Sunday, November 29, 2009

america is fucked

We in these United States are Fucked and I say this because of two articles I read on Yahoo one tells how this health care of Obama’s will destroy Medicare tax companies that provide Cadillac of insurance to their employees and force all others to buy insurance from companies with no guarantees. So Obama the great Democrat like F.D.R. is not the savior of all but a minion of the corporate giants. Then the other article talked about how we let Bien Laden walk out of Torah Bora un harmed when we could have had him under the Bush administration. One a Republican and one Democrat both acting like some pedophile fucking a little child the child being the United States of America. If we in our country do not get a new deck of cards we will no longer exist as a nation with our freedoms as we know them or our abilities to have our dreams. We will have money that is worthless and laws that do not make sense which we already do. We need a constutional amend amendment that makes any law passed by congress and signed into law by the president to include all politicians senators congressmen and the presidents living now.Or a massive non vote we have three hundred million people in this country if all of us refused to vote till all the politicians now in office resign and only people who have never served as anything in Washington D.C. then outlaw all lobbyist we might have a chance of keeping this country for another 100 years.


Well yesterday I ran into another one a girl she said her name was Amy she said she gave me her phone number, wrong number wonder if her real name was Amy? She did tell me she was a christen and attended Beltway Baptist Church in Wyle Texas over by Abilene Texas. I thought one of the ten suggestions said something about not running a disinformation campaign (not telling the truth) but this is why I choose to not attend church. My father said run with the dogs and you will be blamed for what the dogs do whether you are guilty or not. I would like to know who this Baptist person was and which cross he was on maybe he was the one making fun of Jesus. See my Reading of the bible I thought it was Jesus Christ that died for our sins not this Baptist man but I have no degrees to argue with the Dr. that teaches at Beltway Baptist Church .I would like to know why if Jesus died for ort sins why are there not too many churches named after Christ. I also want to know if in the ten suggestions it says not to tell un truths or disinformation why do Christen woman give you the wrong number and cause you to bother other women? Why could they not follow the examples in the Bible of the many strong women that told the truth oh well I will read my Bible Pray and go my way someday I hope to meet a real christen woman single willing to date a man that is far far from perfect but willing to walk together till I die with her.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


We in America should totally boycott the purchasing for Christmas goods of any kind for one or two seasons. This season being the best one to do it in because of the economic hard times now happening now. When I was a child we celebrated many holidays now we have 4th of July and Christmas so the retailers can make money .Jesus ran the people out of the temple for being money changers selling sacrificial animals. Wonder what he might do to all of the retailers about Christmas break it down Christ Mass, funny somebody took the other s away and spelled it Christmas. There are more self killings at Christmass than any other time of the year. We changed the spelling say it is in his name and spend ourselves broke every year what is wrong with this picture.?

Monday, November 16, 2009


There is turmoil going on in my life now and when this happens I think a lot as I was this morning while hunting ,about Jesus saying forgive your fellow man 70x7=490 small number relative speaking. Whether you are Athiest,Christan,Buddist,Taouest , or wiccan you must ask the question WHY!!!??? Why would a person of such knowledge about mankind and their souls say such a small number.? Perhaps the knowledge of the soul is the exact reason he used such a small number. Souls are eternal our bodies are not, could it be that if you bust your should forgiving some person like a toxic mother, father brother, sister ,uncle Jesus knowing that there are thing that go beyond the ability of people to forgive and do well with said such a low number. How does a child forgive the molester that took their virginity before their 6th birthday. How does someone for give the person that kills the whole family over Christmas and he or she could not be there for that Christmas . I think he is clearly saying that there is no negative problem for staying away from a toxic parent or sibling that keeps making your life hell on earth. There was in this a world a man named Niemoler who served as a admiral in the 1st World War so when Adolf Hitler invited him to serve in the 2nd World War he told Hitler to Go to hell. Hitler sent him to his fine resort for special people called Auschwitz where he vacationed for the war I think this German Naval officer knew something Hitler’s question was 491 Enough… My life experience with these people is they rape you(yes this is a correct definition a outrageous violation Collegiate Dictionary 10 addition) say as in you left a place close to where you wanted to live because no jobs there you are in a place with good job nice house little savings low and behold you get a letter telling you that there are now jobs here and you may come home. Well like many you pack up and move only to find out you were lied to by loved ones, they in their eyes are innocent of the damage done to you your family and your marriage or your finances. From my experiences these things are like a rock thrown in a pond the waves go forth again and again and again you are raped over and over by this act. Someone makes something for you to your order but they tell you just tell them what you want and they will make it for you and it will do what you desire. When you get there to pick the item up you are told that something you wanted on the item would not fit or work, you need this but wait till next week and we can get it your way or take it now as is (RAPE) you just got raped by a pushy know it all you will get what I think k is best for you. Now 7x70 only there is a limit to what man can my book every hour that you must get by with the car say that was supposed to be 4 wheel drive custom but the transfer case would not fit so you have two wheel drive or walk a week. You were tired of taking buses taxies and walking so you took it as was with a reduction in price. The car builder got his way and you got what he thinks you need (RAPED) every second you are stuck slide off of the road where you need 4 wheel drive is his doing if you kill someone because you needed and wanted 4 wheel drive for whatever reason he should be charged with vehicular man slauder. This is why I think Jesus said

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Earlier this day I visited a lady that I have dated on and off for about 2 years. She has cancer again and has been hurting for several days. I watched my mother in law die of cancer before her my grandfather and my father. I know that there are people that will not help themselves, this woman’s pain she is having is her body saying go back to the doctor.
I spoke to her younger sister about this and gave her my phone numbers if she should need anything or want a break and time away from this woman she agreed with me that this is the ladies last stand and she should go to the hospital. Been there and done that with my father he would just brag about how healthy he was till the morning he wiped and got a handful of blood, three weeks later he is dead. For those of you wondering yes I let it be known that I would go out with or date this younger sister. The dying lady is in her 50” I think the sister is well into adult hood 30’s or 4o’s. So we have three adults wall able to speak for themselves but this brother accost me in the house saying we will take her to the doctor if she needs it don’t be talking about that or Keri the granddaughter of the woman with cancer Keri is going bad. This man made it quite clear that he did not like my actions and words to his little sister.
I have hauled a big big television into this woman’s house and several pieces of furniture for her over the year. Here I am telling this pushy man I am her friend and he is making it quite clear he will fight for what he thinks should be. The woman with cancer has but to ask me and I will, the little sister has but say I am not into this I do not do this is not what I feel is good and I would do as ask this man did not need to do his bombastic bull part. One sentence since he did not know me at all what if I was the type of man that when he got into his car he just got his gun and shot this person to death and drove off there would be two funerals. People of his type cause all the problems in the world. Now his dying sister will not see me again and if his younger sister wanted to date was in love or just wished to take a walk in the country on my land, I will say NO because of his loose cannons ass. Should this lady live and want to marry me and I her NO because I wish to not run the risk of having to be killed or to kill to solve his problem which would be our problem. What if I was her husband family violence what if his baby sister and I were having a affair . What if I were the woman’s husband and she said to her baby sister take my husband to you because I will not be here long trouble trouble he and folks like him will not keep their business there’s and let everyone else keep their business to themselves unless they need

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

One old Heathen

My day today sucked, a overused term to be sure but it did. My 54 years here on this planet have been less than good. Seems when I was going to church and reading my Bible daily there was a phrase “Wow unto you Pharisees, Sadducees, and one other group I tell you it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorra on the day of Judgment than you.” My mother was Church of Christ and I was carried to church since my first droppings, I let a man named Tom a preacher come on my place and hunt free. How these two tie together is my mother shouted at me and called me stupid when I was memorizing my multiplication tables, Tom tore up a deer stand when he left cause we got cross ways. The way I see it my mother and Tom and the other two mentioned groups represent “God” “Jesus” it was said on “Boston Legal” by a character that Mark Twain said you go to heaven for the climate and hell for the company. Well seeing as how most of the “Christains,Preachers ,Elders,Deacons and such” that I have had contact with have done me wrong or hurt me and they are suppose to let Jesus and God shin through. Those tow are mean hatful son of a bitches and I do not want anything to do with them send me straight to hell is what I would thank from there representatives. Fortunately I have read the Bible but till today and the hell I am having it did not dawn on me what Jesus meant when he was saying what he said to the elders deacons preachers of his time, see in those towns he mentioned there was only whores,sluts ,child molestors,homosexuals, and other depraved minded people, to put that in modern language he is saying you preachers and others that misrepresent me will find yourselves worse off than those type of folks. Thank god for Jesus and I am going cause of his sacrifice to the good climate. One old heathen.