On Tumbler I saw a photo with a caption that reminded me of our society. It shows a black man having sex with a white women and the caption says “Even though your wife never has sex with you any more she still wears the ring you gave her. Even though she is your black bosses white whore she is still your wife after all.” I can't think of a better caption for the governments of the State of Texas and the United States. The marriage between the people who pay the taxes and obey the laws is just like this couple the white husband is not getting what he took vows to get and his wife is somebody’s whore giving what was theirs to a stranger.
The United states is 17 TRILLION in debt, so like the wife screwing her husbands black boss and not giving the husband her body any longer, perhaps the black boss said “If you want your job and standard of living you will give me your wife for a whore or I will fire you and make it hard for you to get another job” so the marriage is a farce now with the husband not getting from the wife what she so long ago promised.
She could say to him I suppose because you will loose your job and cant support me this is how it will be nothing for you and all for your boss. The elected bodies of our state and national governments are listening to the people who ply them with money to help in their reelection campaigns. So like the white wife they have become whores and like the husband the needs of the people go unmet.
Somebody is going to call in that 17 Trillion someday lets say tomorrow some brain figured it up how much each and every person alive in “The United States” and all it's possessions owe to pay that debt to zero. I assure you that like that husband that will if he has any self awareness or self esteem, he will leave with nothing, or harm  them. I would be like him with nothing and probably still owe my share. I would gladly do this loose everything I own if every person in America had to pay their share too.
When the mass of homeless and possession less people from this pay down, cold and hungry started marching to Austin and Washington D.C.. Those WHITE WHORES will listen not to the big Oil, Insurance Companies, Railroads, but rather to that mob of property less millions. I will not vote again because If I cast the most wise vote ever my one or 1million like me cant out vote the stupidity in the United States now. If Target a major retailer has problems with its credit and debit cards being hijacked by identity thieves, how can I be sure my computer vote goes to the person I vote for any wa

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The United States

12/21/13 I was looking at Tumbler a thing on line that has a lot of stuff on it mine has pornography for the most part. There is every once and a while a caption and a photo that brings thought to me. This latest shows a black man having sex with a white lady in a bridal head dress and stockings. The caption said:
She warned you before you married her that there was another man in her life and that he would be attending the wedding. Little did you know that meant that he’d be the one sexing her on your wedding night”.   At first glance this is just pure smut you say it is until you apply it to our society in the United States. Who marry s a woman with another man in her life? Who stays married after this? WHO THINKS CRIMINALS OBEY LAWS, GUN CONTROL LAWS? This caption represents U.S. this black man tells the white husband “You better learn who really owns this twat”! This caption leads one to believe this man will stay with this white woman who has another man in her life, that has pushed her legal husband out of his bed.
This sounds like the bunch in Washington the Congress and the Senate this makes as much sense as they do. Me I am leaving when he comes in the door telling her you marry him I will get this thing annulled. We have enough Laws on the books to catch every criminal ever but no enforcement. In Texas there is a law that makes it illegal to carry fencing pliers on horseback, every ranch worker rides a horse to a water gap(fence made to part when a creek gets up to put the fence back with fencing pliers).
There was supposed a New Mexico state patrol car broken into and an AR15 stolen. So much for gun control. We have criminals that are let out too soon or are not locked up at all due to the unwillingness to build enough prisons or hire enough personnel for these prisons, does this not sound like that groom instead of leaving he submits. We have so many crying groups that we can't even CASTRATE pedophile and rapist after conviction??????

There are stories of men fathering 19 children by different women none of which are his wife. Due to the American Civil Liberties Union we cant order him castrated, I am guessing that if you are a member of the A.C.L.U. you will stay married to that bride. I was talking to a black man in Walmart I mentioned this man he knew of one here in Abilene Texas, he said they should cut his nuts off. But we had rather keep our bride that twat is owned by this other man????

Friday, December 20, 2013


There is right now in America this Giant Brew HA HA over a man named Phil saying what he thought. Then the company that hosted his show removed him from the air indefinitely. I am not pro Gay or against Gay. I in fact think that one day very soon it will be legal for people to marry the same sex in all 50 states and Poloromy or polygamy allowed. The recent court ruling has put the Polygamy in the pipeline.
If this Phil was a game warden I am guessing they would have hair and beard restrictions so he could not have the beard. THIS IS NOT A FREEDOM OF SPEECH ISSUE,, because the Constitution guarantees the freedom of speech from government restriction not private industry. Now there is one freedom of speech we no longer have you cant say “anything about harming, killing, shooting, or blowing up the president and this might now cover all public officials. I am not sure you can even say that they should be “hung”

This aside this man was removed by his employer for voicing his thoughts. You would have thought the President of the United States orded him killed. It is a simple employer employee thing. Remember when the sports caster was canned for a remark about black people that was made, no one screamed bloody murder then. What is the difference? Well the “CHRISTIANS” are pissed because what he said got him removed. Had he did like a former famous comedian said  the N****R repeatedly and has no more been seen no one screamed bloody murder then either.

Monday, December 16, 2013

I believe

I was reading a story on line it was an interesting read. The story line is a man is sentenced to prison for 3 years. While there he is feminized and turned into the prison prostitute. Now the whole prison is involved the warden all the guards and medical staff. The story ends up with this man tied up being used sexually in the public visitation area on the day that his girlfriend comes to visit him. Now the man doing this is a prisoner called Houser and Howser has told July formerly John to ask his girlfriend to buy him a wedding dress. Now she offers to get him free immediately July(john) says no they will kill me.
I guess this comes from my belief in Hashem (god). I hope that something like this CAN'T BE REAL IN THE UNITED STATES. If this story is or could be real then our justice system ore lack there of should in my opinion lock the place down remove all prison workers guards. And execute every prisoner and prisoner guard warden whole group.
I believe in something beyond above and something very very very intelligent that created all of this. I do not believe in the “Big” Bang” theory unless of course this is how Hashem did it. In the Bible or Tanach, he tells us nothing except “He created” that statement is like saying “I Built” it says nothing about anything but something was built and by whom. It tells nothing about how and the process involved. I have watched explosions and they create nothing but rubble and death. So this leads me to believe that another thing stated by Jesus “God does wise things to confound the fools and foolish things to confound the intelligent.
I can understand the young ladies feelings that this story expressed that she would buy the wedding dress and send it to July. After all this was the most public room in the entire prison. Here she was surrounded by prisoners and her former male lover was suspended in a dress being used orally and anally covered in cum. I don't know if a person would walk from this and try to report it. Who in the hell do you report it too You would feel like everyone from the President of the United States all the way down to this prison warden is in on it.

I think unlike July(John) I hope and pray for the guts to tell Houser to kill me, I will not do this. I hope if this ever happens in real in our 50 states that the people in charge and all of the prisoners in the entire prison are killed as an example to the animals that inhabit our prisons that we demand a certain kind of behavior and if it is broken your life is taken. This same message to all prison guards and wardens. When I pray I am appealing to the highest authority there is. I pray we all treat each other with love kindness and respect.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Black People Supremacy

There is a web sight called Blacktowhite.net if I have it right that discusses and has photos of Cuckolding, Black Supremacy, Black owned Brides and Black Owned Families. The basic definition is a black man or men or black man and a woman own the lives of the white people involved sexually especially. There is an ongoing argument that if a person gets a tattoo Queen of Spades or Jack of Spades and Black Owned on their body, that they service all blacks that see the tattoo and ask, or just some blacks. This thinks requires a law passed by both houses of congress and signed into law by Barack Obama. This is what the law should entitle.
I was reading a story on Literotica about a man that was bi sexual he got a black owned tattoo. He was asking the black woman that introduced him to black cock through her husband, you own me? She replied no we do not own you the black race owns you you must service any black that ask male or female. I know it is a story but it has a point, any white person male or female that gets a tattoo signifying black owner should sexually service any black that sees it and ask. Or if they see this person sexing a black they can be passed off to them. I wish it was the law of the United States  passed by congress and senate and signed by Barack Obama. With the provision if a black person forces this type of tattoo on a human of another race an it is proven that that black person looses both hands and their balls if male. This way those willing persons get what they asked for? A beautiful black cock or black cock owned or black owned bride they can be with their white families/husbands until a black person spots the tattoo and ask for them. Then if they are at say a PTA meeting or church or other function as soon as it ends they must go service the black person. Or as soon as they secure any minor children safely away from the sexing. So the black person that spots the tattoo can call all of their friends and acquaintances and all have this tattooed person male or female. Until the tattooed  person is totally exhausted or all are satisfied. Also the law should state if the tattooed person is unable to fulfill the needs of all there they must get a rain check from the non sexed blacks for later service. The law should say by all blacks any one of black skin 18 to 110. The law should state this is not to take place the sexing where minor children are exposed. Then add no person under the age of 18 can get  tattoo of any kind.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Computer operation

I learned something today about my computer. I suppose it is common knowledge with others but it was not my knowledge. I recently learned that you can label your downloads into folders before you make them into folders, such as “Did You Know”1-9999 and the computer keeps count and you have this in folder form. It is easy to access too whey you want to attach a file to an email.
What I learned today is say you have a “hunting” folder 1-100. You can label photos “hunting bobcat” 1-20 and they are neatly stacked under the hunting folder. So I am thinking that you could under the hunting folder have a list of bobcat kills deer kills coyote kills and along as you kept the top heading of Hunting they will all be under that heading. This is even if you are downloading photos from the net.

You his “save as” and the window pop up in the upper left corner of your screen then you blank out the top line and put your label in it. Now I know I am slow in learning some things and I am guessing that there are others too so I share some of my stupidity on this subject .

Friday, December 13, 2013

Black Owned

Saw another photo captioned she married a white man but honeymooned with him she is standing by a black man. It says that they took lots of photos and videos for the white husband. Either these people captioning these photos are drummer than rocks or they think that the white husband white bride live in an airless vacuum tube.
Let me enlighten you for a minute the father of the bride pays for a $5,000 wedding and a $1000.00 wedding dress. Now the bride and groom don’t mention to anyone that they are” BLACK OWNED” or that she is a “BLACK OWNED BRIDE” so the white father in law and his wife do no know this so they fork over couple thousand for a honeymoon for their son and his newlywed bride. Now let say nothing happens(the bride and her black sexier are not caught on honeymoon). The next thing is does she get pregnant by Jamal her owner(sexier), for our story she does.
When she returns her parents and his parents want to see the photos now what excuse do they use Bart her husband was not even on the ship or the same country with Pam his new bride. Parents want to see photos of smiling bride and groom in the honeymoon sight like Niagara Falls together them hugging. Not Jamal and Pam hugging and kissing.
This can go south another way a friend of either family takes photos of Jamal and Pam together kissing and watch them all day they can see that they are together. So they call the set of parents that they know say Bart's they say that they have seen Pam with a black man kissing on this ship or Island or Niagara Falls. OOPS OH SHIT HELL they call Bart ask him how is the cruse or whatever they do not like the answer. They talk to Bart, s neighbors go by his home very late cruse by or have friends cruse by, perhaps send the police by and find out he is home. Now they are hurt pissed and out the cost of a honeymoon meant for Bart and Pam.
So both parents are shocked hurt pissed and when they corner these two either together or apart and find out that their children are “BLACK OWNED” or what ever the case is! Now let's say Pam has a black baby and they find out this way perhaps asking “WHO IS THIS BLACK MAN OR(N****R) why is your baby black?????The best you can expect is both children will be disowned or banned from the family for a long long time. It is not a color thing I can see if it was reversed and Bart and Pam are black Jamal is white do you think that the black parents will be less racists more generous that white families??????

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Love Pure Love

I think I understand why I take such offense at the cuckolding, black cock submission, and hot wife things I see on the internet. LOVE true LOVE has visited my life but a few times it is like a very fine drink of some sort you can't drink enough of each other. But if it sours in one of the lovers it is worst than drinking the worst drink ever. I think love is a gift from where I know not, I think The Boss (hashem, God).
Sometimes Parents do not love even their own children, but like a dog that is petted and kicked the child comes back for more. Because it is just not in the child to not hate its own parents until the child gets old enough to understand. My beautiful Husky Tasmanian is always there when I walk out wanting a pet and I give him that love to give that to him.
There is a hell some say and others not, for me the perfect hell would be listening forever to Gloria Cavett cry like I made her cry, that is the hell of love it never truly stops if it is true. The other part of that hell is hearing Emily Green my daughter when her mother moved her back to North Carolina. It is interesting that two peoples crying haunt me so.
Perhaps the most damnable part of love is it must be felt or there for both parties. If one person is not in love with the other one who is deeply in love with them, then it becomes unrequited love, makes great songs and plays. God it hurts now I am older and hate to hurt another claiming probably truthfully that they love me and I do not feel the same. Almost no marriages today make the 20 year mark and I am 58 too too too OLD I am told but if I could have 20 good years of love deep kind and feeling love, then I could say with assurance that Hashem blessed me more than Solomon, or King David, bordering on the blessings Jesus himself had!!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Superior Black men

 I see these photos on tumbler and they show some black cock laid across a white woman’s ass. Then the statement about he is superior because he has a larger penis, cock, dick. If this is logical thinking would not a horse be superior to a black man he after has a larger dick. How about an ass or a mule? Would a monkey or gorilla be superior because of cock size?
Just for me a better brain and the ability to be a top paid man in any field would be superior regardless of cock size. I guess I am a poor stupid white man. Most woman tell me you can't support me and flee. It seems to me that the white women are into money and the man with the money gets them. Because of the toys he can provide nice car, house, boat and land. Then there are horses jewelery furs so a man like “Money Bags Mahan” gets the girl.
I understand that I am not smart but if I was would I not point out that there is a whole continent of big dick superior black men. So presuming that these white women craving large black cock are with money and a tone of them are because they go to Africa to adopt babies. Why then would they not pick up a superior cocked black man while over there. There should be enough hungry white women in the United States alone to empty say Kenya of all black men. Yet the liberal media and for that matter all media seem if this is happening to not be reporting on it. Now add to that the little fact that Britain, France, Germany, and most European countries have rich hungry for Big Black Cocked men that should be enough woman to leave only the small cocked black men in all of Africa.

     Now if this were happening this would make the news somewhere and thus be on the internet at least. So us ignorant men must then ask are the asses, horses, and other species with superior cocks being used as placebos?

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Black owned Brides

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Monday, December 9, 2013

Lessons Learned

 I am a hunter and a re loader of ammo. I am 58 never had a problem with a firearm. Until the other day and I learned two very valuable lessons. I had misplaced my scope covers for the Nikon scope on my little go to firearm so it sat where it was without scope covers. I should have looked through the scope and cleaned it. The trust factor was there I have killed several deer and many hog with not a problem.
I was in the blind and two deer showed I could not see them or the cross hairs so I starting cleaning my scope not even with a hankie but my fingered clove. Did not have a hankie with me. I got it where I could see them and the cross hairs pulled the trigger it snapped on an empty chamber. I had killed a hog earlier with this firearm and its scope but put my vision problems to the low level of the sun shinning in my scope.

I learned two important lessons that day keep your scope covers on. Look through your scope each and every time before you go hunting. Make sure you have a round in the chamber, check this when you get into the blind. This go to firearm is a semi automatic the first one I have ever owned and it has become due to my inability to operate a bolt action my go to gun. Those who say you do not need a military style firearm to hunt are totally without knowledge of hunting and firearms. Whoppie Goldberg said “what can you do with an assault rifle but assault somebody” To her I reply assault deer a hog also bob cat and other varmints with my assault rifle!!!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Lives of Desperation

A very famous writer Henry David Thoreau once said Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.” I was thinking of this morning while attempting to hunt in too cold weather for this Texas boy. My feet froze so I came in. Most of us live with a few friends a job family and our local drama. We don't venture beyond our comfort zones for the most part. We are it seams fearful of change and intact fight it.
But in this age of Instant Communication and the Internet people that we don’t even know, become so at least for the most part like the friend we have known always. I can't think of a more desperate crowd than the very famous. I am no one known to just a few not bothered or even noticed by the rest of the people in my town county state.
Think what it must be like to be a famous actor or singer and thousands want your autograph or to sit down and have a conversation like you would have with your best friend. YOU know them from articles, interviews and are damn sure you know them. This famous person is like DUDE I have no idea who you are or what you want! He or she may experience fear at your approach or closeness because of the ones that wanted more than a friendly chat. I can think of nothing so desperate as facing this daily and having no privacy.
You Joe or Jane no one can go to the nude beach without cameramen and people wanting interviews. You can bath nude in your backyard pool without Helicopters flying over worse than Ross Perot' s Black helicopters. These famous can't someone has taken that privilege from them violated there human rights. No the judges will not rule in the favor of the celebrity. The police will not protect them. Should they get mace or pepper spray or even dogs perhaps wasp and hornet spray or bear spray the courts, Judges and law will say NO!!!!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Anne pregnant by black postman

It is a nice piece of fantasy. If it is real and Annie's husband is unaware of the father's race. Think of yourself being in the hospital your parents his parents and he thinks it is HIS child! I think in most cases you are divorced disowned and left alone in the hospital. This was the sentiment given by a male on Blacktowhite.com. He said if this happened to him he would kill them both. Try putting yourself in the shoes of a young male or even a older male. You have invested time in  prebirthing classes so you can be there to cut the umbilical cord. Perhaps you have a professional videoing this wonderful event, the pinnacle of your life and marriage so far. When the head appears you ask the doctor. Why is my baby so dark colored?  Why is the hair so black she is blond i am blond? The doctor says because it is a  biracial,Mulatto  or black child! Your parents are in the dark and his parents are in the dark as is up until now the husband. Your husband runs from the room shouting and crying she had a nigger baby.
Your husband files divorce you own parents say that they cant condone this behavior and it is best if you stay clear for a while. The Post man is married he does not want you either. If  you say you were raped and tell who, he loses his job and perhaps goes to jail. But even this may not bring the shell shocked husband back. Your parents know better because they paid for those karate classes until you became a very high black belt and they were at most of your fights. So father and mother say you are lying don't come home. Now you are homeless and with a baby that is Mulatto. Every black man you meet thinks you are a slut for Big Black Cock. The only happy ending is to have told your  husband before  and your parents of your life choices before before. The husband should be told while dating of your life desires. That you want a white cuckold husband and to be a Black Owned Woman having Black children.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Our Sick Society

Our society the people in it are sick, IF what I read is correct. What I read was that most young voters are dissatisfied with Obama but would vote for him again. This is like going to a tire shop paying for 4 brand new tires and after traveling 50 yards you have 4 flats. So you return to this tire store only to be told that they will sell you 4 more new tires! If this survey is correct these young voters would gladly pay for tour new tires again from this tire store.
Us older people probably would never do business with that tire store again, I would never ever no way do business there again. If this survey is correct and this is the answer that the young voters gave then like the tire store Obama would gladly get their business, or vote again.

My grand father was misdiagnosed and then when properly diagnosed it was determined to be cancer, terminal cancer. If it was diagnosed correctly the first time he might have lived. Let us hope that Obama is not like the first doctor and when the second President after Obama tells U.S. We are now terminal as a country. I am 58 with not a whole lot to louse. But those young voters have their lifetimes to loose!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


12/03/1310:04:25 AM Cuckolded yea I was cuckolded by Linda a wife. I thought we were going to be swingers. We married with standard vows and went back home. We both had jobs and I think it was her that told me about a group called “Temporally Yours” a local swing group. We went to the first party that they ever held. While I was working 12 hours Linda was writing an email that got me ousted from Temporally Yours but leaving her in the group. The “Moderators” lacked the sense to talk to us both or throwing us both out.
There were three Air Force men in the group and just so happened to be it seemed Linda's favorite lovers. It was one of these men that I had my first and only double penetration in a lady. Myself in Linda's vagina and him in Linda's ass hole she loved it. I had another friend still in the group that heard them talking about Linda's email that got me canned.
Hell I even took Linda to meet a sexer and sat in the truck while she played. So I was told about the email. I looked on the computer that we shared found out all that was going on from Instant messages. She wanted a “Gang Bang “without my presence. Someone told me the number of Air force Investigative services and they were sicked on Linda's “MEN”. Photos including one of the naked Lt. Saluting some women cost 3 men all. Linda lost all she had too. The moderators “Owners” of Temporally Yours lost there child this not my doing.

Cuckolding with out an agreement and knowledge by both parties is at best destructive and at worse life threatening.